Chapter 215

Zhen Yi left the Weihe Tower.

His complexion was very bad, and he said to his daughter Zhen Mi: "It turns out that the golden lotus custard is the best, it really opened my eyes."

At this time Cui Mi appeared, "Brother Zhen, this matter must be kept secret, and if they are invited to come another day, there will be a good show."

Zhen Yi nodded for a while.Today's loss cannot be taken for nothing, it has to be recovered from other people.

It's so cruel, it turns out that custard is what God of Cooking wants to make most, and the nine fish are just an accessory to convey the taste.

Who would have thought of this.

At first, I thought that the boy was pretending to be aggressive, but I didn't expect that Nima really has the ability.

It's no wonder that at such a young age, the gang of people in the imperial court made a fuss, young hero.

"Hey, the ship capsized in the gutter, and I hunted geese all day long, and now I was pecked by a young goose."

"Huh? My daughter, what's your expression? Your father is ashamed, and you look very happy?"

Zhen Yi is a little crazy, girl, are you attracted?

Zhen Yi is someone who has experienced it, so he found that a man who seems to be omnipotent, a man with a sense of mystery is really amazingly attractive.

"Girl, you must not fall in love with Qin Mengjie. This person is indeed capable, but he is in exile. Who knows what the future holds."

In Zhen Yi's view, Qin Ye must be friends, but Qin Ye is not enough to send his daughter.

"How could my daughter be attracted to him?" Zhen Mi said.

Zhen Yi heaved a sigh of relief, looking at his noble and elegant daughter, how much painstaking effort he had spent in cultivating it.In addition, her daughter's appearance is also impressive, and she will definitely be a queen in the future. How can an exiled kid be able to match her.

"That's fine."

As Zhen Mi got into the car, Zhen Yi was pulled aside by Cui Mi and Hua Ling instead.

"In my opinion, it is still necessary to gather merchants from the North to hold a grain trade fair." Cui Mi said about Qin Ye.

"Brother Cui's words are very suitable for me," Hua said.

"Then let's do this. Let's spread the news, and Yuan Xi will definitely come. At that time, the highest bidder will win." Zhen Yi said.

The three looked at each other and smiled.

They are very depressed about today's affairs.But it doesn't matter, they will immediately win a victory from other places.

Boy, just knowing how to taste food is not enough.If you want to gain a foothold in this world, it is useless to rely on your mouth, you also need to have brains and eyesight.

Seeing Qin Ye coming out, the three of them went to salute.

Zhen Yi said: "General, we will contact all merchants immediately, and the general will just wait for the good news."

"Then thank you very much." Qin Ye returned the courtesy.

The servants of the three families around sighed. Although this young man is a hero, Jiang is still old and spicy.He will be sold by my master, and I have to thank my master.

Everyone is even more in awe of their masters. How have the masters ever suffered a disadvantage in their lives?Hundreds of years of inheritance are definitely not comparable to young people.

"There will be a bumper harvest soon. From this point of view, the master is going to make a lot of money every day."

These servants have watched the masters do things for many years, and know a lot of tricks.The lords held a business meeting, and they must have united to raise food prices.It is really a powerful operation to make money every day and replenish the grain after a bumper harvest.


a day later.

A magnificent street-facing loft in the center of Yecheng.

This is the seat of the Northern Merchants Association.

Throughout the ages, merchants have been organized.

Especially at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the power of the clan began to reach its peak.Aristocrats and noble families from all over the world have very close friendships.They often join hands to fight against the imperial court, advancing together and retreating together.

A powerful person is a merchant. Without a powerful background, you can't become a merchant if you start a small business at most.

The prosperity of Yecheng today was created by merchants from the Northland.

They want to turn Yecheng, a metropolis that has not suffered war, into an economic center.And they supported Han Fu's rule in Yecheng very much, because Han Fu ruled by doing nothing, they could do everything.

The meeting room on the top floor.

All the merchants sat around, the upper three floors and the lower three floors. There were more than a hundred people, which was almost like a meeting of a parliament.

Veteran clan leader Cui Mi personally presided over the meeting. He got up and went to the open space in the middle, and said to the crowd, "Both Yuan Benchu ​​and Qin Mengjie came here to collect grain. Why is that?"

He asked himself and answered, "They have taken a fancy to our bumper harvest in Jizhou this year. Against this background, grain prices must be very low."

Someone said: "Nowadays, the price of grain is relatively low, which is really not good for us. After the bumper harvest, the price will be even more unfavorable."

In fact, after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, food prices have skyrocketed a lot.What they said was based on the prices in recent years.

"In this case, selling grain to them, we will lose a lot."

We must know that these noble families annexed land in troubled times.Calculated, in the entire Jizhou, the arable land belonging to the people will not exceed one percent.

Therefore, it can be said that the merchants here control all the food channels, and even Han Fu controls less than one-third of their land.

Merchants attending the meeting knew that these remarks were just foreshadowing.The key point is how to raise food prices and take advantage of the opportunity.

You must know that there will be a bumper harvest soon, and they can sell all the grain to Gao's family, and replenish it when the harvest is good.

Hua Yi got up and said excitedly: "It is reported that Dong Zhuo's wealth in Meiwu was acquired by Qin Ye."

All the merchants suddenly widened their eyes.

Although their families are all rich, but before Dong Zhuo robbed the world's wealth for decades, they were nothing.

Someone said: "Qin Mengjie has nearly a thousand carts, and the war horses are all used to pull the carts. I guess it should be true."

Cui Mi said at this time: "This time Yuan Shao and Qin Ye both came to collect grain, and the mussels competed with each other. We must sell for a good price, but we must advance together and retreat together."

More than a hundred merchants stood up at the same time, saying: "Only Mr. Cui, Mr. Hua, and Mr. Zhen follow suit."

Their meaning is very clear, we will sell as much as you say.

Some families who had sold grain to Yuan Xi in advance regretted it. They didn't expect Qin Ye to come to collect grain, but they must have sold it cheaply before.Now that the two families collect grain, it must be different from the one family harvesting grain.Moreover, the two families still have enmity.

After the merchants clarified their mutual interests, they began to operate this matter.

On the same day, a message spread out.

The Merchants Association is going to hold a grain trade fair, which is specially prepared for Qin Ye.

"It's so convenient for the general to collect food." Zhen Yan, son of the Zhen family, came to the post in person and sent an invitation.

Xun You and the others looked at each other, unable to hide their joy.

Qin Ye stood up and thanked him: "Mr. Zhen told Mr. Zhen after returning home that after the trade fair, Mr. Qin came to thank him."

"Don't dare to be. The general is kind to my Zhen family, and my Zhen family should do my best." Zhen Yan saluted.

Later, Xu Huang sent Zhen Yan out.

Qin Ye said to Xun You and the others: "Get ready and follow me to the meeting tomorrow." Then he said to Zhang Liao and the others: "You can start recruiting soldiers in Shiyi."


Yuan Xi's mansion.

This large timber factory is Yuan Xi's temporary residence.The warehouse where the timber was stored in the past was full of grain.

After Yuan Xi received the news from the Grain Trade Association, he was frowning.

You must know that although the food in Jizhou is rich, the local population and the families of the powerful families have to keep the surplus food for themselves.Although there is still a lot of food available for trading, compared with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, they will not be very rich.

Originally, one party came to buy it, which was still satisfactory.

But now one more family is not enough.

"Second son, if Qin Ye is allowed to buy grain, I am afraid that the development of the master in Bingzhou will stagnate. After our Bingzhou suffered from the Huns Dong Zhuo's war, this year is already famine, and we must need this batch of grain." Xu You reminded.

"Okay!" Yuan Xi's eyes gradually became firmer, "I will also go to this grain trade fair, and sir will go with me."

Xu You nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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