Chapter 198 Heroes
"Second Young Master, the person has been found. After a while, you will understand." Xu You said with a smile.

Yuan Xi was so happy that he saluted and said, "If you get something, it's all thanks to you."

Xu You stroked his beard, looking like a child can be taught.

All eyes were on the carriage.

Through the car window, the noble shadow is looming.

At this time, Qin Ye and his party, who had just entered the city, also came here.

"Yecheng is prosperous, it's not under Luoyang, it's really a good place."

Speaking of which, Qin Ye coveted this city very much.

However, this city is Han Fu's base camp, and more than [-] soldiers and horses are guarding here at any time.

Even Yuan Shao of the later generations wanted to seize this city, but he did not dare to attack it by force.

"Wei County is rich, enough to reach half of Jizhou, and the harvest has been bumper year after year, and this year is no exception." The young Zhuge Liang fanned his fan.

Qin Ye nodded and sighed, "Unfortunately, locust plagues are coming soon. There is also a rebellion by the Black Mountain Army. It is really troublesome for Jizhou now."

Xun You and the others' expressions froze.

My lord, let's stop talking about this invisible thing, this joke is not funny at all.

When Qin Ye said there was a plague of locusts, the martial arts under his command didn't believe it at all.Because there is no clue to confirm Qin Ye's guess, and Qin Ye said that the locusts flew from other places, but he couldn't tell where they came from.

Not believable at all.

Qin Ye saw a carriage coming from the opposite side, so he stopped the horse temporarily and prepared to 'meet the carriage'.


At this time, a big black man jumped out from nowhere.Holding two iron halberds in hand, he stopped in front of the carriage.

"I planted this mountain, and I drove this road. If you want to pass here, leave money to buy the road!"

The big black man let out a loud shout, and said solemnly.

Qin Ye was stunned, after all, what happened in front of him was too sudden and unbelievable.

I can't believe someone is robbing here.

You must know that robbery happens in remote places. You are robbing in the bustling city center. Excuse me, this big black man, are you okay?
You are still robbing alone, are you kidding?
The people on the street were all stunned for a moment.Time seemed to stop, except for the flying flies and a puppy running past, everyone turned into stone statues.

But immediately followed by roars of laughter.

Everyone also felt that this incident was too ridiculous, this big black man was really interesting.

For a while, everyone didn't believe that the big black man was a robber, and he should be here to make a joke.

The big black man suddenly became furious.

Nima, brother is here to rob Dao, you guys are not afraid at all.It's fine if you don't cooperate, but you still laugh at me?
When the big black veins appeared on his forehead, he waved the iron halberd in his hand.

Crack~ Peng!
The iron halberd hit the horse's head randomly, and the huge head of the horse was torn apart, and red and white things flew out.Many people's hair is dyed.

The common people on the street were like ducks whose necks were clamped, and their laughter stopped instantly.

Immediately afterwards, screams came, and the people fled in all directions.Many people even hid directly under the booth.


It was not a joke.

It's real robbery.

He dared to rob in the center of Ye City, he crazy?
Big Hei was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and when he stepped into the carriage, the driver and the two servants all ran away.After all, this big black man killed a horse with one iron halberd, which is not something ordinary people can resist.

The big black man laughed, opened the carriage, and saw a beautiful woman and a girl inside.The noble and glamorous woman immediately attracted the big black man.The big man in Hei shook his head, and then he came to his senses, pointing at the iron halberd, "Get out of the car and follow me."


The girl rolled her eyes and passed out.

The remaining cold beauty trembled with anger, and said coldly: "You... how dare you rob my car!"

Dian Wei didn't expect that this woman was not fainted by fright, and he immediately looked at her with admiration, "I don't dare to rob someone's car, you get down immediately."

The beauty finally panicked.

Not far away, Qin Ye frowned. He didn't expect it to be a robbery, but it looked like it was a robbery of money and sex.

There may be excusable reasons for such things as robbery in these years.Just like the Liangshan hero, he was also robbed.

But if you add robbery, then your character is very problematic.

Xu Huang and the others all had angry expressions on their faces. They were waiting for Qin Ye's order.

At this time.

"Shameless little thief, don't be presumptuous!"

Before Qin Ye had time to give the order, he saw a young man running out from the opposite side.Beautiful in appearance, gorgeous in clothes, and extraordinary in bearing.One can tell at a glance that he is a young master with a great background and a high status.

Qin Ye signaled everyone to be safe and not to be impatient, "This should be a capable disciple of an aristocratic family."

The reason he analyzed this was because facing a murderous person like Big Hei, if he was incapable, he would definitely not stand up.


For a moment, these two golden characters flashed in the minds of the people on the street.

This young man is Yuan Xi.

At this moment, Yuan Xi felt a kind of passion in his heart, and felt that Xu You was very good at handling affairs, and the actor he was looking for was very suitable for this role.

Dian Wei has already seen Xu You not far behind Yuan Xi.

Xu You winked for a while.

Dian Wei also knew that the son in front of him was the one who hired him.

In fact, Dian Wei is full of contempt in his heart, but he is helpless when a penny can't beat a hero.

If he didn't know that Yuan Xi came here to save the beauty and not hurt others, he would never accept this kind of business.

Dian Wei really had nothing to say to Yuan Xi.

Then let's play.

Dian Wei rushed over and kicked in the air.

Yuan Xi felt an irresistible force coming.

While everyone was stunned, Yuan Xifei went out, faster than when he ran out.

Peng ~.

Yuan Xi landed on the ground, kept rolling, and bowed like a shrimp again.

Everyone was in turmoil.


How about you, hero?
At your level, do you dare to show off?

Is there anything wrong with his head?
The people were really shocked.

Qin Ye was also taken aback.

He thought that this young man must have two brushes, but he didn't expect to be solved with just one kick.

Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and the others grew their mouths, and their eyeballs almost popped out.

Xu You smoked it at that time.

God!Have you hit an employer like this?

The situation at this moment on the scene, if someone just came.I must think that it was the young man who molested a woman from a good family and was beaten to the ground by a strong man.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders..." Qin Ye sighed, "However, this young man has a good heart, and he dares to do what is right."

It seems that although this young man has no ability, Qin Ye still agrees with his spirit.Such a good young man, how could Qin Ye sit back and watch him being beaten by thieves, so he intentionally helped him.

At this time, a girl walked out of the carriage, full of worry, and said to leave the carriage, but the big black man looked over, and she had to retreat.

Although it just passed by in a flash, it was out of tune with the surroundings, and it has already amazed the people who saw it.

Who is this noble young lady?Even Qin Ye, the man who stayed with Diao Chan, couldn't help being moved.

(End of this chapter)

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