The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 208 My Father Is Yuan Shao

Chapter 208 My Father Is Yuan Shao

Yuan Xi moved closer to Zhen Mi.

The closer the distance, the gradually lost mind.


There were many soldiers from the Zhen family around, so they stopped Yuan Xi.

You must know that a wealthy family like the Zhen family has a family whose size is comparable to that of an army, so as to ensure the safety of tens of thousands of hectares of land.

"Miss. I didn't expect to meet Miss here." Yuan Xi stopped and saluted like a gentleman, his heart pounding like a deer.

The family soldiers felt that this handsome young man should be an acquaintance of the lady, so they did not further expel him.

Zhen Mi turned around, and the moment she saw Yuan Xi, her face turned red immediately.

The family soldiers looked at each other, they had never seen such an expression on the young lady's face, and they immediately looked at Yuan Xi with admiration.

Yuan Xi's face was filled with joy, and he felt that it was the right time for him to come this time.It seemed that Zhen Mi remembered him.You can see that your face is flushed, you must be shy when you see your benefactor.

Girls in ancient times were generally like this, so it's no wonder Yuan Xi had such thoughts.

Zhen Mi hurried over.

Yuan Xi was overjoyed.

It seems that the beauty is quite proactive, and there is nothing better than this for him.

Yuan Xi hastily introduced himself. He has a very good background, and if he speaks out, it will definitely be beneficial to his future development.

"My name is Yuan Xi, my father Yuan Shao, the fourth generation..."

Suddenly, lush fingers flashed past in front of him.This made Yuan Xi unable to continue talking, his eyes followed the trick of the finger movement.

The stretched powder arm is really amazing charm.


The slap was resounding, leaving five marks on Yuan Xi's left cheek.

Yuan Xi covered his face at that time, so dazed that he didn't feel any pain for a while.

However, after a moment, Yuan Xi turned his head and lowered his face, his face was full of pain, his open mouth was crooked, and he let out a long and painful voice.

It turns out that slapping the face hurts so much.

For him, it was really the first time.

The soldiers' eyes widened.

Fifth Miss hit someone!

Nima!I am not wrong, right?

Yuan Xi spat out a mouthful of blood and said angrily, "You, you dare to hit me?"

The family soldiers immediately surrounded him, beating each one of them is your look.What happened to you?What is the identity of my young lady?Will hit you for no reason?You must be guilty.

"Why?" Looking at the angry Zhen Mi, Yuan Xi's anger disappeared, replaced by doubts, "I am your benefactor."

"You villain, do you think I don't know what you did that day?" Zhen Mi said coldly.

Originally, Yuan Xi had ghosts in his heart, but when he heard the sound, his legs and feet went limp.

My God!was found!

This matter was quite serious, and it was beyond Yuan Xi's expectation.Even Yuan Xi was petrified for a while.

"You villain, you still have the guts to appear in front of me. Someone, beat me up. Kill me."

The soldiers went up without hesitation.

You know, what kind of existence is the Zhen family?There are thousands of soldiers in the family, and Han Fu must be courteous when he sees them.It's a common thing to kill a lot of people.

It seemed that this man must have provoked the young lady.My lady is so noble, she never hits anyone.Since I want to beat you, I should beat you, and I deserve to be killed.

Yuan Xi got kicked and fell to the ground.

Not far away, the guards of Yuan's family were blown up.The second son was beaten, and even beaten by a woman. For hundreds of years, such a thing has never happened in the family.

Rush to the rescue.

Although there are not many people, fortunately, they are all elite.It was only then that Yuan Xi was rescued among the crowd.

"Stop chasing." Zhen Mi raised her brows upside down.

The servant stopped.

"Today, my father is hosting a banquet for General Qin. No one can reveal what happened here."


"He's Yuan Shao's son? Whoever you are." Zhen Mi washed her hands immediately.

Yuan Xi's face was swollen, and only then did he know that the matter had been discovered, so he had to knock out his teeth and swallow it himself.


Xu You was walking in the room when he saw Yuan Xi come back.

As soon as he asked about the outcome of the matter, he saw that Yuan Xi's left face was swollen, and in the fan-shaped purple area, there were livid fingerprints like a barrier.

Xu You was puzzled, knowing that Yuan Xi was going to see a beautiful woman, what kind of situation is this?
"Second Young Master, your face...why is it swollen?"

Yuan Xi felt guilty, "The ground...the ground slipped and fell."

Xu You frowned, said without saying anything, "Qin Mengjie came just now, and the second son needs to go to Zhen Yi's place as soon as possible."

Yuan Xi cried.

Now that this situation has passed, it doesn't matter if he is ashamed, it will also bring shame to the lintel of the fourth generation and the third prince. If he goes back to Yuan Shao, he will be skinned alive.

Under Xu You's constant urging, Yuan Xi had no choice but to tell the truth.

Xu You's eyes widened at that time, "What, what! You were beaten by Zhen Mi, and the matter was revealed!"

Your sister, are you kidding me here?
It sure looks like it's no joke.

Xu You's face became gloomy, and he never expected to be exposed.One must know that at Dian Wei's level, he would not have any communication with the Zhen family at all.

Xu You also began to worry.After all, this matter is messed up, and it will also involve the purchase of grain.Judging by Yuan Xi's level, if Yuan Shao stares at him when he goes back, he must be telling the truth.

He will also be implicated.

The only remedy is to hold on.The purchase of grain was successful, so that the merits and demerits were offset.

Yuan Xi covered his face, looking at Xu You who was circling around the room.

After a while, Xu You stopped and stared at the past, "Second Young Master, you go on."

"I'll go!" Yuan Xi was in a state of turmoil. He thought Xu You had a claim, but he didn't expect it to be such a substandard claim. "I'm going now, won't I continue to be ashamed?"

Xu You nodded, "Those who make big things don't care about small things. When Gaozu took an empty gift list to see Lu Gong, such embarrassing things were immediately exposed, but what happened in the end? Lu Gong also married Empress Lu to Gaozu. "

"You should follow suit."

Isn't this shameless?When Yuan Xi heard this, he almost slapped him.

Qin Wei said: "Master Xu, those people almost killed the Second Young Master just now!"

Xu You comforted: "Don't worry, as long as you show your identity, no one here in Han Fu will dare to touch us."

Yuan Xi also felt that the Four Generations and Three Masters signboard was safe in the men's gang, so he said sadly, "Sir, what's the point of my going here?"

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small things. This meeting is very important to Qin Ye." Xu Youyu said earnestly.

"Okay..." Yuan Xi already knew that he was going to disrupt the situation, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was ready to go all out, anyway, he had already become like this.The purpose of going here is to prevent Qin Ye from having a good life.


On the pavilion facing the river, the scenery is so elegant.

Four people sat in a circle, with extraordinary bearing, and there was an elegant scholar playing the piano next to him.

Apart from the main family, Zhen Yi and Qin Ye, the other two people beside him were handsome and dignified.

One is Hua Jia of Gaotang Huashi.

Fahrenheit is a prominent family today, and its inheritance can be traced back to Zhou Wu.During the Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasties, the development of the Hua surname reached its peak. Among them, the family of Gaotang in Pingyuan was the outstanding representative.

The other person is Qinghe Cui, Cui Mi.

The Cui family of Qinghe was one of the ministers of the state of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period. They lived in Qinghe County in the Western Han Dynasty and became a prominent family after the Eastern Han Dynasty.Among them, Cui Yan once voted for Cao Cao's family.During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the family status of the gentry was emphasized. In the northern Wei Dynasty, the Cui family was listed as a first-class surname. It was said that the Cui family still stood among the five surnames and seven surnames until the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

The maids and servants around did not dare to breathe.Looking at his master, they are all first-class figures, but in front of this young general, he is still cautious.

"General Qin is really a hero in this world, to be so young, to be honest, it's beyond my expectation." Cui Mi said with emotion.

Everyone talked for a while.

Zhen Yi finally got to the point, "Thanks to the general's rescue, the little girl was spared."

Qin Ye also took the opportunity to say: "Qin was ordered by the imperial court to go to Jizhong to fight against the bandits in Heishan, but the military rations are not much. I said that I came here to buy food, but I am not familiar with the place. If Mr. Zhen and the two gentlemen can recommend it, It could not be better."

"It's not difficult." Zhen Yi said with a smile.

Before the words fell, a voice came from under the pavilion.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Yuan Xi, my father, Yuan Shao, four generations and three fathers. I heard that Mr. Zhen is here, so I'm here to see you." After Yuan Xi finished speaking, his mouth hurt, and he felt that it was difficult to raise a girl and a villain.

(End of this chapter)

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