The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 196 The Yuan Family's Business

Chapter 196 The Yuan Family's Business

Compared with the rest of the world, the prosperity of Yecheng was really rare in this period.

Here, during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the only important town in Jizhou that was not breached.

Even at this time, aristocratic families and scholars from the entire Northland have gathered here to settle here.

This further promoted the prosperity of Yecheng.

On the street, there are many shops and people are bustling with each other.The business fleet is full of traffic.

It can be said that the current Yecheng is already the largest economic and trade center in the entire Northland.

At this time.

A group of people swaggered out from a market in the south of the city.

A group of strong men surrounded a handsome young man and an elderly scribe.

"Second Young Master's grain purchase process is going very smoothly, the Lord will be very happy," said the scribe.

"It's thanks to Mr. Ziyuan's advice." The handsome young master was delighted.

However, the son suddenly showed displeasure, "It's just that the Zhen family still refuses to sell grain. You know, the Zhen family is a top merchant. If they bought grain from his family, it would be more than a dozen."

The scribe snorted coldly, "Second Young Master, I think that the head of the Zhen family, Zhen Yi, is old and cunning. He is waiting for a price. He wants to take the opportunity to hoard it and sell it at a higher price."

It turned out that this son was Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi, and Xu You, his adviser.

They came to Yecheng to buy grain and grass for a long time, bought a large amount of grain, and continued to buy.Moreover, they are still waiting for the autumn grain harvest to continue to purchase.

Now Yuan Shao has defeated Dong Zhuo's remaining subordinate Xu Rong in Bingzhou. Although Bingzhou has a large territory, the land is relatively barren.Yuan Shao sent them to Yecheng to collect grain, and the more grain they bought, the better.

With these grains, Yuan Shao was able to appease the people, recruit troops and buy horses, and store food for the army.

Xu You said with a smile: "Young Master, don't worry, Jidong is seeing a bumper harvest, and there will be times when old Zhen Yi will cry."

"That being said, if the Zhen family keeps hoarding goods, the food we can buy will be greatly reduced." Yuan Xi said worriedly.

This also makes sense. As the number one merchant in Jizhou, the Zhen family has tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land and over ten thousand tenants.The food they have mastered accounts for a huge proportion among the big clan in Jizhou.

It would be an excellent thing if the grain in the hands of the Zhen family could be purchased smoothly.

Therefore, Yuan Xi is going to continue to attack the Zhen family's grain.

"I heard that Zhen Yi has excellent food, so I will hold a banquet at Zhanghe Tower in the future to get close to him." Yuan Xi said.

"Huh? What a beautiful girl!"

Just as Xu You was about to speak, he saw Yuan Xi's eyes had straightened.

Looking along, I saw a girl walking out of a rouge shop.Although he got into the carriage very quickly, his beautiful face lit up the entire street in just an instant.

Especially the step taken when getting in the car, the slender legs are mouth-watering.And the towering place is infinitely yearning.

Xu You had countless girls, and he was sure that this girl was the only one he had ever seen in his life, both in terms of appearance and figure.

What is peerless elegance.

What is the allure of the city.

"I thought that the descriptions in the book were all exaggerated, but today I saw this woman, so I realized it was true." Yuan Xi muttered to himself, his eyes fixed.

Xu You's heart moved, and he waved his hand.

That is, when the carriage passed by Yuan Xi, the news came back.

Yuan Xi looked at the carriage going away, lost his mind, "You are really a lady from a famous family. If you have this girl to accompany you in this life, you will have no regrets."

Yuan Xi was astonished, and sighed again and again, "It's a pity, let alone staying together, even knowing each other once, there is no way."

At this time, Xu You had a smile in his eyes, "Second son, I have a plan. Not only can the son get acquainted with this girl, but also let her father be grateful and sell us supplies."

Yuan Xi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately bowed with great respect, and his breath became urgent, "If Mister is willing to teach Yuan Xi, I will never forget this kindness in my life."

Xu You was very satisfied with Yuan Xi's words, so he walked over and whispered.

Yuan Xi's spirit trembled immediately, and he tried to think of a clever plan.

"It's just that we can't use our own people, Second Young Master, don't worry, I'll go find someone who can be used."

So Xu You left with a few soldiers, while Yuan Xi was drooling as he followed the carriage, "Sir, I'd better hurry up, or I'll leave."

Xu You naturally knew that after a long time, the beauty went home, and when she got home, she didn't make any headway.

He is also very satisfied with his plan.

He looked around, anxious in his heart, and immediately went there to find help.

Suddenly, I saw that just beside a small alley on the corner of the street, a group of ruffian people were gambling.

These people fit the bill.

Time was tight and tasks were heavy, so Xu You walked over immediately.

This group of shabby households are all fierce and vicious. They are street bullies. When people come here, they always go around them.

Seeing someone approaching, he hastily closed the bet.Seeing that Xu You is not a member of the local government office, nor is he a powerful man in the city as he had imagined.Although Xu You's clothes are expensive and he should be a person with background, these shabby households are not afraid of being local snakes.

"Stay here, don't delay your fortune." One of the leaders shouted.

Xu You sneered, his insight into these shabby households.If it is not useful at this time, there will be no communication in a lifetime.

He looked at the gambling capital, and it was only two hundred big money in total, and said proudly: "I have a business, and if I do a good job, I can get a lot of money."

It is always a thousand dollars.

The dilapidated household suddenly became interested, "What business?"

"Well, this business..."

"Hey, why don't you gamble!"

At this time, Hong Zhongzhi's voice came from behind, planning Xu You's words.

Looking around from the dilapidated house, the ferocious look just now disappeared, and it looked like a dog seeing a tiger.

Xu You saw a big black man approaching, who was actually more than a head taller than him.As strong as an iron tower, with a tiger's back and waist, and a pair of iron halberds stuck in his waist.

Obviously, these street fighters have settled down and are very afraid of this big black man.

Xu You was even more satisfied with the image of the big black man. Seeing that he still had a weapon on his waist, which was more in line with his own conditions, he asked, "Do you want to do business?"

The shabby people are all interested in lucrative business, but know that the big black man is not easy to mess with.Therefore, although he really wanted to accept this business, he dared not say anything at the moment.

"Business? I don't do business." It was obvious that the big black man was not interested in doing business at all, and his eyes were only on the gambling tools held by the shabby.

Xu You's nose turned out of anger, and he waved his sleeves, "I have a lot of money."

"Usually money?" The big man was obviously stunned for a while, and he didn't seem to expect to have so much money.

He is very short of money now.

So I looked around, "What business?"

"Tell me your name first." Xu You asked.

(End of this chapter)

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