The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 220 You have to bear it when you say it

Chapter 220 You have to bear it when you say it (Jiagen)

The Jizhou region is about to usher in a bumper harvest.

And Han Fu controlled the most fertile land in Jizhou.

The harvest is coming soon, and he will become the most successful prince this year, bar none.

But at this moment, Qin Ye came here and told him that there was a plague of locusts.

Han Fu knew the horror of the locust plague.

After hearing that it was Qin Ye's personal judgment, Han Fu was very dissatisfied while he was relieved.

This person collected grain at five times the price before, and now he said there was a plague of locusts. This person must be sick, or seriously sick.

"The harvest is coming soon, where is there a plague of locusts?" Han Fu asked coldly.

Qin Ye said: "At three quarters in the afternoon on the seventh day, the plague of locusts is coming."

Han Fu's anger at that time rose up after a while, and he almost smoked. You said that there was a locust plague, and it was fine, and it could be fixed at a fixed time. Who would believe it?
"General Qin, I really didn't expect you to say that. You must know that I have experienced this locust plague many times. They all have omens. How can they come just as soon as they are said?" Han Fu said disdainfully. "You have already set the date, hehe..."

Qin Ye nodded, "It flew from somewhere else."

Han Fu sneered again and again, if he hadn't worried about being ridiculed by the world, he would have kicked Qin Ye out a long time ago.

He calmed down and said to himself that you can say whatever you want, and I will keep silent.At that time, people in the world will only say that you are stupid, but it will appear that I am stable.

"We need to notify the people as soon as possible to harvest the grain now." Qin Ye calculated that only by doing so can the loss be minimized.

Harvest as soon as possible, two or three days is enough, before the plague of locusts comes.

Han Fu held back, and said calmly: "Now is the critical time for earing. If you harvest now, let alone reduce the yield by [-]%." He really couldn't help it, "General Qin, please don't talk nonsense, it's not good to spread the word. "

Qin Ye frowned, it seemed that he couldn't convince Han Fu anymore.

At this time, Han Fu suddenly got up and walked to the side.

Qin Ye saw that Xin Ping appeared over there, talking with Han Fu.

"My lord, Qin Ye is a plan, you must not trust him."

Han Fu was startled, "A plan? What plan?"

Xin Ping was very excited to be able to see through this strategy, "My lord, think about it. Qin Ye bought all the local grain, and he said such a thing now. If the grain is harvested now, there will be a food shortage. Then, Qin Ye Then we can sell food at a higher price.”

Han Fu shivered for a while, what the hell, you are so right.

This young man is really vicious.

So, when Han Fu returned, he didn't believe Qin Ye at all. "General Qin, please go back." Han Fu was completely like I saw through your scheme.

Qin Ye stood up, "Well, since you don't believe me, call the people and I'll tell them."

Han Fu originally said that he would not agree, but when he thought about it, such a lack of soul must have greatly affected Qin Ye's reputation.Since he took the initiative to be ashamed, it is natural to satisfy him.


Numerous call-to-action horses rushed hundreds of miles a day and night to reach various places.

Three days later, nearly a thousand people probably gathered outside the city of Ye.Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of people from Ye City came to watch.

On the high platform, Qin Ye looked at nearly a thousand people under the stage, and said to Han Fu: "Is this all the people?"

Han Fu nodded, "That's right, you have already called to help General Qin. I am afraid that these people will not be able to arrive in time, so I ordered horses from various places to transport them here."

In order to embarrass Qin Ye, Han Fu didn't care about spending such a small amount of money.

Qin Ye's heart sank. Han Fu controls nearly [-] square kilometers of land. Only nearly [-] people have land, and the rest of the people are tenants.It can be seen that at this time, local land mergers were serious.

He looked down the stands again.

There are now three waves of people in the audience, one wave of people with land, one wave of people who came to watch, and one wave of wealthy and noble families who came to Jizhou after hearing the news.

Due to the chaos caused by the war, almost all the elites in Jizhou settled in the safe city of Ye.

"Qin Mengjie is really crazy." Cui Mi sneered.

Zhen Yi was really surprised, "I didn't expect it to be true, he really dared to say that thing?"

"What's the matter?" The representatives of the noble families all asked.

Hua Chu stroked his beard, "You will know after listening to him."

Zhen Yi and the others still got some news from Han Fu.

The common people were also talking about it, not knowing what Han Fu and Qin Ye called these people to talk about.But looking at the scene, it should be a huge thing.

Nearly a thousand people with land, Mao stared blankly at Han Fu and Qin Ye.They were terrified, and they didn't think it was a good thing.Good things will never fall on the heads of ordinary people like them.

"Could it be that our land is being confiscated!"

These people were really terrified.

On the stage, Xun You and the others were also terrified.

When they first heard about this event, they immediately passed it.

Han Fu saw that everyone was present, and there were some onlookers.There was a burst of laughter in my heart, Nima, what Qin Ye did was too stupid.I really want to see everyone's expressions after hearing his announcement. The most important thing is that celebrities are here.It would be great to promote it well.

Han Fu coughed and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"Shut up!" Nearly a thousand soldiers were mighty for a while, and suddenly the world was quiet.

Han Fu said: "I heard that everyone came here today. It's not that I, Han Fu, have something to do. It's that General Qin has something to announce. Let me declare first, this has nothing to do with me, it's all General Qin's actions."

Han Fu dismissed himself immediately, this matter is too soulless, and it will be the laughing stock of the world if it is spread out.You say that a person who has become a laughing stock, whoever will come to you in the future, will lose the stage to fight for world hegemony.

Qin Ye signaled to Han Fu that what he said was right, "This is indeed my personal behavior, and has nothing to do with Mr. Han. Mr. Han still opposes me."

Han Fu nodded hastily, indicating that Qin Ye was right.

So Han Fu waved his hand, that means, go and be ashamed, look at everyone's expressions, I can't wait to see you look stupid.

As Qin Ye stepped forward, he felt a heavy pulling force behind him. Looking back, he was already pulled by Xun You, Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi.

All three of them shook their heads violently, all with the kind of shameless expressions.

"My lord, you must not do this."

"You will be ridiculed by the world."

Although Qin Ye kept saying that the locust plague would come, Xun You and the others didn't believe it.Because this matter is simply unbelievable.

When you say that the locust plague is coming, the locust plague will come?
who do you think You Are?

The protagonist has hallucinations, which Xun You and the others believe.They found many doctors, but Qin Ye refused to treat him all the time.

In fact, Qin Ye is also helpless, after all, he can't tell anyone about the Supreme Dharma Eye.So there are some things, whether it is saying that he is sick or pretending to be coercive, he has to do it.Anyway, after the final result comes out, the truth will definitely be revealed to the world.

When the time comes, whoever gets his face swollen from the beating, Qin Ye really didn't do it on purpose.

"Okay, don't hold back, let the lord speak out." Xun You suddenly said.

Young Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were stunned, what's going on?Let the lord speak out?If you say it, we will be wiped out, are you okay?
Xun Youyu said earnestly: "My lord seems to be seriously ill with hallucinations. I have studied it with all the doctors. If you want your lord to cooperate with the treatment, you need to let your lord speak out. Then, if this thing can't come true, your lord will know that everything is wrong." It's an illusion."

Xun You wept and said, "I think, with my lord's willpower, after knowing that everything is an illusion, I will never be intimidated by the illusion, and I will definitely cooperate with the treatment."

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang let go.

Han Fu was secretly happy, "Phantasy? Well, it's been recorded that there is such a disease. I didn't expect Qin Ye to have this disease."

"This is definitely not an illusion. You will know in four days." Qin Ye said.

Looking at Qin Ye's indifferent appearance, Zhuge Liang and the others cried.

And Han Fu had already laughed out loud.

Crying and laughing, this left tens of thousands of 'viewers' scratching their heads.

Someone couldn't help shouting: "Tell me quickly, what's the matter? I'm in a panic in my heart, can you tell me quickly?"

Zhen Yi and the others looked at each other and laughed loudly. Their status had already been informed from Han Fu.

"Don't be in a hurry, you must bear it when you say it later."

 Thanks to the dress, 161116 book friends and other brothers for their rewards.It seems that there is no place to check the details of the ticket. Anyway, thank you for your support.

  Two more chapters will be added, and there may be more tonight.

  ——Love you, Lao Yi
(End of this chapter)

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