The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 205 How Majestic Jizhou Soldiers and Horses Are

Chapter 205 How Majestic Jizhou Soldiers and Horses Are

As a large formation of thousands of people surrounded them, the situation suddenly became overwhelming.

Qin Ye ignored him, took off his sword and handed it to Xun You, "Take my sword and restrain everyone."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the sharp swords and guns in front of him, he walked into the house facing Da Da.

The soldiers in front kept retreating and had to split up to let Qin Ye enter the house.

Xin Ping let out a cold snort, swept a glance at Xun You and the others, and walked into the mansion.

"If you have been exiled here, if my lord does not accept you, you will have no place to stay. You are still so arrogant, you really don't understand etiquette."

Following these words, Xun You's expression completely changed.

"If you can't bear it, you will make great plans." Xun Youyu said earnestly, looking at the angry crowd, he raised his sword.

At this time, Qin Ye was walking in Han Fu's mansion and found out.Not only were soldiers and horses lined up outside the mansion, but also in the mansion, on both sides of the Qingshi path, there were soldiers lined up.

These soldiers stood upright, and they turned out to be in full armor, which was really excellent.As Qin Ye came, although they looked ahead, they were actually paying attention to Qin Ye.

Many of these soldiers are veterans who survived Hulao Pass and have seen Qin Ye with their own eyes.

They had lingering fears about the First World War.At that time, the First World War was still passed down from generation to generation in Han Fu's army.

Who is Qin Ye?

At that time, with his own power, he chased and killed hundreds of thousands of princes and allied forces.

Those Jizhou soldiers who survived the massacre would wake up from their dreams by accident.

Qin Ye actually heard what Xin Ping said.

But he simply ignored it.

The two continued to walk forward.

Under the guidance of Xin Ping, Qin Ye walked into the meeting hall.

The conference hall is very grandly arranged. Inside the exquisite Boshan furnace, the curling green smoke rises up and spreads in the spacious hall.The faint fragrance that comes out is the smell of musk, which is very effective.But musk is expensive, and ordinary wealthy people can't afford it.

In the hall, sat a middle-aged man with a slightly fatter body.There is a majesty between the eyebrows, and it is obvious that he has been in a high position for a long time.And there were two teams of armored soldiers on both sides, wearing armor and holding knives, watching Qin Ye enter the hall, exuding a faint murderous aura.

"General Qin, welcome from afar!"

Qin Ye was already very close, and Han Fu just got up.

Qin Ye was fine, and the surrounding warriors calmly said: "Qin was ordered to attack the Black Mountain Army, so he came to Yecheng to disturb you."

Han Fu said with a smile: "The general was ordered by the court to go to Jizhong to hunt for thieves, why bother to say, it's serious."

Although Han Fu is a shepherd of Jizhou, he has been unable to command the entire Jizhou area.When he took office, the eastern part of Jizhou was controlled by Yuan Shao, and now it is controlled by Gongsun Zan.

In the central part of Jizhou, the Montenegrin Army is raging at this moment.

Now, he can only control the western part of Jizhou in essence.

Moreover, Gongsun Zan was still eyeing him.

It can be said that Han Fu faced pressure from both the Black Mountain Army and Gongsun Zan.

Now Qin Ye took the initiative to enter the war-torn area to suppress the rebellion.

After Han Fu convened a discussion with his subordinates, he thought it was beneficial to him.Knowing that the Black Mountain Army has now grown to more than one hundred thousand, Han Fu feels helpless.Since there is Qin Ye to attract attention and act as a shield, why not do it?Moreover, Qin Ye could also attract Gongsun Zan's attention.

Han Fu looked at the young man in front of him with contempt in his heart.The land in central Jizhong is fertile. You come here without a foothold. Do you think I don't know why you came here?

But you are too proud.Let alone whether you have enough money and food to support your army.The Black Mountain Army of more than [-] people has been raging for so many years, Yuan Benchu, Gongsun Zan and the others are helpless.You brought a mere thousand soldiers here, what can you do?
If it wasn't for Qin Ye's usefulness, Han Fu would have deported him long ago.

Although Qin Ye is well-known, at this moment, Han Fu's eyesight is not much different from that of those wandering bandits.

Han Fu also thought that if Qin Ye was defeated, he would have an excuse to annex his troops to strengthen his strength.

"I am also fighting against the Black Mountain Army. The bandits headed by Zhang Yan are very cunning and difficult to deal with. I am planning to wait for the bumper harvest before planning a large-scale attack. General Qin is here to beg for bandits. Where help is needed, but it's okay to say."

After the two parties were seated, Han Fu said with emotion.

Xin Ping nodded again and again, what he said was magnanimous and decent, far exceeding the generosity of ordinary princes.

Qin Ye nodded slightly. In fact, he knew that it was not good for Han Fu to attack the Black Mountain Army, and he could not find a chance for a decisive battle. Instead, the Black Mountain Army kept threatening the safety of the food road.

The current situation is not at all the tranquility before planning a large-scale attack.Instead, Han Fu switched from offensive to defensive, guarding the front lines in Zhending, Handan, and Qinghe, just to protect the safety of the core Wei County.Only then did the illusion of a peaceful world around Yecheng come into being, while in the war-torn areas, there were already dead bodies everywhere.

But there is one thing that Han Fu said is true, that is, there will be a bumper harvest soon.

Only Qin Ye knew that with the locust plague coming, this bumper harvest would turn into a famine.What Qinye needs to do is to buy as much grain as possible before then.I believe that in the context of a bumper harvest, those rich and powerful families will be happy to sell their surplus grain.

"Qin needs to buy some food and grass in Yecheng and recruit some soldiers."

"That's it..." Han Fu's face showed embarrassment.

Qin Ye didn't say a word for the time being, to see what Han Fu had to say.

After a period of silence.

Han Fu did not hold his breath after all, "The purchase of grain needs to be done by General Qin himself. To tell the truth, the second son of Duke Yuan is collecting grain in the city right now."

Speaking of this, he looked proud.In his opinion, people like Qin Ye and Yuan Shao are famous.But so what?Now one has no place to stand, and the other is in dire straits in Bingzhou.If it weren't for him, Han Fu, who was in Jizhou, there wouldn't even be a place to buy grain.

Qin Ye didn't expect Yuan Shao to come here to collect grain.The most taboo thing about doing business is the collision of two cars.

Han Fu followed closely and said: "As for recruiting troops, generals can go to 'Shiyi County' to recruit. However, my land in Jizhou is barren and requires a large number of people to cultivate. Therefore, the number cannot exceed 2000."

"2000 people? Good." Qin Ye didn't negotiate too much.As for why Han Fu said the number of two thousand, he was clear in his heart.

What Han Fu said was nothing more than an excuse. There are so many refugees in Jizhou now that they cannot settle down, which is Han Fu's biggest headache.In reality, Han Fu probably didn't want to see Qin Ye's troops increase too much.

He only wanted to see Qin Ye defend him against Gongsun Zan and the Black Mountain Army, not like seeing Qin Ye rise.

And Shiyi is in the northwest of Julu, east of Taihang Mountain, and Changshan County is the westernmost county of Jizhou, bordering on Bingzhou.In the words of later generations, it is the north-central part of Hebei.

What follows is some unnutritious polite talk.

Qin Ye had a lot of things to do, but he didn't want to waste time with Han Fu, so he got up and said goodbye.

And Han Fu has long wanted to see off the guests.

Seeing that Qin Ye was obedient, Han Fu personally sent him out of the conference hall.

Xin Ping noticed that Qin Ye was observing the soldiers in the courtyard, so he pointed out: "General Qin, do you think my soldiers and horses in Jizhou are strong?"

Qin Ye said calmly: "Han Gong's soldiers and horses are really Xionghu's divisions."

Xin commented on Ao Se, "General Qin deserves to be the leader of the army, with extraordinary eyesight..."

Xin Ping said polite words, unable to hide his complacency.Today, under Han Fu's command, whether it is military strength or money, it is second to none among the princes.Even Yuan Shao, from four generations and three princes, came to beg. You, Qin Mengjie, who has no background, are nothing.

"With such soldiers, why worry about protecting the country and the people." Qin Ye walked to a nearby soldier and patted his shoulder.

It was obvious that the soldier's face turned pale after swallowing in his throat.

Qin Ye was very dissatisfied and gave him a cold look.Why are you so pale?
Hearing this, Han Fu stood on the steps, "My Jizhou army has experienced hundreds of battles." He stroked his beard and looked down proudly, "General Qin, I will send you off soon." He did not go down the steps.

Suddenly, the soldier fell to the ground with a face like gold paper and passed out.

There was a commotion among the soldiers all around.

Han Fu's eyeballs popped out, and his complexion instantly turned into a pig's liver.Nima!Didn't you see your lord, I'm pretending?You didn't say cooperate, why did you faint?
You must know that Han Fu was still praising his soldiers just now, and this happened.

Qin Ye didn't pay attention at all, looking at the soldiers on both sides, "The soldiers and horses of Jizhou are so majestic, please leave."

Han Fudun felt hot on his face, as if he had been whipped.

Xin Ping was so weak that if there was a crack in the ground, he would have jumped into it immediately.

And Han Fu looked at the fainted soldier under the steps, and his lungs exploded with anger.

The elder Shi Gengwu who accompanied Han Fu and kept quiet all the time, sweated and said at this moment: "My lord, it may be due to being too nervous."

How could Han Fu not know that he had already ordered that if there was any change in Qin Ye, he would do it.Therefore, his soldiers knew that they were always ready to fight Qin Ye.

"Inform Zhang He to closely monitor every move of Qin Ye's army." Han Fu became furious and flung his sleeves away.

With Qin Ye's departure, all the soldiers here breathed a sigh of relief.Only then did I realize that the clothes under the armor were soaked through.

(End of this chapter)

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