The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 206 The Yuan family descendants have plans

Chapter 206 The Yuan family descendants have plans

Qin Ye left Han Fu's mansion and took the sword from Xun You.

As he walked down the steps, thousands of soldiers burst into waves.

Qin Ye and his party got on their horses and left.

Huh ~.

The Jizhou Army breathed a sigh of relief.

With the news from the house.

All comrades were stunned.

The soldiers outside were wiping their sweat, peering at each other, empathizing with each other.It seems that the brothers inside are more stressed.

"Pan Hu, from now on, strictly guard the four gates, send someone to watch Qin Ye, and report to me no matter what happens." Xin Ping said angrily.

Pan Hu is Pan Feng's brother of the same clan. He was originally a subordinate of Pan Feng.Han Fu had no one to use, so he was promoted.

Han Fu often told the gentry in Jizhou that Pan Hu, like his elder brother, had undue courage.


In the center of Yecheng, there is a mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu, which is grand but not luxurious, and its heritage is unmatched by ordinary people.

In the magnificent hall, there are many servants in the hall, standing quietly.

A majestic old man sat in the tea ceremony in the hall, and the utensils used were excellent, obviously this old man was of extraordinary status.

Under it stood two middle-aged men with imposing appearances.

"Qin Mengjie actually came to Jizhou and rescued your sister." The old man Zhen Yi said with a frown.

"Father, I heard that Qin Mengjie was ordered by the imperial court to come to Jizhou to attack the Black Mountain Army." Zhen Yao said
"Qin Mengjie just went to see Han Jizhou. According to the news from the State Shepherd's Mansion, Qin Ye came to Yecheng to buy grain." Zhen Yan said.

Zhen Yan is the second son of Zhen Yi, Zhen Yao is the third son, and Zhen Yi's eldest son died young.

The Zhen family has a pivotal position among merchants in Jizhou.Stamp your feet, and the business of the entire Northland will be in turmoil.

Zhen Yan laughed and said, "I didn't expect the imperial court to take care of Jizhou's affairs."

Zhen Yi was immediately dissatisfied, "Don't be distracted, do you think Qin Mengjie's coming to Jizhou is really an order from the imperial court?"

"Father, what do you mean is that Qin Mengjie wants to come to our Jizhou? He wants to take advantage of the chaos to make trouble!"

In fact, Zhen Yan also thought of this, but this incident was too amazing.We must know that today's Jizhou is a bit chaotic, but it is all the big forces of all parties playing games.Gongsun Zan in the east, with Liu Bei's assistance, already has the aura of the overlord of the North.

Although Han Fu is weaker, he has lived in Jizhou for a long time and has enough soldiers and food.

Even if the Montenegrin Army is dubbed bandits, it still has more than [-] troops.

Qin Mengjie brought 1000 people here, isn't this courting death?

Only then did Zhen Yi feel a little relieved for his son, "Although the world is in chaos today, there are people controlling it everywhere. If Qin Mengjie went to other places, he would be targeted instead. He came to Jizhou to respond to the chaos."

"This person was once famous all over the world, so he should not be underestimated. Now that the world is in trouble, my Zhen family has a big business, and I fear that the tree will attract the wind. All forces should not be offended, not to mention that Qin Mengjie has saved your sister's life. Zhen Yan, you personally Go there, I will invite General Qin at the Weihe Tower, and you go and set a date."


Qin Ye and his party came to the post station, which was the place Han Fu appointed Qin Ye to stay.

Everyone sat in the hall.

Qin Ye told everyone what happened to Han Fu.

Han Fu asked Qin Ye not to have more than 2000 troops, so he could only recruit [-] people to enrich the army.

Everyone naturally knows what the restriction of three thousand soldiers and horses means.

Then Qin Ye asked Xun You to announce the news of the grain purchase, and told everyone that Yuan Xi was also buying grain here.

Everyone has a melancholy look on their faces.

"Don't worry, Yuan Benchu ​​can't compare to us financially." Qin Ye comforted.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they knew that the huge wealth that Qin Ye brought out from Meiwu was by no means comparable to that of any prince.

However, my lord, do you know that we don't have any land, and we don't have any income channels.Although the money is huge, it costs a little less.

Moreover, the merchants here will definitely increase their prices when they hear that we are also here to collect grain.

Judging by the expression on the lord's face, he doesn't care at all about spending more money to collect food.

But this is a disadvantage after all.

Of course Qin Ye knew that he would suffer a lot, but he had other ideas.Therefore, no matter how much he spends, he will hit all the food here.

"Don't have bad thoughts, we will definitely not suffer, so let's call all merchants as soon as possible," Qin Ye said.

Xun You and the others suddenly widened their eyes.Surely we won't suffer?My lord, what nonsense are you talking about?

It seems that the protagonist should be smiling and comforting everyone.

Everyone thought, let's suffer a little bit, after all, we can't live without food.

Let's not continue to provoke the lord on this matter.

"My lord, we are not familiar with the merchants here, I'm afraid it will take some time to make arrangements." Xun You said.

At this time...

The guard came in, "My lord, the son of the Zhen family is asking to see you."

Ten minutes later, Zhen Yan left the station.

Qin Ye agreed to Zhen Yi's invitation and agreed to meet tomorrow at the Weihe Tower on the south bank of the Weihe River.

"The Zhen family is the leader of the merchants here. If we can establish a relationship with the Zhen family, it would be great for the Zhen family to meet with various merchants." Qin Ye said.

It seems that things are going well, everyone be safe.


on the other hand.

A large lumber factory in the north of the city.

This place is now rented by Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi inspected the grain in the warehouse, and then said to Xu You: "The convoy will arrive in two days, so we will transport this batch of grain back to Bingzhou, and we will continue to collect grain here."

Since a bumper harvest is about to come here, Yuan Xi will continue to buy grain here under such circumstances.

After a while, the spy sent by Yuan Xi to inquire about Qin Ye's news returned.

Only then did he know that the boy was Qin Ye.

Lu Bu couldn't even beat him, no wonder the big black guy couldn't.

Fortunately, Xu You had the foresight to hold him back. If he had fought Qin Ye at that time, he might not be able to come back now.

But Yuan Xi had some kind of unspeakable hatred, the hatred of taking his wife?
Although Zhen Mi is not his wife yet, she still has such thoughts.

At this time, two other news came.

The first news is that the Zhen family will host a banquet for Qin Ye at the Weihe Tower tomorrow.This news was not a secret. After Zhen Yan returned to the Zhen Mansion, everyone in the Zhen Manor knew about it.Since Yuan Xi was concerned about purchasing the Zhen family's food, the eyeliner arranged to report.

Another news came from the State Shepherd's Mansion that Qin Ye had come to Yecheng.He came to crusade against the Black Mountain Army, and he stayed here to buy military rations.

Yuan Xi expressed concern, and said to Xu You: "Qin Ye fished in troubled waters and became the benefactor of the Zhen family. And the Zhen family is the leader of the merchants in Jizhou. If we sell grain to Qin Ye because of this, the wind may be against us."

Xu You felt that the Second Young Master's worry was not unreasonable. You must know that many merchants are attached to the Zhen family.If the Zhen family sells grain to Qin Ye, these merchants will also sell grain, forming a chain trend.The more Qin Ye collects, the less he will collect, which is very unfavorable.

The noble figure flashed in Yuan Xi's mind, and he said: "After all, I also came forward at that time. I can't let Qin Ye enjoy this kindness alone. I should go too. Then come. As long as the Zhen family sells grain to Qin Ye, there will be no Don't sell it to me."

Xu You immediately looked at him with admiration, "That Dian Wei left in a hurry, outsiders would not know anything at all, what the Second Young Master said is absolutely true."

Yuan Xi thought, although Qin Ye took the lead at that time.But I have also helped out, so I can get acquainted with the beauty, so it cannot be said that there is no opportunity for development.

(End of this chapter)

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