Chapter 204
"Okay, I'll give you one hundred guan." Qin Ye said indifferently when he heard that Dian Wei still needed a hundred guan.

The crowd was waiting for Qin Ye to refuse, and Qin Ye became angry.

It never occurred to Qin Ye that he gave it so calmly and calmly without even thinking about it.

What the hell...

The matter was too much to predict, and all the people watching around fell to the ground.

Zhao Sanquan trembled all over, this is a hundred guan, big brother, you are the landlord after buying the land, and you just gave it to an irrelevant person?

No prodigal is as prodigal as you.

Brother, who are you?Why can't I find your name in the rivers and lakes!
The faces of Xun You and the others changed. This is a hundred guan, and a rich man stands on the ground.

Dang bang~
The iron halberd in Dian Wei's hand fell to the ground, even the person concerned didn't believe that Qin Ye would really give it to him.And when Dian Wei asked just now, it was just a random question.

As a cross-traveler, how could Qin Ye not know Dian Wei, not to mention one hundred guan, Qin Ye also gave one hundred thousand guan.

But he said: "I give you money not because what you say makes sense. It's because you are so capable, how can you do this kind of thing? After you have this money, think about the future and don't do this kind of thing again." Something happened."

Qin Ye asked Xu Huang to take out a piece of dog's head gold from the pocket on the horse, which was worth a hundred guan.

Xu Huang reluctantly gave it to Dian Wei, "My lord is very optimistic about you, I hope you will take care of yourself."

Xun You and the others calmed down for a while, seeing Dian Wei's skill just now, it is by no means easy, if he can subdue him, a hundred guan will not be in vain.

Dian Wei took the Goutoujin and looked at it in surprise.He glanced at Qin Ye quickly, picked up the iron halberd that fell on the ground, turned around and ran away.The speed was as fast as lightning, and it disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

The crowd was stunned by the move.

Just gone?
Not a word of thanks!

Nima, do you have to be so shameless?
I don't want any face at all.

The masses admired Qin Ye's generosity. They never expected that the people who got help were like this.

Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi have been completely petrified.

I thought Dian Wei would be grateful, so he could take the opportunity to subdue him.Presumably, after the lord reveals his identity, Dian Wei will definitely join him under the lord's prestige.After all, following Qin Ye to make contributions is definitely a hundred times better than wandering in the rivers and lakes.

But never expected that the ending would be unexpectedly brutal.

My lord, he ran away, what should I do!
Everyone looked at Qin Ye in this way.

Qin Ye didn't expect it to be like this, but as a traveler, his knowledge is definitely not comparable to that of Zhuge Liang and others.It seems that he has no intention of subduing someone like Dian Wei just by meeting him.So they continued to send people to watch Dian Wei secretly, and report everything.

"Gongming, take Miss Zhen's family home." Qin Ye ordered.

"The concubine's ability to solve this difficulty is all thanks to General Qin's bestowal, and I will definitely repay General Qin's kindness in the future." Zhen Mi said politely.

The crowd sighed at this moment, look at a girl, she knows how to repay her kindness better than the guy just now.

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring. How can I repay such a life-saving kindness?"

"I think it's better to make a promise with your body."

"Looking at this young master's temperament, he must be from a famous family, and he must be well-matched."

"Huh? What was she called just now? General Qin!"

"Could it be that he is Qin Ye Qin Mengjie who killed the national traitor!"

Sima Yi came out and said, "That's right, my master is right."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly. It would be a good time to reveal his identity at this time.

Sure enough, the masses adore him even more.

"It is said that General Qin loved the people like a son, and in order to destroy the country's thieves, he did not hesitate to destroy his reputation and surrender to the thieves. This is how he tried his best and finally killed Dong Zhuo."

"It seems that the rumors are true."

The crowd saluted.

Even Zhao Sanquan saluted, and then he couldn't wait to find Dianwei.

"Brother, then General Qin gave Dian Wei a hundred guan, isn't he out of his mind?"

Zhao San punched and kicked him, "You know what a fart. How can you measure what kind of character General Qin is? Such a big man, saving the heroes of the world is really a timely rain in the legend. He is just like Mr. Mengchang."

"It's a pity that I didn't get to know each other. If I were Dian Wei, I would have joined General Qin's command long ago and ushered in a new life. But Dian Wei is an idiot. I missed such a good opportunity."

Only then did his subordinates come to their senses, they all envied Dianwei and laughed at him.

Suddenly there was a silly laugh in front of him.

"That person really gave me a hundred guan. It seems that I Dianwei is really a lucky star today! Fortunately, I ran fast. I think that person must regret it!"

Zhao Sanquan shook his head again and again, and his opponent said: "You said that the number is not enough, but the person in front is really not enough."

Everyone immediately nodded their heads heavily. You are absolutely right.

Zhao Sanquan smiled, "Looks like today, our brother's auspiciousness shines brightly."

So everyone gathered around happily, praised Dianwei one after another, and left to the gambling house.


Qin Ye came to Han Fu's mansion in Ye City.

I saw soldiers standing everywhere around the mansion, and beside the gate, there was at least a thousand-man formation standing by.Looking at the equipment and the quality of the soldiers, you can tell that they are all elites.

When Han Fujun saw Qin Ye coming, he stared at the young man with wide-eyed eyes, gripped his weapon tightly, and was very nervous.

Xin Ping, Han Fu's counselor, had heard the news and waited here for a long time. When he saw Qin Ye and his party coming, he said calmly, "General Qin, I will report to my lord later."

Xun You and the others were a little taken aback, but they must know that Qin Ye's status in the imperial court was by no means inferior to Han Fu's.Han Fu actually just sent an officer here to meet him.

This is like an admiral visiting a foreign country, and a colonel is sent to receive him.

This silent slap in the face is really unacceptable.

Xun You and the others looked over dissatisfied.

Xin Ping didn't take it seriously, just stared at Qin Ye with a cold snort.

Qin Ye waved his hand and said lightly: "Go, Qin is waiting here."

The corner of Xin Ping's mouth turned up slightly, and he flung his sleeves and entered the house.

Fortunately, Qin Ye's civil and martial arts are all calm people, if not, he would have done it long ago.However, everyone was furious and filled with righteous indignation.

"There is no need to fight for the moment." Qin Ye said.

Looking at the calm protagonist, everyone gradually calmed down.But there is a force that arises spontaneously.

After a while, Xin Ping came out and said calmly, "My lord can see you already."

Qin Ye moved, but was blocked.

Xin Ping smiled and said: "My lord has rules here, you can't bring weapons in. Warriors are not allowed in."

"Han Jizhou really regrets his life." The young Sima Yi said coldly.

"Presumptuous!" Xin Ping yelled, and as soon as he waved his hand, Qin Ye and the others were surrounded by a large formation of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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