Chapter 199
"It's Miss Zhen Mi, Zhen Mi!"

Zhen Mi is a famous lady in Yecheng. The name Qingcheng has long been rumored, and anyone who recognizes her is shouting out at this moment.

It seems that although this big black man is reckless, he has good eyesight in choosing a partner.

At this moment, Dian Wei couldn't get up for a while after seeing Yuan Xizhong kick him.

It was very embarrassing.

Scratching his head, he said: "I only used five points of strength, and you can't do it. I didn't expect it, I'm sorry."

The eyes of the surrounding crowd popped out when they heard it.


He even apologized!
Is he a robber?

Yuan Xi slowed down just now, and almost twitched when he heard the words.At this time, I really wanted to cry without tears. Is there anyone like you who is an actor?You really hit it.

You still have five cents?
Fortunately, Dian Wei only used five percent of his strength, otherwise, Yuan Xi would have died with all his bones broken.

But even if it is only five points, it is not something Yuan Xi can bear.

Five points?
One must know that the kick just now kicked Yuan Xi's hundred catties for five or six meters.

Qin Ye was a little surprised. If he only used five points of strength, then this big black man was really born with supernatural power.

"Gongming, go up and help."

Qin Ye felt that even Gao Shun might not have such strength, it would be safer for Xu Huang to go up.

At this time, the people brought by Yuan Xi were very angry.

They asked Dian Wei to act in a play, but fortunately, he almost killed the leading actor with one move, so why is he playing a supporting role like this?

Xu You was even more furious, but he didn't dare to make a sound, and silently waved his fists and feet.

Dian Wei nodded for a while, which means I understand.

So he winked at Yuan Xi for a while.

I don't know that you are so careless, come again, I will cooperate with you.

After Yuan Xi got this look, although he wished to order Dian Wei to be killed, he still had to hold back when he thought of the noble beauty.But he had already figured it out, after the incident, he would definitely send someone to kill the big black man.

Yuan Xi's whole body seemed to be falling apart, and his movements were very slow.

When he got up, Xu Huang had already entered the arena.

"Thief, kneel down and be bound, if not, don't blame Xu Huang for being ruthless." Xu Huang said proudly.

After these words, Dian Wei believed that Xu Huang should be someone from Yuan Xi's side who acted on his behalf.Although he made a mistake just now, but being bound like this, he expressed that he could not accept it.

Especially Xu Huang's contemptuous expression made Dian Wei even more dissatisfied.Since I can't beat your master, I'll take you to the knife.When your master comes up, it's not too late for me to feign defeat.

So, without saying a word, Dian Wei rushed over with an iron halberd in his hand.

When clang ~.

Xu Huang's sword was broken in two, and his expression changed.

"Hey, I told you to despise me, eat me first and then talk about other things."

Xu Huang didn't expect this big black man to be so powerful. The sword is a light weapon, and he suffered a dark loss immediately.After receiving the big ax thrown by Gao Shun, he fought with Dian Wei.

"Hey, you..."

In fact, Dian Wei still saved some strength, after all, he came to act, so he couldn't really fight.

But suddenly found that Xu Huang was about to be defeated.

"It seems that you are nothing more than that." Xu Huang was also secretly startled, he did not expect that he would be so powerful when he met a robber.If you don't do your best, you won't be able to take it down.

It is so difficult to deal with a robber, how will he work for the lord in the future.Thinking of this, Xu Huang inevitably became more excited, hoping to take down the big black guy immediately.

Qin Ye and the others were also very surprised.

How could they not know Xu Huang's martial arts.

Who can draw with Xu Huang, what kind of character is that?Even if Zhuge Liang and the others may not know people well, Qin Ye, as a traveler, definitely knows it well.

Who is this person?

Qin Ye thought carefully, looking at the pair of iron halberds, could it be....

He suddenly felt tense, if it was really Dian Wei, then he really found a treasure.

As for why Dian Wei appeared here, Qin Ye did not delve into it.After all, since he repelled the eighteenth princes, the trend of history will definitely change.

"Haha, good skills, I, Dianwei, haven't met an opponent like you for a long time. Look at the halberd!"

With the rise of Dian Wei's fight, he immediately forgot about acting.

It seems that an opponent like Xu Huang is really rare, and Dian Wei doesn't want to lose.

Dian Wei began to do everything he could.

After several tricks.

Xun You and the others were stunned, because they found that Xu Huang had already fallen into a disadvantage, and it seemed impossible to win this robbery.

Who is Xu Huang, who can't beat a robbery.

May I ask this robber, who the hell are you?
It really is Dian Wei!
Qin Ye can be sure of this skill.He was overjoyed, no way, this treasure is definitely in his hands.Although Dian Wei's ability to lead the army may be inferior, he is definitely a close master of the lord.

"Hey, you. Come down quickly and let me go!"

Yuan Xi at this time was really anxious.

He was waiting to become a close expert of a beautiful woman, so why did he come out and interrupt him.

I've already arranged everything, and I don't need you at all, you know?
Including Qin Ye, everyone on the street was shocked when they heard Yuan Xi's words.

Is your bravery too much?

It's clear that you can't take a single move, it's fine if you don't say dodge, it's fine if you don't say go up to help the punch, but you actually want someone to come down and you go on the field alone.

Aren't you looking for death?
Could it be that the kick just now, the brain that has been kicked is not working anymore?
And Xu Huang, who was ordered to take down this tribulation, naturally wouldn't leave the stage just because of Yuan Xi's words.

At this moment, Yuan Xi didn't expect things to turn out like this, and he was completely at a loss.He hurried to see Xu You, and Xu You immediately expressed that he was also helpless.After all, things are arranged in advance, so you can't mess around now. If the arrangement is exposed, it will be ashamed and thrown to the whole world.

Yuan Xi probably also wanted to understand this point, so he gritted his teeth and went up by himself.

Peng ~.

Yuan Xi was kicked and flew out again.

But this time, Dian Wei was really merciful, "Here, can you wait for a while, I'll call you after I finish cleaning up this person."

Dian Wei didn't know how to tell his employer about this, anyway, he wanted to win against Xu Huang.

Although Yuan Xi could get up quickly this time, he was already crying in his heart.

What's going on with Nima.

Everything has been arranged, why did it suddenly become like this.

And let no one live.

However, since the arrangement could not be exposed, Yuan Xi could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

After a few more tricks.

"Okay, your martial arts are good, but you are still not my opponent."

Dian Wei's pair of iron halberds was fierce, but Xu Huang was completely at a disadvantage, and it seemed that he was about to lose.

"Gao Shun, go up and help." Qin Ye waved.


Gao Shun entered the battle group.

At this time, Yuan Xi and the others came to Qin Ye's side.But since Yuan Xi and Xu You didn't know Qin Ye, they thought that Qin Ye should be someone with a background.

Since Yuan Xi couldn't tell the arrangement, Yuan Xi was more worried at the moment.

I am afraid that the opponent will rob the opportunity of being a hero to save the beauty.

But he soon discovered that even Xu Huang and Gao Shun could not defeat Dian Wei.

Yuan Xi was delighted.

Looking at the clothes of the people around Qin Ye, he knew that there were no warriors for Qin Ye to dispatch.Doesn't it mean that after Dian Wei defeated these two people, wouldn't he go up and defeat Dian Wei to demonstrate his courage and ability?

After a while, Qin Ye found that Xu Huang and Gao Shun could not defeat Dian Wei.

He had no choice but to get off his horse and walk over, saying: "You two stand back, I will fight him a few tricks."

Xu Huang and Gao Shun were very ashamed, that the lord needed to take action for a robbery, really... there is no way to talk about it.

When Yuan Xi saw this situation, his eyes popped out?
One must know that Qin Ye gave people the impression that he was a gorgeously dressed rich son.Instead of having a muscular back and waist, he looked like a scribe with no strength to restrain a chicken.

He's going to do a few tricks!

The common people were in an uproar, "Look at this big black guy, he is so strong, his physique is three to five times that of this young man. Neither of these two warriors can win. He is a thin young man, and he wants to go up and single out!"

"The two iron halberds in his hands are probably heavier than his weight."

"Look at the big black guy's arm, it's thicker than this boy's thigh."

It's like a little meaty bunny trying to challenge a strong wolf.

The natural gap cannot be made up with courage, okay?

Didn't he come out to be funny?
He didn't see what happened to his kind just now.

For the hero to save the beauty, this man really went all out, even crazier than that young man over there.In fact, the common people have also figured out some things themselves. It must be because of Zhen Mi in the carriage that these two young masters act so bravely.

In fact, there are many men around who are also eager to try, but seeing that Dian Wei is so powerful, they all give up on their own initiative.

After Yuan Xi got excited, he began to sneer in his heart.He dared to fight Dian Wei because of an arrangement.This ignorant boy, you didn't arrange it, and you came out to show off.That being the case, this son will fulfill you.At that time, not only will you not be able to leave a name in the hearts of beauties, but you will also be able to let people know your incompetence.

Therefore, Yuan Xi gestured to Dian Wei again and again, signaling Dian Wei to kill Qin Ye.

However, many people are wrong.

Qin Ye came out not for the beauty in the carriage.At first, it was very difficult for Xu Huang and Gao Shun to defeat Dian Wei.Secondly, Qin Ye came out with the intention of subduing Dian Wei.

When everyone was shocked, Dian Wei was also taken aback.

"Are you with this person?" Dian Wei asked Qin Ye, pointing to Yuan Xi.

"No." Qin Ye said.

Looking at the calm Qin Ye, Dian Wei couldn't calm down anymore, he felt humiliated.

When will any doll be able to challenge him?
In Dian Wei's eyes, the young Qin Ye is just a baby.

It's not that he looks down on Qin Ye, he really looks down on him.

It's not that Dian Wei didn't think that Qin Ye might have a certain force, but he was very confident in himself.Besides, he is a doll, even if he started practicing from the womb, how many years can he practice?
On the contrary, he saw a lot of young masters like Qin Ye who were overconfident, and killed a lot of them.

At this time, a horse neighed suddenly.

The carriage was a luxurious double carriage, now one of them died, and the other was suddenly frightened.When galloping out, even the dead companions were mobilized.

Immediately afterwards was the girl's exclamation. Qin Ye looked over and found that even facing such a danger, she was so noble without losing her temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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