The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202 Dian Wei Comes to Demand Account

Chapter 202 Dian Wei Comes to Demand Account

Qin Ye must make a choice as soon as possible.

He didn't know Zhen Mi at all, so he couldn't let Zhen Mi eat his tofu like this.

Moreover, Dian Wei next to him is the person Qin Ye cares most about at the moment.

He came forward purely to subdue Dian Wei, as for Zhen Mi's side, now it seems that it's just added value.

Qin Ye stretched out his hand.

Put it on Xiaoman's waist.

Immediately, I sighed in my heart. I used to hear people talking about A4 waist, but I didn't believe it.After all, he had never seen a beautiful woman with an A4 waist, but now, he believed it.

Squeezed, absolutely A4.

Qin Ye could grasp Xiaoman's waist with just one hand, but he still gently put Zhen Mi on the ground with both hands.

At this moment, Zhen Mi also knew that Qin Ye was saving her, so she did these actions.Flushed with embarrassment, he didn't dare to look up.

As Zhen Mi landed on the ground, the people around gasped, and all of them looked enviously.

But soon, this envious gaze brought a look of awe.

"You really can't judge by appearance. I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful."

"I'm ashamed to say that I thought he was arrogant. It turns out that he has this ability."

"This boy looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. He has such a skill. He is really talented."

"Look at the big black eyes, I'm afraid he hasn't reacted yet."

"Hehe, I'm afraid this big black man never expected the result to be like this."

People talked a lot, and there was no contempt or disdain for Qin Ye.

At this time, everyone looked at Yuan Xi one after another.

Shaking his head suddenly, his eyes were full of regret and neglect.

You must know that it was Yuan Xi who acted bravely in the first place.

Now it seems that there are indeed people who are arrogant, but it is not Qin Ye, but Yuan Xi.

"Look, he's not capable, but he still stands out. Look at his red and swollen face, if it wasn't for this young man, he might have been beaten to death.

"There is no comparison between people. I hope this son can learn a lesson. It is right to act bravely, but please do what you can, so as not to burden those who can save people."

"What kind of bravery, don't slander the bravery, okay? Is he acting bravely? Look at his expression now, he is completely a dude who was robbed of the opportunity to pick up girls."

"After what you said, I can see something."

Under the discussion of people around, Xu You and the others felt their faces were hot, as if they had been whipped.If there is a seam in front of you, you will definitely go in without hesitation.

Why is Second Young Master's eyes so red, is he going crazy!
At this moment, Yuan Xi's thinking has burst.

He actually hugged it!
The one in your kind of action?
Yuan Xi is crying, you can hug it, how dare you still move!

In fact, if you are a bystander, you won't care about these at all.But you must know that Yuan Xi came prepared.His position will never be that of an ordinary bystander.

And following people's discussion, he also knew that this was originally his highlight moment, but it turned out to be his embarrassing moment.

The face was swollen.

"Thank you for this son's help." Qin Ye didn't know Yuan Xi's identity at the moment, and he admired Yuan Xi's brave deeds.

Yuan Xi's appearance was distorted immediately, and he was burning with anger.

What is your expression?As if I were your enemy?
Qin Ye frowned, thoughtful, and ignored Yuan Xi.

"Come here..."

Yuan Xi couldn't keep shouting, so he was led away by Xu You's commanding staff.

People shook their heads one after another, their demeanor and character were clear at a glance.

"Dianwei..." Qin Ye turned around.

It seemed that Dian Wei couldn't face Qin Ye at all at the moment.

"You are not human!" Dian Wei got up and ran.

Qin Ye didn't chase blindly, but signaled Xu Huang to send someone to keep an eye on Dian Wei.


"What are you holding me for!" Yuan Xi was very angry. He had never been so angry in his life.Moreover, no one can understand how angry he is.

Fortunately, Xu You has completely digested what happened just now, "Second Young Master, please calm down. That man is so skilled and has such a hero as his subordinate. He is definitely not an ordinary person. Don't act recklessly at this moment, so as not to spoil the Lord's acceptance." Food matters. Let’s retreat temporarily and ask for news.”

Only then did Yuan Xi regain his composure, but he was very unwilling to say: "What you said is true, but please teach me, it is not a gentleman not to take revenge."

Xu You nodded calmly, "Inquire about that person first, and then make a long-term plan."

At this time, a shadow blocked the sunlight in front of everyone.

When everyone looked up, their expressions changed.

The personal guards protected Yuan Xi.

Xu You's expression turned ugly, "Dianwei, what are you doing here?"

Dian Wei stretched out a hand, "Bring the money."

Xu You's nose twisted suddenly.

Yuan Xi didn't care about consistent money at all, but he would never give a penny at this moment.This is a matter of face, not money, he said angrily, "You still have the face to ask for money?"

Dian Wei was a little embarrassed, but immediately grimaced, "I don't care, I've done my job, and you have to pay the bill."

Yuan Xi, who was a little calm just now, became furious, "Come here, send this robber to the government!"

Xu You was terrified when he heard the words, and it seemed that the second son had been dazzled.As far as Dian Wei's skill is concerned, they must be the ones who suffer the most.

But at this moment, Dian Wei's face became more gloomy, "I hate people who cross rivers and destroy bridges the most."

"A strong man calm down!" Xu You stood in front of Yuan Xi and said sincerely: "A strong man, you must be reasonable and well-founded. We did have an agreement before, but you have also seen that the agreed thing has not been completed. You force it like this Asking for it, if it spreads out, won’t it be laughed at by brothers in the Jianghu?”

"This..." Dian Wei was a little confused.

Xu You looked at his words and said further: "You have also seen that we have suffered a big loss. We didn't want to embarrass the strong man, and we didn't complain about the strong man. Why is the strong man so aggressive?"

"This..." Dian Wei scratched his head.Looking at Yuan Xi's bruised nose and swollen face, he has indeed suffered a loss, and he is also responsible.He is so generous, it seems that he really shouldn't come to find him.

Xu You took the opportunity to take Yuan Xi away.

Dian Wei thought about it, turned around and returned to the scene of the incident.

"So it's Miss Zhen's family, I'm sorry." At this time, Qin Ye was officially getting acquainted with Zhen Mi.

"The general saved my concubine, I am very grateful." Zhen Mi saluted.

Qin Ye smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, it's just a little effort."

Zhen Mi looked over and knew that with Zhen Ji's beauty, there was no shortage of suitors around her.And among those suitors, there are many talented people.But he felt that Qin Ye was different from those people.It seemed that her beauty did not attract Qin Ye's attention too much, which made her a little annoyed.

Knowing that Zhen's house was not on the way, Qin Ye planned to ask Gao Shun to send Zhen Mi home.

He really didn't expect to be able to get acquainted with Zhen Ji, who has been famous for thousands of years.


Suddenly there was a sound not far away.

Everyone looked around and saw Dian Wei coming back.

Everyone was inconceivable, why didn't this person run away quickly, why did he come back again?

(End of this chapter)

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