The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 195 The lord really knows how to joke

Chapter 195 The lord really knows how to joke
In the message sent by Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eye, it is clearly stated that in the near future, this fertile land with thousands of miles of harvest will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe.

That is - the plague of locusts.

Qin Ye was really startled.

You must know that in ancient times, locust plagues were the most feared, especially when a good harvest was about to occur. The most tragic thing is this.

Today, the farmers in the fields, regardless of men, women and children, are all smiling.But it won't be long, I'm afraid I want to cry but have no tears.

This is simply a reversal of God.

Now you are in heaven, and you will soon go to hell, and you will not even be given a process of adaptation.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The young Sima Yi observed Qin Ye's expression without warning, and was very puzzled.

At this time, Zhang Yun and others were leading the way, and there were no outsiders around.

Qin Ye took a deep breath and said nervously, "A big event is about to happen!"

Xun You, Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi suddenly felt chills down their backs.

What's the big deal?
Could it be that Han Fu is cheating?

To ambush and kill us!

"It's not what you think, but the locust plague is about to happen. The scale is huge and it will ravage the Jizhou area." Qin Ye said with a heartbeat.

Locust plague!

After a while, the faces of Xun You and the others turned pale.

The plague of locusts refers to the catastrophe caused by locusts.Once a locust plague occurs, a large number of locusts will devour the grain fields, completely destroying agricultural products, causing serious economic losses and even famine due to food shortages.

After the famine, the damage to the place was even worse.Large-scale riots and refugees everywhere.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was actually triggered by famine.

The locust plague is the most difficult to control, because it has the habit of living in groups and has a strong reproductive capacity.It is polyphagous, that is, it can eat many kinds of plants.Its flying ability is very strong, and its eggs are hidden deep in the ground, which is difficult to be destroyed.

There have been locust plagues in China's history, and the affected areas are mostly concentrated in the three provinces of Hebei, Henan, and Shandong.
According to the statistics of "History of Famine Relief", locust plagues occurred once every 8.8 years on average in the Qin and Han Dynasties, 3.5 years in the Song Dynasty, 1.6 years in the Yuan Dynasty, and 2.8 years in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Xun You's forehead was sweating, "If there is a locust plague, the price of food will definitely skyrocket. Moreover, in that case, it is impossible for someone to sell us food."

In fact, after seeing the bumper harvest in eastern Jizhou, they were very happy.

Therefore, during the bumper harvest season, grain prices are generally lower.Moreover, large families will worry about too much grain and it is difficult to store it, so they will sell grain on a large scale.

Qin Ye came here to harvest food, and a good harvest is definitely a good thing.

But if there is a plague of locusts, it will be completely the opposite.

Although the land here does not belong to Qinye, nor does the food belong to Qinye, but it is related to Qinye's life and death.

If there is no food, how can we fight?There is only one end, the land of the foundation is not found, but I am going to disappear.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi got off their horses, rushed into the nearby farmland like lightning, and disappeared into the one-meter-high millet.

After a while, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi each held a large piece of soil and came out suspiciously.

Xun You got off his horse in a hurry and ran over to check the clods that the two men had brought out.

The soldiers were all puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

What are they doing?
With your status and status, are you still playing with mud?Are you kidding me?
Qin Ye was very relieved, and felt that talented people were different from ordinary people.Knowing that there are certain omens for the occurrence of locust plagues, and checking the eggs in the ground is the most intuitive monitoring.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi threw dirt and clapped their hands.

The three returned to Qin Ye.

The three looked at each other, but did not detect any signs of a possible locust plague.

"My lord, why did you say that there will be a plague of locusts?" Sima Yi asked curiously.

How could Qin Ye not know their questioning mentality at the moment, looking at the endless farmland, "I didn't say that this is the origin of the locust plague. The locusts will come from other places."

"Where will it come from?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"I can't tell for a while." Qin Ye said.In fact, sometimes the Supreme Eye is not omnipotent. If Qin Ye sees the locust, he may be able to know where it came from.

The three of Xun You were shocked.

You must know that as Qin Ye's subordinates entrust important tasks and are deeply trusted military advisers, the three of them know everything about Qin Ye's subordinates.From the current point of view, the three of them can know everything that Qin Ye can know.

I thought I was negligent and missed some information, but I didn't expect that the lord didn't know.

I don't know, just say there is a plague of locusts?
Peng ~.

The young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi fell to the ground, and the middle-aged Xun You was also crumbling.



Are you kidding us?

If Qin Ye said that the three of them didn't observe thoroughly, and that there would be locusts originating here, the three of them would definitely weigh it up.But Qin Ye said that he flew over from a distance, who would believe him?

This is the same as in later generations, some people say that there will be a flood soon.Everyone must ask where the water comes from.It is from God, it is pure world, quickly build an ark to take refuge.

What the hell...

People have only one reaction.

Trembling, Xun You took out the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "My lord really knows how to joke."

"Hahahaha..." The young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi laughed.

"My lord's joke is too funny!"

"My lord has a sense of humor."

The two didn't laugh at Qin Ye, but really thought that the lord was telling a joke to adjust the current atmosphere.Apparently, the joke was a hit and everyone laughed.

Qinye Supreme's Dharma eyes flashed continuously, and things will never go wrong.But to say it is too shocking to the world.With a sad expression on his face, he believed in the rein, "The world laughs at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at the world for not being able to see through it. I don't see famine days for the people, and there is no grain and rice and tears fall on the fields."

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi stopped laughing immediately.

"Master, what is the state of the lord, he seems to think what he said is true!" The two of them were terrified.

Xun You was about to cry, as if they came to Yecheng, it could be said that they were living under the fence of others, and there would be fierce battles in the future.And the current state of the lord is really unreasonable...

The three chased after them.

My lord, your jokes are not funny at all.

Let's stop making trouble and live a good life, shall we?

They couldn't understand it at all, and the only explanation was that the lord's tendon was wrong.

And Qin Ye didn't talk too much about it, but he kept planning in his heart.


Qin Ye ordered Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and the others to set up camp. Seeing that it was still early, he took Xun Yu and the others to Yecheng to meet Han Fu.

Now the Black Mountain Army controls the central area of ​​Jizhou.

Qin Ye's purpose in coming to Jizhou was to seize a piece of land from the Black Mountain Army.

He has a huge amount of wealth to buy supplies, and after he has a territory, he can appease the people and recruit refugees.

And the only place around where you can get supplies is the bustling city of Ye.

Although Han Fu doesn't have much ability, but because of this, the aristocratic families in the west of Jizhou have a lot of supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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