The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 211 We want to counterattack

Chapter 211 We want to counterattack
No one believed Qin Ye.

How to believe?
It's not a war.

You may still believe in war.

He hasn't even heard of it, relying on guesswork, can he guess right?
Give him a hundred chances, I'm afraid he won't be able to guess.

Zhen Yi and others thought so.

Zhen Yi and the others are all heavyweights in the Northland, and they always have a high profile wherever they go, but now they dare not have a high profile in front of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.In fact, I was very awkward in my heart, so I just took this opportunity to swell my face.

Therefore, I really hope to see Qin Ye deflated.

As for Yuan Xi and Yu Gong, he came to collect grain for Yuan Shao, and Qin Ye also came to collect grain, they were rivals.Yu Si had already slapped her face in front of Zhen Mi.Whatever you say, call back.

Zhen Yi and the others might be afraid of Qin Ye three points, but Yuan Xi's background is not afraid of Qin Ye at all.

"I didn't expect that squid was used as a food material. This knife skill is really amazing. Use the whiskers as the tail, and use the body to change the knife."

When Qin Ye said this, he was amazed in his heart.Squid can be made into the shapes of fish such as crucian carp and carp, which are lifelike. This knife skill is really invincible.


What kind of fish is squid?

Zhen Yi and the others looked at each other.

No one knows what fish squid is.

Zhen Yi and the others looked at the service staff of the Weihe Building. These people are engaged in catering, and they should know more about fish.

Unexpectedly, these people in the catering industry all shook their heads, expressing that they did not know what squid was.

"I've been working in the catering industry all my life. What kind of fish have I never seen? I've seen all the most unusual sharks, but I've never heard of squid." Zhao Cheng couldn't help but said.

"He must have been unable to figure it out and made it up."

Zhao Cheng is the big disciple of the God of Cooking and a famous chef of a generation. He has never heard of it, so there must be no such fish.

Everyone nodded for a while, and felt that it made sense.

This should be some kind of strategy of Qin Ye, he knew that he couldn't tell the real ingredients at all.He just made up an ingredient that no one else knew, so as to offset a certain situation.

Will it be like this?Zhen Mi didn't believe that Qin Ye would engage in such small tricks.

Yuan Xi smiled. Seeing everyone's questioning and disdainful eyes, as a spoiler, he felt that he had achieved his goal today. "The general has bad taste, don't talk nonsense if you don't know, this is not squid, it's soft fish."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed. It seems that although General Qin has both civil and military skills, his taste is really vulgar.

If the taste is too vulgar, it means that the nerds have become thicker, and this combination is also wonderful.

"Soft fish?" Qin Ye chuckled, "Squid, also known as squid, squid, and cuttlefish. It is a mollusc phylum, cephalopod subclass sheath subclass, ten-armed suborder, tube squid order, and eye-opening suborder animal. Body Conical, pale body color with light brown spots, large head, 10 tentacles in front, and triangular fins at the end of the tail, often swim in groups in the ocean at a depth of about 60 feet."

Mollusc phylum, cephalopod sheath subclass!


Nima, what is he talking about?

The level of knowledge of the ancient people was relatively narrow, and if they didn't understand these things, everyone was confused.

Qin Ye smiled and said: "It seems that what you said is a common name made up by yourself, and you don't know the scientific name yet."


common name!

You just made it up, you made up a squid.

He doesn't know how to pretend to know, that's the most vulgar.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Qin Ye calmly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know the name, the appearance of the ingredients will never go wrong."

They were laughing at Qin Ye's lack of quality just now, if according to what Qin Ye said, wouldn't they be worthless?
Zhen Mi covered her mouth and chuckled, but she was impressed in her heart.It sounds like Qin Ye will classify them into categories, and even say all the physical characteristics, so it should not be fake.

"What he said is true?" Yuan Xi stared at Zhao Cheng with wide eyes.He saw that Zhao Cheng was wearing a chef's costume, so he must be a senior member of the Weihe Building.

"This... is true." At this moment, Zhao Cheng looked at Qin Ye with fear.It's just because the young man spoke in too much detail. I've never heard anyone describe the soft fish so vividly.He also said that it is the ten-wrist general order, Guan squid eye, which is very profound when you hear it, and there must be considerable research.

"So it's called a squid, cuttlefish! We all look at Ruanruanhuhu, so we call it soft fish." Zhao Cheng was shocked, "Squid, it's too vivid. There is an ink sac in this fish, isn't it just an ink fountain! It's an elegant name."


After hearing these words, Zhen Yi's expressions became wonderful.

Originally, they were all highly popular people who had eaten delicacies from all over the world, and they wanted to search for Qin Ye who had never eaten it.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of others, he has become a layman.

Nima, do you want to play with people like this?

What he said was too detailed.

He did research on squid?

Qin Ye still explained the mollusk phylum, outline and purpose.Zhen Yi and the others are all cultural people, and they know it is a kind of knowledge as soon as they hear it.Coupled with the perfect description of body characteristics, it must be right.

It turns out Nima is called squid.

Must remember.

Ruan Ruan Hu Hu is called Ruan Yu, it's really vulgar and can't be too vulgar.

"How did General Qin know?" Zhen Yi asked awkwardly.

"It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books," Qin Ye said.

Looking at the indifferent Qin Ye, everyone pulled over.

"Everyone eat vegetables, eat vegetables..." Zhen Yi said hastily.He glared at his daughter next to him.Daughter, you are on the other side, your father and I have been slapped in the face, can you still laugh?And you Yuan Xi, you were slapped in the face, and you even caused this old man to eat scraper meat.

Yuan Xi swallowed a piece of meat, but it had no taste at all.Facing the dissatisfied gazes of Zhen Yi and the others, his face was hot, as if he had been whipped.

your sister!

Yuan Xi couldn't help himself.

"General Qin, how does this dish taste?" Zhen Yi wanted to get rid of the embarrassment just now, so he naturally wanted to make a fuss about inviting him to dinner.

"That's right, I've never eaten such a delicious dish." Qin Ye couldn't help but scooped up some custard with a spoon and swallowed it.This custard is the golden lotus in the dish.

Yuan Xi's eyes flashed, and he immediately asked: "I wonder which one is better among these nine-colored fish?"

Zhen Yi and the others looked at each other and knew that Yuan Xi was deliberately digging a hole for Qin Ye.This pit, which once deceived countless people, was completely derived from this dish.

There is a joke that has been circulating in the Weihe Tower. If you want to hit a person's food taste, ask him which fish is delicious among the fish playing with the lotus.Because of the nine fish species, each has its advantages and disadvantages, no matter which one is mentioned, it will become a minority and suffer the blow of the majority.

This also proves the status of this dish from the side.Each type has a large number of fans, eight to one, definitely not enough.

"This golden lotus custard is the essence of this dish." Qin Ye sighed and took another bite.

Looking at Qin Ye, who had endless aftertaste, Zhen Yi smiled, "The general is wrong this time, and the other eight are not bad at all, huh? What!"

Zhen Yi's face suddenly changed, and only then did he realize that Qin Ye definitely didn't say that a certain kind of fish was delicious.

Everyone changed their colors one after another, since this dish was created.People started arguing about which of the nine kinds of fish is the best, and no one ever said anything about custard,
He didn't say that the fish was delicious, but that the lotus custard was the best.

your sister.Do you know what kind of knife making these nine fishes are like?Each kind takes more than an hour, but you say that the egg custard is delicious after being beaten in a few minutes?

What are they doing so much trouble cooking nine kinds of fish?Enough support?
He must be full.

It's not as pretentious as you are, is it?

But soon everyone came to their senses, guessing about the ingredients just now.Everyone recognized it after being slapped in the face, but this time, they were gearing up for a counterattack.No product, they can't accept the evaluation of ordinary people, and they have to return it to this young man.

(End of this chapter)

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