The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 194 There is a flaw in Liangtian

Chapter 194

Qin Ye looked back at the majesty of Luoyang City on the horizon.

That's where his dream started.

His first home was there.

There are many familiar people there.

A lot of things happened there that stuck with him.

Gone in obscurity today.

When you come back, it will make this majestic city tremble.

Qin Ye passed through the tiger prison in one day.

Looking at the land of Kanto from a distance, Qin Ye's heart fluttered, and he said:

The sunset in the Central Plains reflects the dusk,
The flags are trapped and leave the city.

Rui Shi crossed the mouth of the Yellow River,
The Cang Canghua is dusty from the north.

After listening to civil and military, morale was greatly boosted.


Five days later, Qin Ye crossed the Yellow River, mainly carrying a huge amount of money.

"My lord, the only difficulty our army has now is food and grass." Xun You said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. Although we don't have food and grass, we have a lot of property. The Wei County where Han Fu is located is rich, especially in Yecheng. The number of wealthy households is not lower than that of Luoyang. It is absolutely possible to buy food and grass."

Although he heard what Qin Ye said, what Xun You was worried about was the purchase of grain.

Sima Yi said: "My lord, I'm afraid that Han Fu will hinder our army from collecting food."

Qin Ye laughed and said: "It's okay, Han Fu is a cautious person. Although he is sitting in a rich place, he can't control the powerful local people. We have enough capital, so why worry about these people not selling?"

"Gongda, you can go ahead and tell Han Jizhou the purpose of our trip. I hope there will be no misunderstanding between the two parties. We are going to Jizhou to hunt for thieves. Gongming, you go together to protect Gongda's safety."


Xun You and Xu Huang set off and went to Daqian Station in Yecheng first.

Although Qin Ye was trapped in the camp with all the cavalry, the treasures he pulled were scary, so three days later, he saw the outline of Yecheng.

"My lord, there is news from behind. Cao Cao killed Liu Dai and captured Yanzhou!"

Zhang Liao at the back of the palace brought a shocking news.

Yanzhou is on the other side of the Yellow River, so the news came from Yanzhou very quickly.

"How did Cao Cao capture Yanzhou?"

You must know that Liu Dai, as the actual controller of Yanzhou, has much more troops than Cao Cao.How could it be possible that the news of the war did not come, and Yanzhou was swept away immediately.

So unscathed?
When Qin Ye was about to arrive in Yecheng, the detailed news came.

Liu Dai led the army to Luoyang to preside over the overall situation of the court.

At this time, Cao Cao came forward and accused Liu Dai of leading troops to besiege the court, and then captured Dongjun.

Liu Dai was shocked and hurried back to help.

However, in the process of returning, he was ambushed by Cao Cao.

Liu Dai was beheaded by Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao captured Liu Dai's soldiers and horses, and other places in Yanzhou spread the message, which shocked the Central Plains.

According to some rumors, Cao Cao instigated Liu Dai to lead troops into Beijing.It is said that Cao Cao praised Liu Dai for being the Duke of Zhou at that time.

Qin Ye can only say that Liu Dai is an idiot, Cao Cao asked you to be the Duke of Zhou, do you believe him?
However, Liu Dai didn't travel through the crowd, he didn't understand the situation, and he didn't understand the character of the characters from all walks of life.

Qin Ye felt that the world was really in chaos.

And the imperial court has become an excuse.

This excuse is for the court to seek thieves and seize Bingzhou.That excuse to attack the imperial court was destroyed.

Gongsun Zan also used the excuse to pacify Montenegro for the imperial court.

Now that everyone is tearing their faces apart, Qin Ye said that he will not be outdone.

Yecheng was within easy reach, and it was said that both Gongsun Zan and Han Fu were attacking the Black Mountain Army, but the progress of the battle was extremely slow, almost stalemate.

The Black Mountain Army set up its base camp in Xindu, Anping County, and on the Shisangu Road in Taihang Mountain, where it was free to enter and exit, and its front radiated to Handan and other places.


A group of soldiers and horses approached in the distance, and the flag was Han Fu's army.

"My lord, it's a good luck not to disgrace my life. Han Fu has agreed to our temporary camping outside Yecheng." Xun You and Xu Huang came back.

Xun You admired Qin Ye's judgment very much. Han Fu is a cautious person, which sounds nice, but he is actually timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

Han Fu sternly refused at first, but after Xun You argued hard, Han Fu agreed.

He also sent General Zhang Yun to receive Qin Ye.

Young Sima Yi's face darkened. Although Han Fu was afraid of Qin Ye's reputation and agreed to Qin Ye's camp, he obviously looked down on Qin Ye in his heart.After all, Qin Ye's status was only higher than Han Fu's. Han Fu didn't say that he came to meet him, but only sent a general.

Zhuge Liang sighed, "It's hard to live under the fence..."

Qin Ye restrained the soldiers and horses, and waited for Zhang Yun to approach.

After a while, the soldiers and horses on the opposite side also stopped far away, and a strong general came galloping with several horsemen.

The visitor is Zhang He, whose style name is Junyi, and is from Hejianmo.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was enlisted to participate in the suppression of the Yellow Turban Uprising, and later belonged to Jizhou Mu Han Fu as the army Sima.

Later, it was Yuan Shao's Hebei Sitingzhu, and then he followed Cao Cao. With his own ability, he finally became a famous general who shocked the world.

"General Qin." Zhang He gave a military salute on horseback.He knew Qin Ye during the battle at Hulao Pass.Afterwards, Qin Ye's achievements were as prestigious as thunder.

At this moment, not only Zhang He, but all his followers were in awe.

Everyone said he was a young man, but I didn't believe it at first, but it really...

This is the shadow of the famous tree of man.

"General Zhang doesn't need to be too polite." Qin Ye still admired this hero from Hebei, but regretted that he was entrusted to others by Han Fu in the past and Yuan Shao in the future.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhang He said, "My lord has already selected a place for General Qin to set up camp. I hope that General Qin's troops will not enter within twenty miles of Yecheng."

"The general will be stationed with the general at the end, but if there is anything to do, just give orders."

"Alright, I'll trouble General Zhang." Qin Ye smiled lightly, but he also knew that he was spying on him.Now living under the fence, there is not much freedom to speak of.

Seeing Qin Ye's quick agreement, Zhang He was relieved.

The atmosphere that followed was relaxed.

Zhang He is like the tour guide for later generations, leading Qin Ye forward.

Qin Ye and the others walked all the way, and they saw four places, thousands of miles away.It is the golden autumn season at this moment, and the farmland that can't be seen at a glance, the grain and wheat that have begun to turn from green to yellow, undulate in the breeze.The air is filled with the aroma of ears of corn.

Obviously, here is about to usher in a rare bumper harvest.

Zhuge Liang waved his fan and said, "This place is rich and rich, and has the foundation to dominate the world. It's a pity that Han Fu is not someone who can use this place."

Qin Ye and the others looked at the farmland that was about to harvest, their eyes were full of envy.

When will there be such a fertile land, when will you be able to see your own bountiful harvest?

At this moment, they, who have no tiles to cover their bodies and no ground to stand on, feel nothing but envy in their hearts.

Too greedy.

Qin Ye's eyes have always been attracted by the farmland that is about to harvest.I couldn't help but looked with the Supreme Eye, and a lot of information came immediately.

Once the flow of information passes through the brain, it remains like a deep memory.

After Qin Ye inspected it, his expression changed drastically.


Even this kind of flaw can be seen!
Qin Ye's mind was shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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