The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 203 Brother, Who Are You?

Chapter 203 Brother, Who Are You?
Under everyone's shocked, puzzled, and contemptuous gazes, Dian Wei looked like a schoolboy who made a mistake.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality, and said coldly: "Why do you look at me like this, you ruined my good deed first!"

These words hit everyone's heart like a bolt from the blue.

People staggered.

what? What?Broke your good deed?

Big brother, your big and thick body is full of meat, why don't you grow it in your brain?

It's a good thing that you come to robbery?Are you kidding me?

People simply cannot accept it.

Qin Ye came out. In fact, he was very optimistic about Dian Wei, and wanted to receive it in the bowl as a confidant.

But this confidant, what you said will make the lord feel ashamed in the future.

Could it be that due to changes in history, Dian Wei's experience has also undergone drastic changes, which made him change his mind?Become a bad person?

But looking at Dian Wei's embarrassment just now, it's not the reaction a bad guy should have.

"Dian Wei, how can you talk like that, why is it a good thing that you came here to rob the Tao?" Qin Ye taught.

"This... this...." Dian Wei was speechless.

A penny beats a hero, and Dian Wei, who was desperately short of money, went all out, "That son of a bitch just now, he agreed to let me rob, and he will be a hero to save the beauty, and he will give me money as a reward..."

Before the words fell, the crowd was in turmoil.


It turned out to be like this!

Only then did they know that Yuan Xi hired Dian Wei to do these things, but they still don't know Yuan Xi's identity.But thinking of Yuan Xi's gorgeous clothes, he should be the son of a big family.Thinking of Zhen Mi's good name again, I naturally understood everything in my heart.

Zhen Mi's face turned pale, and only then did she understand why there was such an indiscriminate disaster, and she immediately gritted her silver teeth.

Qin Ye was relieved instead. After all, if Dian Wei came to rob Dao subjectively, he still chose a woman to rob Dao, and this character could not be saved.

"Why did you help that person?" Qin Ye asked.

"I'm short of money." Dian Wei said truthfully.

A penny beats a hero. Qin Ye didn't believe it before, but now he does.

"You want to give me money." Dian Wei buzzed.

Everyone's eyes widened, and it was almost impossible to believe that Dian Wei would say such a thing.

"Why?" Qin Ye asked in surprise.

Dian Wei scratched his head, "It's all about saving the beauty anyway, he failed. If you saved it, of course you paid for it!"

Rao Qinye's Supreme Dharma Eye was in his body, and he staggered for a while when he heard the words.

Zhuge Liang and the others were in an uproar.

I have seen someone asking for money, but I have never seen someone asking for money like this.

What kind of nonsense is this?

This big black brother, thank you for thinking it out!

"I will never give you a penny!" Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan anxiously, this big black man is too shameless, you are ashamed to say it!Are you crazy?
Everyone glared at Dian Wei.

Dian Wei was already very embarrassed, and became angry from embarrassment, and pulled out his twin iron halberds.

Zhuge Liang and the others were inevitably nervous, but they soon became less nervous.Although the big black guy is very powerful, even Xu Huang and the others can't beat him, but fortunately, there is a master here.

"You do this kind of business?" The young Zhuge Liang scolded.

The young Sima Yi said coldly: "Seeing that you are also a man, what can you do wrong?"

"This..." Although Dian Wei was ashamed, he knew that he had gone too far, so he didn't do anything out of embarrassment.

Qin Ye signaled everyone not to be impatient, and said to Dian Wei: "You have such skills, and you are also a good man. I think you do this kind of business out of helplessness. You must need money, right?"

Dian Wei's heart warmed, and he nodded sharply.

"How much did the man pay you?"


"It turned out to be consistent." Qin Ye nodded, feeling very sad.They all say not to bow down for five buckets of rice, but that is because they have not encountered any real difficulties.

Always money!

Consistent money is not a small expense for ordinary wealthy households.

The people around were thinking, no wonder this big black man was willing to rob his way, this is not a small sum.Hearing how much money this person asked, it seemed like he wanted to help the big black man, but after hearing this amount, he didn't know whether he would still help.

"Will you give it or not!" Dian Wei said in a serious tone.In fact, he didn't believe Qin Ye would give him money at all.

However, Yiguanqian is not worth mentioning to Qin Ye now.As far as he copied from Meiwu, it was more than tens of millions.

"Give him ten punctures." Qin Ye said lightly.

The people watching around were shaken for a while, but they didn't expect not only to give it, but also not only to give it, but to do it ten times.People immediately envied that if they had these ten strings, the whole family would live without worries and words for ten or eight years.

"You..., if you are willing to give it to me, give me back ten guan!" Dian Wei's hairs stood on end.You must know that he didn't have any hope at all, but deep in his heart, there was another kind of misty expectation.Now that it has come true, there is turmoil within the Five Kingdoms.

"I, Qin Ye, like to make friends with heroes. Since you are in trouble, how can you not help me?" Qin Ye said.

"No one has ever given me money, it's still so much money..." Dian Wei was very excited.

However, Xun You and the others were very puzzled.

There is no need to give him a penny at all, but return ten pennies.

Although Qin Ye has a lot of money, Xun You is like an iron rooster.You must know that Qin Ye has no place to stand up to now.Even if you have a foundation in the future, you must invest money first.Appease the people, accept the refugees, reclaim the land, and recruit the army.

Which one does not require money?

Especially to equip the army, horses, and weapons, all of which are huge sums of money.

Regardless of the amount of money now, it will be gone by then.

Qin Ye took out a piece of gold horseshoe, which was enough for ten pieces.When Dian Wei threw it to catch it, his hand sank obviously.

The people around were shocked, and their envious and jealous eyes all stayed on the golden gold.They have never seen such a large piece of gold in their life.

And Qin Ye came to Yecheng to collect grain, and the copper coins he brought were too heavy, so he brought gold and silver.Moreover, the rich and powerful families do business with gold and silver.Historically, the princes rewarded their subordinates with gold and silver, which is evident.

Zhuge Liang and the others looked at each other, since the lord gave it, then give it.Anyway, it's only ten pennies, not much after all.

Holding the gold, Dian Wei suspected it was in a dream, his eyes gradually became awed, and he was overwhelmed by Qin Ye's demeanor.He bowed, "Thank you, big brother, for your help."

"No problem." Qin Ye said.

Looking at the indifferent Qin Ye, the common people all looked at him with admiration.

"Dian Wei has a merciless request." Dian Wei said shamelessly.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Can you give me another hundred guan?"

Before Dian Wei could finish his sentence, the crowd watching around fell into shock.

Did I hear wrong?
One hundred strings!


Are you still not satisfied?You still want a hundred strings!

The masses were stunned, what a sum of one hundred pennies, most people would not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime.

"This man is simply crazy!"

"He doesn't even look at his status?"

"Does he think that people give him money because he is afraid of him?"

"He defeated him with one move, and giving him money is completely a moral support. He is good, but he asked for another hundred guan."

People are talking about it, and one hundred guan is also a lot of money for a big family.People also mentioned that Han Fu recruited a thousand soldiers the day before yesterday and only spent a hundred guan.Even those big families who have inherited it cannot just give one person a hundred strings.

As for Zhao Sanquan, who was forcing Dianwei to pay his debts, he had actually followed Dianwei secretly, so he was also shocked at this moment.

A younger brother under his command asked, "Brother, will that young master give Dian Wei a hundred crowns?"

Zhao Sanquan shook his head affirmatively, "There are indeed some heroes in the Jianghu who are willing to donate money, but a hundred guan is not a small amount. No matter how righteous this young man is, it is impossible to just give Dian Wei a hundred guan."

"I'm sure, this young master will be very angry, let alone a hundred guan, ten guan Dianwei is gone."

"Just wait and see..."

(End of this chapter)

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