The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 217 I Believe It Anyway

Chapter 217 I Believe It Anyway

"We won't increase the price." Xu You said cheerfully.

And Yuan Xi was already shaken.

He really didn't expect that Qin Ye would dare to accept this price!
At this time, Yuan Xi really didn't dare to increase the price. He knew that the current price was caused by the intensified conflict between the two parties.That is to say, people fight for one breath, and Buddhas fight for one stick of incense.

If he raises the price, his character will be gone.At that time, if Qin Ye didn't accept the price, people in the world would only laugh at him, Yuan Xi.

Really rich....Yuan Xi trembled for a while.

"Deal!" There was a commotion among the merchants, and some people couldn't help but stood up and said.

This is five times the price, and I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it at this price for the second time in this life.This kind of business must be won, and the merchants got up one after another.

"I don't want to sell it to General Qin at five times the price once it's done." A merchant said generously.

Qin Ye stood with his hands behind his back, looked down on Yuan Xi, and looked at all the merchants, "Who is willing to sell?"

All the merchants looked at each other, and it seemed that the rumor should be true.This Qin Ye must have obtained the wealth of Mei Wu to be so rich and powerful, so he didn't care at all.

A person can easily get hundreds of millions of wealth, so he spends money so lavishly.

But do you know that if you spend money like this, even if you have hundreds of millions of wealth, you can't afford it.

All the merchants shook their heads when they saw Yuan Xi's astonished expression.Even if your Yuan family is four generations and three generations old, with hundreds of years of accumulation, they are still unable to offer a higher price.

Cui Mi immediately stood up, bowed to Qin Ye, and said: "General Qin has already paid such a price. If my Northern Chamber of Commerce does not sell it, it will lose its faith. On behalf of the Northern Chamber of Commerce, I am willing to sell all the grain in stock to General Qin."

What Cui Mi said means that all merchants in the chamber of commerce will sell grain.

"Very good." Qin Ye said lightly.

With such a high price, others will regard him as a winner.In fact, Qin Ye didn't care. It was only a few days before the locust plague appeared, so he really couldn't waste time.If the plague of locusts comes, I am afraid that this price will not be able to buy a single grain.

Therefore, Qin Ye spent too long negotiating the business, so he won the price in one go.

However, Zhuge Liang and the others were sweating coldly at the moment, and they bought it at five times the price. They didn't even dare to think about it, even if they had money, they couldn't spend it like this.

Xun You's face turned pale, "Master, please come over here, this subordinate has something to say."

Qin Ye stood up, and came to the side with Xun You.

Xun You wiped off his sweat, and tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, "My lord, if we buy grain at such a price, our army's money will be exhausted."

The young Sima Yi said: "My lord, the food reserves in the hands of these people are probably more than 3000 years old. We only have [-] people, and we don't need so much food for the time being."

The young Zhuge Liang said: "Therefore, it is better to buy less. The subordinates think that they should be harvested after the bumper harvest."

Xun You and the others were very puzzled that the lord was so anxious to collect the grain. If the price of the grain was not high, they would just accept it.It is incomprehensible to charge such a high price of food and to charge so much.

Xun You thought about it, and comforted him: "My lord, if you are afraid of accidents and want a batch of food to guarantee the bottom line, the rations for 3000 people are enough for a year, and we don't need to collect so much food."

Although the three of them were already in a turbulent state, they almost fainted.But in order to avoid irritating the lord again, they kept speaking with unusual calmness.

Qin Ye looked at the three of them, "Do you think that what I did was wrong, that I was provoked by those people so easily, and why did I pay such a high price?"

The three of Xun You nodded for a while.

Is this wrong, it is too wrong.Throughout the ages, there has never been such a thing.

But Xun You and the others were quickly stunned, since the lord knew it was wrong to do so?Why is he still doing this?

The three looked over suspiciously.

Qin Ye caught these gazes and said calmly: "As Gongda said, there will indeed be unexpected situations. I pay five times the price, which is enough to collect all the grain here. At that time, let them return it at ten times the price. "

The lupine in Zhuge Liang's hand almost fell to the ground, my lord, have you drunk too much?
"Five times the price is enough, who would pay ten times the price and take it back?" Zhuge Liang didn't dare to say the word stupid.

Qin Yeyu said earnestly: "There will be a plague of locusts soon, and the grain in the field will be useless. Therefore, no matter how high the price is, we must buy as much grain as possible and spend all the money. If it is a few days later , it cannot be successfully acquired.”

Qin Ye didn't finish speaking.

Xun You felt his eyes go dark and almost fainted.

Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi's eyes immediately popped out and fell to the ground.

big brother?

Do you know what you are talking about?

Locust plague?

The locust plague is said to exist?

Who do you think?

Brother, you don't have a fever, do you?

Are you hallucinating?
Even if there are hallucinations, such hallucinations cannot appear, and our ideals will disappear in smoke.

Brother, we are fighting the world with you, not joking with you.Let's stop playing like this, shall we?
"How can you not believe it? Didn't I already tell you?" Qin Ye said displeased.

Xun You and the others vomited blood.

How can we believe it?

You told us, my lord, but we also checked.

"We dug down a foot, but we didn't see a single insect egg." The young Zhuge Liang said excitedly, waving his lupine.

No eggs, hairy locusts?No large-scale insect eggs, but a plague of hairy locusts?
"The locusts came from other places." Qin Ye said calmly.

Looking at the calm and calm protagonist, Xun You and the others felt that they were about to faint.

Xun You took a deep breath, "My lord, tell me where you flew here from. As long as my lord can tell, I will fight and believe it."

Say it.

Zhuge Liang and the others stared at Qin Ye.

this…….Qin Ye recalled the memory, but there was no information about where it flew from.The supreme eye can see the flaws and all the relevant information, but it depends on the real thing. It hasn't flown yet, so there is no information.

"I don't know yet. But it doesn't matter, once the locusts fly, you will know where they came from."

After Zhuge Liang heard these remarks, the feather fan in his hand fell to the ground.

Xun You and the young Sima Yi fell together in herringbone shape as if struck by lightning.

"Okay!" Seeing their appearance, Qin Ye knew that no one would believe the truth before it appeared, so he got up and said, "Don't say anything more. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

Your sister's...

How could he say that!
Xun You and the others couldn't accept it at all, and they all fell to the ground amidst the puffy sound.

(End of this chapter)

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