The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 216 This Man Can't Do Business

Chapter 216 This Man Can't Do Business

Grain Trade Association.

held as scheduled.

The hall of the Merchants Association was already full of merchants from all walks of life.

Zhen Yi, Hua Yi, and Cui Mi are the leaders.

At this moment, Cui Mi was secretly whispering to several people.

These people are actually domestic servants, pretending to be merchants, and they are called "Tuo" in later generations.

"General Qin is here!"

The eyes of all the merchants brightened, and they hurriedly stood up to greet him.

Qin Ye entered the hall and took a closer look. This hall is really magnificent, worthy of being the gathering place of the Northern Merchants Association.Looking at the group of people in front of them, all of them are gorgeously dressed and have an extraordinary bearing, just like the meeting of the top [-] in the future.

Although it is not as colorful as electrification, its antique flavor is unmatched by future generations.

"General Qin." Everyone saluted.

Qin Ye returned the salute, "Excuse me, my lords."

Everyone is very happy, joy from the heart.After selling him, he would also like to thank us.There is no greater joy in doing business.

"Yuan Xi, the second son of the Yuan family, has arrived!"

Before everyone had time to welcome Qin Ye to the table, Yuan Xi came.

"Second Young Master." Everyone stood in line to salute again.

Yuan Xi returned the salute, but he didn't greet Qin Ye at all. He just gave him a cold look, smiled slightly, and stood with his hands behind his back.

Everyone looked at each other. According to their status, Yuan Xi wanted to salute Qin Ye.But the descendants of the fourth generation and the third father have a great background, and it is okay to be rude.

Everyone is still very willing to see the confrontation between the two, which is of great benefit to their trade.

Xun You, the young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi who followed Qin Ye here, their hearts sank.It is obvious that Yuan Xi appears here at this time, and it will cause a major obstacle to his grain purchase plan.

Everyone is seated.

Yuan Xi was the first to speak, and he looked down upon the audience, "Today's grain trade fair is very good. My lords, at what price do you plan to sell grain? My Yuan family wants all of it."

I want them all!

What a bold statement.

Xun You whispered: "My lord, now I can see clearly that these northern merchants did it on purpose. They spread the news to attract Yuan Xi. This is to raise the price of grain."

In fact, Qin Ye's side had already made a prediction. Looking at the current situation, these merchants in the Northland have no good intentions.

"Wait and see what happens." Qin Ye said.

Xun You and the others looked at Qin Ye, and found the lord's indifferent expression, they were very puzzled.

What is the lord thinking?Why don't you look worried at all?
In fact, Qin Ye had already made a judgment in his heart. He was very clear about the methods used by the merchants in the north.But no matter what happens, it can't stop him from buying grain and grass.

And Yuan Shao's financial resources are definitely not comparable to Qin Ye who embezzled Dong Zhuo's life savings.

Therefore, even if Yuan Xi is here, Qin Ye has the confidence to swallow all these people's food.

After the merchants whispered to each other for a while, one of them stood up, "I will sell the grain in my hand at this price."

Then a servant took the two papers from him and gave them to Qin Ye and Yuan Xi respectively.

After Yuan Xi saw it, his expression changed, and he said to Xu You: "The price of these profiteers has doubled."

"Look at Qin Ye's reaction." Xu You said.

Qin Ye took the paper, while Xun You and the others were watching from behind, their expressions turned pale.

It seems that, as analyzed, these people took the opportunity to increase the price.

My lord, what shall we do?The three looked at Qin Ye's back.

"Okay, I'll take it." Qin Ye said with a smile.

He took it!
Among the merchants, many became excited.

"Are you excited now? That's just an arranged test price." Although many people were disdainful of their companions, they were equally excited.

Zhen Yi, Hua Ling, and Cui Mi looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Qin Ye accepted the price so readily.It seems that Yuan Xi's presence here is of great help.

Then, the other people arranged in this session do not need to appear on stage, and can enter the next session.

This is a routine of business psychological warfare, and Zhen Yi and the others are very familiar with it.If you are not familiar with psychological warfare, you cannot become a big business.

"I'll give you [-]% more!" Yuan Xi suddenly said coldly.

Ignoring the provocative gaze, Qin Ye said calmly, "No matter how much the second young master on the other side pays, I will pay [-]% more."

Everyone was shocked at that time!
No matter how much money you pay [-]% more?
Although we know that you are rich, your words are too rich and powerful!

He pays ten times, do you still dare to pay?
As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain. It seems that this General Qin is good at fighting, but he is not good at doing business.

The three of Xun You were already sweating on their backs.

Brother, how can you say that?We'll lose everything.Although Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang are still teenagers, the family business is also subtle.

Cui Mi said solemnly at this time: "General Qin, you can't talk nonsense in the business field. Let's pretend we didn't hear what we said just now."

All the merchants nodded their heads, because of your reputation, we will show you face this time, so you can’t talk like this anymore.

"A gentleman is as quick as a whip." Qin Ye said.

He said so with a point of view in his heart.

One must know that the plague of locusts is coming soon. Qin Ye has confirmed this matter with the supreme eye every day, and he knows the date.He doesn't have time to argue with these people.You know, it is normal for such a big business to take more than ten days.When the plague of locusts came, who would sell him food?
In addition, there is Yuan Xilai competing, so I really can't waste time here.

So Qin Ye was straightforward.

But the merchants didn't know that the locust plague was coming soon, they knew that they would definitely not sell the grain, even if Qin Ye offered ten times the price, they would not sell it.

They were bewildered.


How dare he say that?

Did he think that if he spared him just now, he was afraid of him?
You must know that these merchants are all from powerful backgrounds, and Yuan Shao is not afraid of joining forces, let alone Qin Ye who has no background.

Xu You sneered, and walked out from behind Yuan Xi, "General Qin is really heroic, he is the happiest person I have ever met."

"Don't dare to take it." Qin Ye laughed.

When Xu You heard the words, he almost twitched.

He still dare not be?
He didn't bring his brains, did he?Obviously what Xu You said was ironic.

This guy really can't do business.

Xu You said coldly: "Since that's the case, our Yuan family will pay five times the price. General Qin, do you dare to accept it?"

Qin Ye thought to himself, I am afraid that everyone here will regard him as a brain fever.That being the case, you might as well do it once, and it will save you a lot of troublesome explanations.So he jumped up against the case, and said coldly: "You Yuan family is so obstructive? If you dare to come out, I, Qin Ye, will dare to accept it!"

"Okay, as long as you dare to answer, we will leave!" Yuan Xi also jumped up.He has to stand up and catch it at this time, if not, wouldn't it be in front of the world that the Yuan family, who has four generations and three fathers, is afraid of you, Qin Ye?

"Five times plus [-]%, this is my bid. Do you want to increase the price?" Qin Ye said angrily.


With such a price, the merchants should be happy, but at the moment they are all terrified.

The lord is crazy!

Xun You fainted immediately.

Brother, don't be like this, don't lose your cool!Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi cried.

It seems that this person is too impulsive to do business at all.All the merchants looked at each other and shook their heads one after another. Doing business will often be provoked by opponents, so you must stay calm.It seemed that Qin Ye couldn't calm down, and his evaluation of him plummeted.

Doing business is most afraid of losing your cool.There are over a hundred merchants here, and they have never seen a person who can make money after losing his composure.But they are most willing to do business with such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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