The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 201 He is definitely not human

Chapter 201 He is definitely not human
It seems that this young man is either arrogant and ignorant, or he is dazzled by beauty.

But has he ever thought that after rushing up so stupidly, he was defeated.I'm afraid that in this life, I have lost the opportunity to pursue beauty.

Zhen Mi in the carriage also looked at all this and shook her head repeatedly.She was full of disappointment towards Qin Ye, and she was just another playboy who was greedy for her own beauty and fawning on her.

No one is optimistic about Qin Ye.

Under such circumstances, Qin Ye avoided Dianwei's halberd with his extraordinary eyesight, and cut into the closest range.

Everyone was taken aback.

But it was soon relieved.

"Even if he can get close, what's the use? Dian Wei is so powerful that he only needs to hit him. This strength is absolutely no worse than hitting him with an iron halberd."

"With Dianwei's physique of holding back a horse and carrying a cart, this young man might be smashed to pieces."

"However, I really didn't expect that this young man could escape Dian Wei's slaying halberd. But that's all."

Since he has a certain skill, facing a giant like Dian Wei, he should roam and attack.But he chooses to fight head-on?
While everyone was surprised, they were even more disdainful.Just a reckless dandy.

And Dian Wei also thought similarly to the people around him. At this moment, he saw that Qin Ye's hands stretched out were half a foot below his chest.He knew that Qin Ye's hands would be broken if he just hit it by himself, and he might not be able to keep his arms.

You must know that Dian Wei's strength is so great that no one has ever dared to fight him in close quarters.

Even a general of Xu Huang's level would not dare, how dare he, a thin and weak boy?
Too arrogant.

Wake him up today.

Therefore, Dian Wei didn't stop, instead, he accelerated and hit the past, intentionally crippling Qin Ye's hand.

Qin Ye has the supreme golden light to increase his physical fitness, reaching the level of natural divine power.He intends to make meritorious deeds with one move, so as to frighten Dianwei, so that he can subdue him, but he doesn't want to hurt Dianwei.And Dian Wei's power is boundless, rushing at high speed, the power of a thousand pounds is not to mention.So Qin Ye planned to get close, first to neutralize Dian Wei's impact, and then to use further moves.

At this moment, Dian Wei bumped over with his strong chest, hitting him right in the chest.

The collision between the two was in an instant.

Some people around couldn't help but closed their eyes, they really didn't dare to watch the broken bones.But he pricked up his ears, waiting to hear that one or several crisp sounds.

Peng ~.

There was a loud noise, and the faces of the people who closed their eyes turned pale in an instant.I didn't dare to open my eyes to see it for the first time. With such a big movement, the boy must be dead, and we will lose if he is still angry.

When people opened their eyes, they were dumbfounded.

I saw Dian Wei's huge body already inlaid on the wooden shell of the carriage.

Everything in front of me was too scary.


What the hell just happened!
Why did Dian Wei fly out, but this young man was in good health, seeing how he was so calm, he was not hurt at all by Dian Wei's rhinoceros-like impact?
It's just too unbelievable.

The people who closed their eyes just now really regretted that they didn't see what happened.

However, Xu You, Yuan Xi and others were completely petrified as a wooden chicken.

Just now, they thought that Qin Ye would be knocked out.But the moment Qin Ye grabbed Dian Wei's collar with both hands, he turned around and let go, Dian Wei flew out.

Defeating Dian Wei so easily?
This is not true!
Yuan Xi grabbed his hair violently, he couldn't comprehend what he saw at all.

Dian Wei, with your tyrannical impact, Xiong Hu would be smashed to pieces, just like that, and even thrown out.

Are you here to tease us?
The corner of Xu You's mouth was twitching all the time.His eyesight is infinitely stronger than Yuan Xi's.As far as Dian Wei's martial prowess is definitely above Yan Liang and Wen Chou.One move and you're defeated.This young man, what is your background?You are a little too good, you know that?
Can there be such a boy in the world?Xu You's three views were completely subverted.

In fact, it is not only Xu You who has been subverted.

Even Dian Wei's own three views were overturned, and his eyes widened as he was embedded in the carriage.Although he was not injured, he just looked at Qin Ye motionlessly.Completely looks like a hell.

Xu Huang smiled slightly, "My lord's trick is really perfect."

"As far as Dian Wei's strength just now is concerned, the strength of bears and tigers is also incomparable. I'm afraid it is still higher than Lu Bu. He must think that no one can stop melee combat, but he never imagined the ability of the lord."

Gao Shun sighed: "Actually, even if we know the theory of this trick, we can't achieve such an effect without the master's vision and composure. Maybe it will have the opposite effect."

"I, Xun You, am so lucky to be able to follow the lord." Xun You looked at the calm young man in the field. Looking back at the time, he didn't believe that a young man could have any abilities at all.But the ability displayed by this young man is unmatched in his life.

Under the shocked and terrified eyes of everyone, Qin Ye slowly walked up to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei's widened eyes protruded visibly to the naked eye.

With a click.

The carriage was torn apart, and Dian Wei, which was originally inlaid on the shell of the carriage, fell off.

"Don't come here, don't come here!" Dian Wei panicked as if seeing a demon.He had already forgotten when was the last time he was beaten, as if he had never been beaten in his life.But today, he was terrified.

If a warrior like Xu Huang defeated him, he wouldn't show such panic.

And a handsome young man defeated him with one move.

This is horrible.

He is definitely not human!

He is the devil!

Dian Wei kicked his legs for a while, but stepped on sawdust and fell again.

Qin Ye was talking about taking the opportunity to subdue Dian Wei, when suddenly a faint fragrance came over his face.The Supreme Dharma Eye flashed continuously, and a lot of information came immediately.There are loopholes for grasping mountains, and loopholes for attacking valleys.

However, facing Zhen Mi, I'm afraid it can't be used.

As the carriage fell apart.

Zhen Mi was shaken out, and she supported herself on a soft and firm place with her hands.

Looking up, I saw that it was Qin Ye.

Zhen Mi's eyes widened. It turned out that he was not those self-righteous young masters. It turned out that he had such amazing skills.

Zhen Mi found that her hand was pushing on Qin Ye's chest, her face blushed, and she hastily withdrew her hand.

But she had forgotten that she was on a leaning carriage.As soon as the hand was retracted, with a coquettish cry, the whole body fell on Qin Ye's chest.

The corner of Qin Ye's mouth curled up.

Only at such a close distance can I understand how beautiful Zhen Ji has reached.Even a blind person will be stirred by the fragrance.

How to support the towering place, the A4 waist, Qin Ye has many choices, and he must make a choice as soon as possible.

There was silence all around, and everyone's eyes widened, ignoring Dian Wei's matter for a while.Just because, the posture of the golden boy and jade girl at this moment makes it impossible for people to think about anything else.

Only one person cried.

That is Yuan Xi.

All of this should have been done by him.He also designed everything.


Who can tell me what to do now!
The beauty's jade hands had already touched the young man's chest, and the entire upper body had already fallen into the young man's arms!
Yuan Xi felt that his consciousness was about to explode, and he grabbed his chest violently, everything turned out to be a wedding dress for someone else.

You can't hug her, you can't!

(End of this chapter)

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