The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 212 Hurry up and invite the chef

Chapter 212 Hurry up and invite the chef

After Yuan Xi heard Qin Ye's words, he laughed heartily without concealing his contempt, and finally there was no such hot feeling on his face.

He signaled everyone to pay attention to him, and said impatiently: "It seems that General Qin doesn't understand the charm of this dish at all. The essence of this dish is all in the nine-tailed fish. And the golden lotus is just an embellishment."

"This group of fish playing with lotuses is like two dragons playing with pearls. The general doesn't pay attention to gods like Shenlong, but pays attention to beads. It's too vulgar."

Everyone is in agreement.

Qin Ye couldn't understand it very much, "This is just a dish. The chef made the nine-tailed fish just for this golden lotus. Although I have never eaten it, you don't have to fool me like this."

Yuan Xi didn't expect Qin Ye to be stubborn.

Did you see everyone's expressions?

His sister, with this kind of thing, do you need to fool him?
Qin Ye said, "Then second son, where do you think this dish is delicious?"

Yuan Tan looked at the past coldly, "These nine-tailed fish have their own merits, and they have been arguing for many years, but they can't tell the difference. It can be seen that the chef's craftsmanship has reached this point. When it comes to General Qin, there is nothing about the essence of this dish, just talk about the fundamentals. Worthless egg custard. It's ridiculous that General Qin is so grandstanding."

Zhen Yi hastily hinted that Qin Ye was wrong, so don't insist on this kind of thing, the more you persist, the more embarrassing you will be.

Yuan Xi thought to himself, since he was so persistent, he would be really sorry for such an opportunity if he didn't beat him hard.

Moreover, the discord between Yuan Shao and Qin Ye is now known to the whole world.If he can beat Qin Ye here, he can show his face in front of his father when he goes back.

"Who are you here?" Yuan Xi asked Zhao Chengdao.

"Isn't he the master's first disciple?" Although Zhao Cheng knew that his status could not be compared with Yuan Xi's, he still had his pride as the first disciple of the God of Cooking.

This identity was just right for Yuan Xi, and he immediately instructed: "Since you are the chief disciple of the God of Cooking, then, you must know the essence of this dish, please explain it to General Qin."

Qin Ye looked at Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Cheng's status was inferior to Yuan Xi's and the others. He didn't dare to offend Qin Ye too much, so he said, "General, this is the first time I've heard that custard tastes better. Most customers say that fish is good. Maybe, General Excellent taste”

Obviously Zhao Cheng didn't believe it.

Great taste?

It is true that there is no taste.

What are you nodding?

Didn't you see that people said that because they didn't dare to offend you?

Yuan Xi mocked: "General Qin, have you heard what people said? There is no need to explain this matter anymore, right?"

"Are you really the great apprentice of God of Cooking?" Qin Ye expressed doubts about Zhao Cheng's identity.

"If it's fake!" Zhao Cheng patted his chest and said.

Qin Ye shook his head slightly, "It seems that God of Cooking has nothing more than that in picking his apprentices!"

what? What?He said it was not good for Master to pick on me!When Zhao Cheng heard it, he almost slapped him.

Although Zhao Cheng can't compare with his master, he is a well-known figure in the culinary world.To put it bluntly, if Master dies tomorrow, he will be the new God of Cooking.There is no better apprentice than him in the world, yet he is said to be a bad apprentice.

If Zhao Cheng is not a good apprentice, there will be no good apprentices in the world.Zhao Cheng still has this confidence.

The faces of the waiters around changed drastically.

How dare he comment on Zhao Cheng like that!
Zhao Cheng said angrily: "The general's words, I'm sorry I don't agree with the villain. Although the villain can't compare with the general, but in cooking, no one can compare to me except my master. The general is famous. It is really disappointing that the people of the world can evaluate villains so lightly."

In fact, Zhao Cheng has been as polite as possible, which means, but in terms of culinary skills, Qin Ye is not qualified to evaluate a famous chef like him.

"Your master certainly didn't teach you this dish." Qin Ye said lightly.

Zhao Cheng's expression froze, "I'm afraid the general doesn't even understand the rules of our culinary art world. This is my master's under-the-box craftsmanship. According to the rules, only at the end will the master choose to inherit it. And the successor may not necessarily be me. .”

"So, you don't know the true meaning of this dish at all. But it's understandable. After all, your master didn't pass it on to you." Qin Ye said.

Zhao Cheng's eyes were red, and his face was actually swollen from these words.In his capacity, he would be able to accept this evaluation. If he hadn't estimated Qin Ye's status, he would have drawn his knife and gone up there desperately.

"Okay, okay, since the general made such an evaluation, then the general must have understood the true meaning of it?" Zhao Cheng asked back, holding back his overwhelming anger.

"Forget it..." Qin Ye scooped up a spoonful of custard, "This custard has condensed nine flavors, it's definitely not comparable to the nine fish alone, even if they add up, it's not as good as this spoonful of custard."

Concentrated nine different flavors!

"Impossible. Why didn't we eat it!" Yuan Xi didn't believe it at all.

Qin Ye chuckled, "I'm not trying to hit you, since you can't believe it so much. I just have to say that such a delicacy can already be called the supreme..."

Everyone sneered, what else do you want to say?
"But if you don't have a certain taste, you can't taste it." Qin Ye changed the topic.

Co-authoring is that we have no taste?So I can't taste it!
Everyone is an elegant person who claims to be elegant, one guy has become a layman, how can he stand this.In the turmoil, he grabbed his hair.

your sister!That's how he judged us.

Not bad.

Qin Ye gave a very positive look.

Yuan Xi was the first to smoke. Originally, he wanted to prove that Qin Ye had no taste. He couldn't even tell whether it was delicious or not.Unexpectedly, after turning around and turning around, he turned out to be tasteless.

Everyone couldn't accept Qin Ye's point of view, and seeing Qin Ye's calm appearance, they really deserved to be beaten.They didn't dare to go up and beat them up, they really couldn't beat them, and their lungs exploded in anger.

They felt that it was really hard for a scholar to meet a soldier.

Therefore, they urgently need someone who can judge and restrain Qin Ye.

"That's Chef Shan Nong, come on." Yuan Xi got up and said angrily, "Who doesn't have good taste, you'll know immediately when Chef Chef comes!"

No taste, this is a very serious matter in a high-end circle like Zhen Yi's, people will not want to be friends with you.

Yuan Xi wanted to take this opportunity to slap his face, but he didn't expect that Qin Ye would be so stubborn that he wouldn't be afraid of boiling water, and he couldn't just say it out loud.Then, seeing the coffin will always cry.He just wanted to disrupt the situation, and at the same time, if Qin Ye could make a fool of himself, that would be the best.

"I'm thinking the same thing. My lords, I'll invite Master to come here later. Although my Master has a rule not to meet guests easily, after hearing General Qin's comments, I think he will definitely come. .” Zhao Cheng looked over with very dissatisfied eyes.

At this moment, in the heart of this famous chef in the north, he already has the absolute determination to throw Qin Ye off his horse even if he sacrifices his entire body.Not for anything else, just because this face can't just be swollen like this.

"You go." Qin Ye waved.

Seeing that Qin Ye was still so calm and confident, Zhao Cheng was furious.He still lets me go, does he know that when I come back, he has lost all face.

Zhao Cheng simply ran away.

Yuan Xi sneered and said, "Who has no taste, we will know later."

After a while, the chef came, and the truth will be revealed.After going through such a thing, let's see how this young man still hangs around in the circle.

Zhen Yi and the others shook their heads again and again, young man, let's stop pretending, in fact, if you don't pretend, you can be friends.

He also felt that Qin Ye was committing suicide at this moment.


Chef Shan Nong, leaning on a mat under a big tree by the river, holding a purple sand teapot, looking at the river flowing eastward.It should have been very leisurely, but the old face was completely lonely.

"Lonely, oh lonely!"

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. It is really lonely for such a master chef.


A call came from afar.

Shan Nong turned his head to look, and saw his big apprentice rushing over, he was very dissatisfied.With the great apprentice's current attainments, how could he be so frizzy?

"What? Master Zhen and the others have left? What's the reaction to the dishes?" Shan Nong asked.

"Master, they haven't left yet. That General Qin made an evaluation of Master's Qun Yu Xi Lian."

"Which fish does he say is delicious? As a young hero of General Qin, he will definitely say that the sturgeon is delicious." Shan Nong took a light joke. He has seen many important people in his life, "The sturgeon is fierce. , suitable for the taste of those who lead the army and fight."

"It's not a sturgeon." Zhao Cheng shook his head and said.

"That must be a catfish. That's me from Liaohe... Huh? What's your expression? Well, let me hear you tell me which fish it is."

Zhao Cheng took a deep breath and said heavily: "Master, he said that all the fish are not tasty, so he decided that the golden lotus made of egg custard is delicious. Isn't this nonsense..."


Shan Nong's face suddenly changed, and he let go of his hand. The teapot in his hand fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Zhao Cheng saw it in his eyes and thought in his heart.The egg custard is better than Jiutiaoyu, which seems to be a compliment at first glance.In fact, it was an invisible slap in the face, and it was the hardest kind.

This is like saying that glass is more precious than diamonds, and Nima can't talk like that.

You see, my master was shocked, the teapot fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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