The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 209 Occupational Disease

Chapter 209 Occupational Disease

For Yuan Xi's sudden appearance, Zhen Yi and the others were somewhat taken aback.

They knew that Yuan Xi had already come to Yecheng for many days to buy grain for Yuan Shao.

Now Yuan Shao is almost in charge of Bingzhou, as well as the counties and counties of Hedong and Hanoi in the north of Sili.However, after Bingzhou experienced the destruction of the Xiongnu and Dong Zhuojun, the land was barren and the food shortage was huge.

The three of Zhen Yi stood up to welcome Yuan Xi.

Qin Ye sat comfortably, watching these people exchanging greetings.

Suddenly found Yuan Xi so familiar?Recalling it, I couldn't help laughing.It seemed that the second son of the Yuan family wanted a hero to save the beauty.It's a pity that if I didn't pay attention, I was taken the lead by myself.

However, Qin Ye looked at Yuan Xi with admiration for daring to appear here. Could it be that he didn't know that his affairs had been exposed?
"General Qin, my servant is Yuan Xi." Seeing that Qin Ye didn't get up to greet him, Yuan Xi felt displeased, but he still saluted.

However, in Zhen Yi's view, it was perfectly normal for Qin Ye not to welcome Yuan Xi.You must know that Qin Ye's current status and prestige are completely on the same level as Yuan Shao, and Yuan Xi is only a junior after all.

Instead, they called themselves to Yuan Xi and shook their heads again and again, Yuan Xi was still too proud.You must know that Qin Ye has saved the Yuan family's life, and he is on the same level as Yuan Shao.Although you, Yuan Xi, are older than Qin Ye, when it comes to the friendship between him and your Yuan family, you need to meet Qin Ye with the etiquette of a junior.

"Is your father okay in Bingzhou?" When Qin Ye asked this question, he already thought that Yuan Xi should have heard many things.Because he and Yuan Xi had never met, but Yuan Xi had already known him, and he could already explain many things.

Yuan Xi was as proud as a little rooster, "Thank you, General Qin, for your concern. My father has wiped out the remnants of Dong Zhuo in Bingzhou. Now he is on the list to calm the people and reorganize Bingzhou."

Qin Ye nodded. Speaking of which, Yuan Shao, a hero, should not be underestimated.Although he suffered from Gongsun Zan's cold arrow, it seems that his position in the world has been re-established now.

The background of four generations and three men is really tyrannical.Qin Ye was still a little jealous, but then he was relieved.

In fact, Qin Ye's development is not bad, his civil and martial arts are at their peak, and now there is only one place where he can use his fists.

Zhen Yi, as the host, invited Yuan Xi to the table.

In fact, if it wasn't for Yuan Xi's fourth generation and third father's background, Zhen Yi would have kicked him out directly.

"Today, the old man is hosting General Qin here to thank General Qin for his great kindness in helping my daughter. If it weren't for General Qin, my daughter would have been in trouble. Please come out, Zhen Mi, and thank General Qin."

What Zhen Yi said was half to Qin Ye and half to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi's complexion changed slightly.

a while.

Zhen Mi appeared under the pavilion, holding the hem of her skirt with both hands, and went up the steps.

The lotus grows every step of the way, and everyone is crazy about it.

"Natural beauty."

"Peerless elegance."

Cui Mi and Hua Yu looked at each other, they didn't expect that the daughter of the Zhen family was more beautiful than before, especially the noble and mature temperament, which was the most rare.It is said that the suitors have already crossed the threshold, and even the two of them have pleaded for the younger generation in the family.But Zhen Yi never agreed to anyone, it seems that he is still up for grabs.

Zhen Yi couldn't hide his complacency, he valued his youngest daughter the most, and taught her carefully since she was a child.Thinking about the future, he must carefully choose an in-law.You must choose carefully, and you must not make a blind move.And no matter how high his status is, he can't refuse his daughter, he still has this confidence.

But looking at Qin Ye's expression, he didn't seem too surprised, Zhen Yi couldn't help but look at him with admiration.No wonder he became famous at a young age, it's just that his composure is extraordinary.But why is this young man Yuan Xi unwilling to see my daughter's expression? Could it be that he is more magnanimous than Qin Ye?
Zhen Mi's mind was full of thoughts about whether her outfit today was attractive or not, and whether there was anything wrong.Will it get someone's attention.

Qinye Supreme's eyes flashed continuously, and A4's small waist was amazingly flawless.However, there are flaws in the upper circumference.A lot of information came from Fayan immediately, and various kneading techniques ensured that it can be "broken by hand".

Zhen Mi walked up to the pavilion, and when she saw Qin Ye, her expression became more calm and elegant.But seeing Yuan Xi, his expression inevitably changed.

Yuan Xi immediately had an urge to get up and run, and he almost couldn't hold back.

"Daughter, hurry up and thank General Qin." Zhen Yi said.

This kind of formal thanks can reflect the family style of the Zhen family, and it is also a formal acquaintance with Qin Ye.

Under everyone's attention, Zhen Mi walked up to Qin Ye, took the wine glass presented by the servant, and offered it up.

Qin Ye stood up and caught it, "You don't have to be so polite, it's just a matter of little effort."

Seeing Zhen Mi's gaze, he nodded and drank it down.

Zhen Mi's Fang felt a little dissatisfied, she found that there was nothing strange in Qin Ye's eyes when he looked at her.You must know that she dressed up a lot today, but she didn't get the desired result.

The unsuccessful counterattack made Zhen Mi almost lose her temperament.

She didn't know that Qin Ye's vision was different from others', and all he saw were flaws. During this time, he was almost becoming an occupational disease.

All he could see were flaws. If it was someone else, he would definitely be overjoyed, and would definitely be heading to a new peak in life because of this, but Qin Ye was almost bored to death.

If someone knows, I'm afraid he vomits three liters of blood.

Fortunately, most of them don't care about his affairs, so he doesn't have to bother.

There are still some loopholes, Qin Ye thought so when he looked at Zhen Mi.

Hua Ling and Cui Mi looked at each other, couldn't help being surprised, this young man's state of mind is really amazing.One must know that Zhen Mi's beauty is rare in the world, and a young man of Qin Ye's age must be a little strange.Not at all.

And if there is no comparison, there is no harm. Looking at Yuan Xi here, he has been nervous since Zhen Mi appeared.This must be because he is afraid of making mistakes in front of beauties, and it can be seen.

Zhen Yi nodded secretly, this son is extraordinary, while Yuan Xi beside him is very ordinary, but he still said: "Daughter, this is Yuan Xi, the second son of the Yuan family."

Zhen Mi's face turned pale immediately, she ignored Yuan Xi, and sat back beside Zhen Yi.

Yuan Xi was very embarrassed, but he was relieved, it seemed that Xu You was really powerful, and his analysis was right.On such occasions, Zhen Mi would never let go of the matter.

Instead, he became magnanimous and got up to salute.

Zhen Yi was embarrassed. Somehow her daughter went crazy and didn't give Yuan Xi any face.He hurriedly ordered the dishes to be passed on, and brought them over.


back kitchen.

The owner of Weihe Tower, and also the chef in charge of Weihe Tower, Shan Nong, did he cook for himself today.

This Shan Nong is very unusual in the culinary art world, it can be said that he has the status of four generations and three men in the culinary art world.He was originally in the Central Plains, but he came to Yecheng during the Yellow Turban Rebellion and built the Weihe Tower.

The big families in the north must come here for any important banquets, and they must order a dish.

But without a certain level of character, Shan Nong may not be willing to cook this dish.

And the main ingredients of this dish were transported from the seaside in an expedited six hundred miles.

"It's been a long time since I saw Master cook."

"Today, the Patriarch of the Zhen family invited General Qin to a banquet in person. I heard that Yuan Xi from the family of the fourth generation and the third prince is also here. Everyone is a great figure in the world, so Master cooks for himself."

"Fish playing with lotus, I can finally see Master making this dish again."

a while.

As the house is full of fragrance, today's most expensive dish is cooked.

The name is Qun Yu Xi Lian.

You must know that Shan Nong has already handed over all the dishes to his apprentices. Only this dish at the bottom of the box will probably not be taught to a certain apprentice until the day he is buried in the earth.

"Master has become even more proficient."

"One food material can be made into the shape of nine kinds of fish. This knife skill alone is enough to stand out in the world."

"Nine kinds, nine different flavors, all of which are the supreme delicacy in the world."

"Zhao Cheng, let's serve the food." Shan Nong walked away with his hands behind his back, and sighed when he went out and saw the Weihe River.Everyone in the world says that he uses one ingredient to make nine delicious dishes, which is unrivaled in the world.However, no one can really see the essence of his dish.

"A group of fish playing with lotus, when someone can taste my lotus, let me tell you my heart."

"It's so lonely..."

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, he left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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