Chapter 218
Xun You, the young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi suddenly fell to the ground one after another.

No beating, no scolding.

Zhen Yi and the others, who were watching from a distance, were shocked, what happened.Why are you dizzy?Could it be that there was a root cause of the disease before, but now it has exploded concentratedly!
It's shocking. Don't want it. The price offered by Qin Ye is the only one in my life, and such a thing is also the only one in my life.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Xu You said coldly: "Obviously, Qin Ye is determined to go his own way and collect grain at such a high price. He is really a young man, too young and arrogant. When his subordinates persuade him, he still thinks he has no face. This man , will not be the master at all."

"Fortunately, a famous person like Xun You doesn't walk backwards wherever he goes, but he is really blind to follow such a person." Xu You sneered again and again.

Zhen Yi and the others were finally able to close their mouths and nodded for a while.

"This is our chance to operate food." Xu You whispered to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi, who was ecstatic at first, was suddenly stunned, "Our great opportunity? Shall we also accept this price?"

Are you all right?
You also said that Qin Ye would not be a master, and I think you would not be a counselor.Is there a strategist who came up with such a coquettish idea?
Xu You smiled and said: "It seems that the second son misunderstood my meaning. We are not accepting, we are selling."

Yuan Xi was even more confused, and said in shock: "We don't even have enough food, so we still sell it?"

Xu You looked down and said: "With such a high price, Qin Ye's money will definitely be exhausted. We also sell him the grain now, clearing his money. Then when the harvest is bumper, he will have no money to buy grain. In that case Now, only our family collects grain. It is enough to take back the grain sold to him before, and we can also take the opportunity to earn a fortune."

Yuan Xi suddenly realized, and immediately admired Xu You, "If it weren't for the teacher's teaching, I would have almost delayed the big event. If it works like this, Qin Ye will have no money to buy the harvested grain, so we have a lot of room for maneuver."

Yuan Xi waved his hand, signaling Xu You to do this.

Xu You calmed down, walked over and said, "General Qin, we also have a batch of grain here, and we are willing to sell it to General Qin."

Zhen Yi and the others couldn't believe that Xu You had the face to say such a thing after cheating Qin Ye with such a high price.

Qin Mengjie would definitely not accept their food.Everyone thought so.

"I won't accept your food." Qin Ye said coldly.

Zhen Yi and the others looked at each other, sure enough.

Xu You smiled and said, "This is the Grain Trade Fair. Doesn't it mean that General Qin has no tolerance at all?"

Xu You is exactly what I said on purpose, just to let people see how narrow your mind is.

Qin Ye's face darkened,
At this time, Xun You and the others woke up one after another.It seems that the situation has gotten out of hand, and everyone is crying.

"My lord, he is provoking you, don't fall for the provocative method." Xun You shouted.

"Okay, I bought it." Qin Ye said.

Looking at Qin Ye's indifferent expression, Xun You and the others pulled away again.

Zhen Yi and the others shook their heads one after another, they were young, they were still young, and they couldn't bear face.

Now it seems that Yuan Xi, a young man, has more brains and is able to listen to his subordinates' advice and suggestions.As for Qin Ye, it seems that he has both civil and military skills.In fact, he is a reckless man in his heart, and he doesn't care about other things at all when his head is hot.

So, amidst the crowd's "respect, reverence and fawning", Qin Ye left gracefully.

Yuan Xi didn't care about losing his composure, and couldn't help laughing up to the sky, "This person walks calmly, but have you ever thought about how painful his heart is. Even if he is not in pain now, he will be in pain soon."

Zhen Yi and the others shook their heads and smiled at each other.

Xu You said: "Second Young Master, in order to avoid any changes, we need to sell the grain to Qin Ye as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Yuan Xi nodded heavily, walked away.

Afterwards, Zhen Yi and the others left one after another as if they were on fire.They were also very afraid that Qin Ye would regret it after he calmed down, so they had to press forward and not give Qin Ye a chance to regret.

So in less than half an hour, the whole city of Ye was boiling.

More than [-] people rushed to tell each other.

"Did you know? General Qin has collected grain, and bought it at five times the price."

"What? Nima, are you sick? Spread rumors!"

"You are the only one who is spreading rumors. What I said is true. Have you seen these grain trucks?"

On the street, a large number of grain carts appeared, with the banners of various wealthy families.

This made the unbelieving people all shut up.

General Qin is sick?
Five times the price of food, who will believe that there is no disease?

Immediately afterwards, the wealthy households in the whole city began to seek connections.Just kidding, this is a great opportunity to make money.A bumper harvest is imminent. Under such circumstances, whoever has one grain of grain left is a fool.Therefore, even ordinary wealthy households began to find connections to sell their food.

"Master, if you sell your family's grain to that Qin Ye through the chamber of commerce, our family will have no food to eat."

"What do you know as a woman. There will be a bumper harvest soon, and there will be food shortages?"

"Master is really shrewd."

Even ordinary people are eager to move, but suffering from nowhere to go, they can only watch the wealthy families get rich.

"It is said that General Qin has both civil and military skills. It seems that he is not complete at all, but he is lacking."

"Hey..., General Qin is a good man with a sense of loyalty. I heard that he has been hit by the law of aggressive generals."

"These people really eat people and don't spit out their bones. General Qin killed the country's traitors with such loyalty, they will not let it go."

on the other hand.

State Shepherd House.

"What what? Qin Ye paid five times the price for grain?" Han Fu was dumbfounded.

Xin Ping said: "My lord, this is a great opportunity for us to supplement our financial revenue."

Han Fu rolled his eyes, "You are so right, you go to Qin Ye immediately and sell all our surplus food to him."

Xin Ping hurried to the inn where Qin Ye was.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xun You and the others' faces were gloomy and terrifying, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was very solemn.

Xin Ping was happy in his heart, who could be happy to follow such a lord.

But regardless of Xin Ping's matter, he expressed his intention to come.

Qin Ye said indifferently: "I can buy your family's food and grass, but I also need people to take care of so much food and grass. I need to recruit [-] more troops to make up [-]."

"This..." Xin Ping didn't expect that Qin Ye didn't look stupid, so he took the opportunity to ask for the price.

After half an hour.

Xin Ping came back from Han Fu, "General Qin, it seems that he can only maintain [-] troops. After all, he is a guest army, and my lord also needs to worry about the local repercussions."

In fact, at first Han Fu asked Qin Ye to only maintain three thousand soldiers and horses, but now he mentioned five thousand.

What Xin Ping said also has some truth, no one wants to see a huge non-own army appear in their own territory.

Therefore, Qin Ye agreed to the exchange condition.

Xin Ping left happily.

As for Xun You and the others, they lowered their heads even more, looking completely hopeless.

"The plague of locusts! It's ridiculous. I've never heard such a ridiculous thing. I, Xun You, really..., this is my life...." When Xun You walked out of the hall, tears were streaming down his face.

"My lord, let's go collect the grain." Zhang Liao, Tai Shici and the others got up and said.

"Go." Qin Ye waved his hand.

Zhang Liao and the others looked at the calm master, wanting to cry but without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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