The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 219 We Can't Talk Nonsense

Chapter 219 We Can't Talk Nonsense
Shiyi is in the south of the capital of Hebei Province in later generations.

Now this is one of the frontline cities where Han Fu's army fought against the Montenegro army.

At this moment, Jizhou was occupied by three forces. Gongsun Zan deployed heavy troops at Jieqiao in the east of Guangzong, while Zhang Yan stationed troops in Xindu in the north of Guangzong.

Ten miles north of Shiyi City, there are two barracks.A large scale, almost 3 people in size.A small scale, it seems to have a scale of [-].

The big barracks is the barracks of Han Fu's army, led by General Zhang He.

The small barracks is the barracks of Qin Yejun.

Qin Ye's recruiting work here is very smooth. This comes from the fact that there are so many people who fled after the war in Montenegro.Among these people, there are many men whose wives have been separated and their families have been destroyed.

The scale of 5000 people is the limit set by Han Fu for Qin Ye.

After Qin Ye started buying grain and grass.

Vehicles, large and small, kept entering and leaving the Qin Army camp.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the Qin army's camp continues to expand.The number of warehouses in the central area has greatly increased.

Grain carts were pulled in one by one, and when they came out, the grain on the carts was gone and turned into gold, silver and jewelry.

At least hundreds, as many as thousands of family soldiers escorted the owner's wealth home.

There are constantly secret operations by the Black Mountain Army, Gongsun Zan's secret operations, and Liu Bei's army's secret operations.

Crazy news has spread throughout the North.

People were shocked by Qin Ye's wealth, and even more shocked by Qin Ye's lack of soul.

The princes from all walks of life coveted Qin Ye's wealth, but no one talked about the wealth of Meiwu. After all, they had 1 reasons to wait.And whoever speaks out will appear to be incompetent.

In order to drink Qin Ye's blood, and fearing Qin Ye's sudden repentance, the merchants transported food non-stop, day and night.

Therefore, within two days, all the transactions were completed.The food that has not been put into storage is also on the way.

What?No one builds a warehouse, it’s okay, we will help you build it.

No wood?
What is this? We sent the wood.

In order to let Qin Ye stockpile food as soon as possible, the merchants also spared no effort to promote and give gifts.

In an instant, Qin Ye consumed 40 dans of grain, and what he paid was Dong Zhuo's life savings.

On this day, Qin Ye returned to the station in Yecheng.

In the hall, Xun You and the others were all frowning, all of them looked like mourning concubines, and looked like they had drunk the red arsenic from the top of the crane.

After harvesting so much grain, Qin Ye's army grain reserve has already leapt to the top of the princes in the world.If Qin Ye regarded himself as a family member, he would be the family member with the most food.

It stands to reason that the subordinates should be happy.

But if you buy it at five times the price, you can't be happy.

Much more could have been done with the money.

Although Qin Ye has no foundation now, but with this money, he must take off.

And now?It looks like it flew up, but in fact it has already landed, and there is no follow-up.

But things have come to this, the money has been spent, and the food has been harvested, what else can I say?
But if they could really say something, they really wanted to scold the lord severely.

Qin Ye knew what his subordinates were thinking, and he couldn't tell Supreme Dharma Eye about it.Fortunately, the locust plague will come in a few days. I believe Xun You and the others will understand, which is more powerful than any explanation.

Qin Ye said: "I need to go to Han Fu's."

Zhuge Liang complained, "Brother, why are you going to Han Fu's place? Han Fu's food has already been sold to us, draining our last money."

Sima Yi said, "Nowadays, people are counting money at home, waiting for a bumper harvest."

Qin Ye sighed, "I went to Han Fu's place precisely because of the great harvest."

"My lord, we are out of money. We can't collect food after the big harvest. My lord is still ready to go and suppress the Black Mountain Army." After Xun You finished speaking angrily, he said earnestly: "The background of the big harvest, Han Fu and others All my thoughts are on harvesting food. My subordinates are sure that the Black Mountain Army will definitely compete for food."

"The battle between Zhang Yan, Gongsun Zan, and Han Fu in Heishan is imminent. If our army can take the opportunity to take Xindu, we will have a foothold."

Qin Ye motioned Xun You to listen to himself first, "There are tens of thousands of Black Mountain troops entrenched near Xindu, and Zhang Yan's more than [-] troops are nearby. They can come if they say they will support them. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for our army to believe breakthroughs have been made.”

Everyone was immediately disheartened, and they couldn't recruit enough soldiers and horses by relying on others like this.Attacking Xindu is a dangerous move.But for the ideal, everyone is also fighting.

"However, after the outbreak of locusts, everyone will be short of food. It will be completely different then."

After Qin Ye bought all the grain, he was going to announce the matter.

Plague of locusts...

With the power of ancient science and technology, there is really nothing to prepare for the locust plague.

Therefore, before the locust plague comes, as long as the people get to the ground and prepare, they are already prepared to the extreme.

The rest is left to fate.

Therefore, it's not that Qin Ye doesn't care about the common people, as long as he speaks out before the locust plague arrives, saying it now is the same as saying it in advance.It's just that I said in advance that Qin Ye will definitely not receive the food, so I say it now.

He was going to tell Han Fu about this. Through Han Fu, it spread to Jizhou. He didn't care about the powerful and noble people, as long as the people could keep some food.

"It's about to be a catastrophe." Qin Ye knew very well that even in modern times, there is no way to escape from locust plagues, let alone ancient times.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Also say!

It's okay not to talk about it, but if you talk about it, everyone will get angry.If it was in modern times, everyone would have sent Qin Ye, the president without a country, to a mental hospital long ago.

This is a disease and needs to be cured.

"I...I...." Xun You panted heavily, his face turned red, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Qin Ye's eyes flashed, "It's not a disease, nothing serious, send the military division down to take a bath and relax."

Xun You smoked it.

Jizhou State Shepherd's Mansion.

Han Fu warmly received Qin Ye, and he invited Qin Ye to take a seat, "The general has food now, and the soldiers and horses have been recruited. When are you going to attack the Black Mountain Army?"

Han Fu very much hoped to see Qin Ye enter the combat area and become his barrier between Gongsun Zan and Heishan Zhang Yan.

Qin Ye said: "Soldiers still need three months of recruit training. I plan to enter the spring of next year to encircle Montenegro."

Han Fu's eyes are full of sarcasm, you say you are a young man, you are so overwhelmed, you only have [-] soldiers, and you still encircle and suppress more than [-] Black Mountain Army?
"That's good." Han Fu also sold the military rations at five times the price, and got soft hands with the money. Qin Ye is so knowledgeable, it doesn't matter if he stays for a while.

"Then why is the general here?" Han Fu said while drinking tea.

"There is a plague of locusts." Qin Ye was very concise.

Han Fu was startled.

All the male and female servants and soldiers in the hall were shocked.

Those along the Yellow River are most afraid of floods, and those inland are most afraid of locust plagues.

"How did you know?" Han Fu was puzzled after being shocked.Where is the plague of locusts in the clear sky?Boy, you can't talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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