The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 210 How Can You Be So Confident

Chapter 210 How Can You Be So Confident
On the elegant pavilion, six people attended.

The boy is handsome, the girl is noble, and the elder is imposing, all of them are extraordinary.

Or a toast, or a joke.

After Yuan Xi found out that he would not be exposed, he finally regained his composure as a descendant of the fourth generation and third son.Speaking of which, inheriting Yuan Shao's handsomeness is also a rare talent.

At this moment, Yuan Xi is thinking about how to tear down the stage.

There is no point in his coming here, the only thing he has to do is to tear down Qin Ye's platform.Both public and private are enemies, and dismantling the stage is the greatest benefit.

However, if this level of communication is to be dismantled, it needs to be invisible.In layman's terms, it means that the realm should be high.If the realm is low, not only will it not be able to dismantle others, but it will also appear to be vulgar.

"The main course is here."

Zhao Cheng, Shannong's big apprentice, and two waiters carefully carried a stretcher with gleaming silverware on the shelf.

When Qin Ye was in Luoyang, he also went to luxurious hotels and ate many feasts.But it was the first time to see such exquisite and luxurious utensils.

From this utensil alone, it can be seen that this dish is extraordinary.

Zhen Yixi said: "Only here can I eat this dish."

"But it's from the famous chef Shan Nong's Qun Yu Xi Lian?" Yuan Xi asked hastily.

Zhen Yi looked over with praise, "Not bad."

Yuan Xi couldn't help laughing, "If Mr. Sui Zhen wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to eat this dish."

Zhen Yi stroked his beard and smiled, you kid is quite knowledgeable.

Seeing Qin Ye's puzzled expression, Yuan Xi asked, "Does General Qin know Shan Nong?"

"It looks like it should be a famous chef, and this is the first time I've heard of it." Qin Ye said.

Seeing him shaking his head, Yuan Xi was delighted, "It's not just a famous chef, this Shan Nongfei is unusual, and he was given the title of chef god. One of his best dishes is this group of fish playing with lotus. The general has heard of this dish A group of fish playing with lotuses?"

Qin Ye said that he didn't know at all.

Yuan Xi was even more happy, "This dish is the most delicious in the world. I was lucky enough to taste it once with my father. It's hard to explain in words, and the general will know it once he tastes it."

The reason why Zhen Yi invited Qin Ye to eat here was because of this dish.When Zhen Yi and the others saw that Qin Ye didn't know this dish, they immediately felt very proud.

Zhao Cheng would most like to be here, listening to these heavyweight bosses praise his master.

Under Zhen Yi's signal, he carefully lifted the silver cover.Just glanced at it, then quickly backed away.I'm really afraid that I've seen too much, and I can't help showing an expression that I want to take a bite, that would be too embarrassing.

Amidst the rising mist, everyone finally saw the true face of this dish.

A group of fish playing with lotuses.

All kinds of fish, including carp, whitebait, sturgeon and crucian carp.

There is a lotus flower in the middle, and the flower should be made of custard.It is golden, like a golden lotus.With the addition of fishes of various colors, it has the momentum of a group of dragons playing with pearls.

It seems that the shape of the dragon should not be used, so the fish is used.

Qinye Supreme's Dharma eyes flashed repeatedly, and a lot of information came immediately.It can be seen that although this is a variety of fish, it only uses one kind of food material, and the shape made by the knife is not a real carp and sturgeon.

The key is that these shapes are exactly the same as real fish, and the scales are lifelike.Being able to make vivid shapes that look like real ones shows that this chef is extremely accomplished.

And even if it is placed on a large dining table in the distance, the aroma from it is already tempting.

No wonder Zhen Yi and the others praised him as the number one chef today, and he was given the title of Chef God.

Zhen Yi sighed: "It is only here that one can eat such a dish. Moreover, not everyone who comes here will make this dish. It is also thanks to General Qin's blessing."

Although he said so, looking at his appearance, he could tell that he was proud of this dish.

"General, do you know what material these fish are made of?" Yuan Xi came again.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled slightly.The reason why this dish is the most expensive, of course, is the taste, but there is another special feature, which is the ingredients.

Throughout the time the dish has become famous, no one has been able to identify what the ingredients are.

Even if he wanted to come to this General Qin, he would not know.

Although Zhen Yi and the others could see that Yuan Xi was targeting Qin Ye, they could also think why Yuan Xi was targeting Qin Ye.But as the owner of this place, who wouldn't want to have a long face?
Moreover, consciously or unconsciously, they were also happy to see Yuan Xi and Qin Ye confronting each other.You must know that these two people are here to collect food, and the two of them are tit for tat, which is what the seller wants to see the most.

It was also the first time for Zhen Mi to see this dish, and the group of fish on that plate was exactly like the real thing.If he hadn't realized that it was a dish, he would have thought it was a group of live fish on the plate.

When it comes to Zhen Mi's rich clothes and fine food, she has definitely eaten a lot of fish, but she has never seen such dishes.And according to Zhen Yi and the others, these nine kinds of fish are actually made from one ingredient.

It's amazing.

But what kind of ingredients, Zhen Mi didn't know at all.

In fact, Zhen Yi and the others didn't know about it at first, they only got to know it after asking Shan Nong.

"General Qin can have a taste first." Zhen Yi said with a smile.

So the servants each took a portion and presented it to everyone.

Yuan Xi was secretly happy, and was very satisfied with his performance just now.Even if this Qin Ye is famous all over the world, it is impossible for him to know what the ingredients of this dish are.

Qin Ye remained calm, but it seemed that someone was taking the opportunity to slap him in the face.

Why did that man want to slap him in the face, Qin Ye also had a good idea.

"But if you want to slap me in the face, you have to have the ability."

Qin Ye took a look with the Supreme Dharma Eye, and there was a lot of information immediately.He was also secretly shocked, on the one hand, the material was unexpected, and on the other hand, the Supreme Dharma Eye could even see the flaws in this.

It is indeed the Supreme Dharma Eye.

Qin Ye became more calm immediately, and said with a smile: "You don't need to taste it, but you can guess what the main ingredients of this dish are."

Everyone who couldn't help moving their chopsticks was taken aback when they heard the words.

There are tens of thousands of dishes in the world, and tens of thousands of ingredients.It was a famous chef who saw a brand new dish for the first time.Even in the case of tasting, there is no guarantee that 100% of the ingredients used will be tasted.

But Qin Ye said, you can know what the ingredients are without tasting them?
Zhao Cheng and the waiters couldn't hide their surprise.

They knew better than Zhen Yi and others. When Shan Nong first came here, many famous chefs from the north came to ask for advice. In fact, they came to challenge.In the confrontation with Song Gui, the most famous chef in the north, Shan Nong had no choice but to bring out a group of fish and lotus.

Sure enough, even after Song Gui ate up the dish, he couldn't identify the ingredients, so he could only bow down.And this dish became famous in the first battle, and spread all over the country.

A famous chef who ate all of them without recognizing it.

You are a teenager, you know the ingredients you use just by looking at them?
Everyone was really scared.

They also thought that Qin Ye might also be a master of cooking.But you must know that this dish is made into these nine fish shapes, and the texture, appearance and even smell of the ingredients will be completely changed.There are no clues for analysis at all. In this case, it is impossible to distinguish unless you take a bite.

Brother, are you kidding me?
Can you tell what the ingredients are just by looking at them?
Who does he think he is?

Everyone felt that Qin Ye had a certain guess and was very confident.

But can you really guess the ingredients used?
Zhao Cheng and the catering staff gradually changed from surprise to suspicion and disdain.

However, what they don't know is that there is no perfect thing in the world, but in front of Qinye Supreme Fa, it is full of flaws.

"Then, please tell me, General Qin, what are the ingredients of this dish?" Yuan Xi was full of confidence.Guess who wouldn't?When he tasted it for the first time, he guessed several ingredients, all of which were wrong.

He didn't believe that Qin Ye could guess the real ingredients correctly.It doesn't matter if you don't know, if you don't know, you still pretend to have good taste and talk nonsense.So I'm sorry, after this incident, you can't let the world know that you are a worthless layman.

And everyone did not believe that Qin Ye could guess correctly.

He is so confident!Zhen Mi's almond-shaped eyes widened, but she was extremely worried.It is good to have self-confidence, but blind self-confidence is not advisable, it will become a laughing stock.

 Thanks to Fat Elephant, Liaowu, and book friend 9433 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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