The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 223: Such a Plague of Locusts?

Chapter 223: Such a Plague of Locusts? (plus more)

Four days later.


Inside the city of Yecheng, there were sounds of tie-ups everywhere.

"If you want to go out, close the door. Extinguish the fire, and be careful with the candle."

Such voices echoed throughout the city.

"Uncle Zhang, is your whole family going to see it?"

"Hey~, the big family I work for are all going to watch the fun, and I'm just going to watch when I'm free."

"General Qin is really a good man, with such a good policy to collect food, but will the plague of locusts really come?"

"General Qin is a good man, I believe that. The locust plague, don't talk nonsense."

All the people in the city went out of the city laughing and joking.

For Qin Ye's illness, they all shook their heads in regret.

"Phantasy, this disease is a kind of mental illness, and it cannot be cured at all." Doctors from all over the city also dispatched.

Ten miles outside Yecheng.

Belongs to Han Fu's official farmland.

This field is probably ten thousand mu, and the field is full of millet that has begun to turn yellow.

As a gentle autumn wind blows, the fragrance of millet blows to the face.

The scene at that time was really planting a grain of millet in spring and harvesting thousands of seeds in autumn.

At this time, there are probably as many as 30 to [-] people gathered beside the field.

The sound of chirping, the whole world is buzzing.

This is louder than a war, and you have to shout to hear each other's conversation.

Han Fu became angry at that time, and shouted: "Come on, beat the drums, be quiet."

Amidst the sound of drums, the tens of thousands of people who were watching became quiet, but the whispers continued uninterrupted.

Old man Wang, representing the landed people, was approaching, and said to Qin Ye at this moment: "The grain has been harvested and sealed up according to the general's order."

"Very good." Qin Ye reassured.People are the cutest people, as long as you have people in your heart, people will support you.

Han Fu, Yuan Xi, Zhen Yi and others peeked at each other. They all had disgusted expressions. What time was it? He also said that there were locusts.

There is a woolly locust.

There are no locusts now, can they pop out by themselves in a while?
Who do you think you are?

Bean soldiers, waving worms?
Yuan Xi came out and proudly said to everyone: "Everyone came here today to prove one thing. This thing will soon spread throughout the world. And people in the world will naturally have their reactions."

Han Fu and Zhen Yi all laughed.Now these people believe that Qin Ye is pretending to be sick after his business operations were discovered, or he is really sick.But they no longer care about the situation.

They looked over like we were just here for a joke.

It is really a joy to witness the fall of a famous general with his own eyes.

"My lord, it's still too late." Xun You waved his hand as he spoke, and three middle-aged and elderly people with boxes on their backs came up, and they were clearly doctors.

"It's too late." Yuan Xi laughed.

Qin Ye took out his coir raincoat and bamboo hat and put them on, and he immediately looked like a coir raincoat.

Zhuge Liang, whose face was flushed, covered his face with a feather fan and asked, "My lord, why is this?"

Qin Ye said indifferently: "You must know that the rain of arrows is like locusts, and the swarms of insects are tens of millions. You must guard against them."

Obviously, Qin Ye put on a defensive cover.

When Xun You and the others heard this, their eyes turned black, and it seemed that their condition was getting worse.

"Gongming, you can't let the lord mess around." Xun You's meaning was very clear, and he wanted Xu Huang to lead people to take Qin Ye down forcibly.Everyone else is working in the barracks now, only Xu Huang is here.

"This..." Xu Huang felt regretful in his heart, but since he followed the lord, he must stick to it to the end.He can't do rebellious things.

Yuan Xi waved his hand at this time, and a middle-aged man came up, unfolded the painting shelf, and began to grind ink.

Yuan Xi said with a smile: "This scene must be drawn down vividly."

"Yes." The middle-aged man said cautiously.

Xun You and the others directly drew over.

Yuan Xi looked at the past coldly with vengeful eyes.Back then Qin Ye slapped Yuan Shao in the face like that in the court, and here he slapped him in the face again.This time, Qin Ye's face would definitely be swollen.If it is not swollen, Yuan Xi is not a descendant of the fourth generation and the third prince.

Amid the endless ridicule from everyone, Qin Ye was very calm, "Yuan Xi, you are digging your own grave."

Yuan Xi laughed out loud, how could he not know what Qin Ye meant.This is the case, and I still want to slap him in the face. It seems that I am really sick.Yuan Xi raised his head 45 degrees, turned his face away, that means, my face is here, hit it if you have the ability.

If he can still slap in the face today, it would be a hell of a life.Han Fu, Zhen Yi and the others all thought so.

It is to my advantage that this person perishes.Han Fu was actually very afraid of Qin Ye coming to Jizhou, so he kept pushing the flames.

And Zhen Yi and the others were completely happy to hear it.

Qin Ye didn't pay any attention to these people at all, his Supreme Eye had already sent a message that the locust swarm came here, and the countdown had already entered.

As three o'clock in the afternoon is approaching.

Whether it was ridiculed people or people who were in doubt, they all held their breath, waiting for that moment to come.

This made the atmosphere on the scene suddenly tense.

People's attitude towards the arrival of time is no less than the moment of countdown to the Spring Festival Gala.

Tens of 10 people stared wide-eyed at Gu Tian.

Xun You and the others looked ashen.

Han Fu and the others were triumphant.

"Locusts! Locusts!"

Suddenly there was a cry.

Like a bolt from the blue, it hit everyone's hearts.

"Locusts? Where are they!"

"There!" The first soldier who found it pointed in horror.

Xun You and the others immediately rejuvenated. When they looked up, they saw dozens of locusts flying out of the field.

"There are really locusts!" The young Zhuge Liang raised his arms and shouted.

Xun You and the others shouted in various ways, venting their suppressed emotions for too long.

It turned out that there were locusts.

My lord is a god!
Han Fu and the others' expressions changed drastically, and they were startled.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the pile of locusts.

Goo~ Goo~
Immediately behind the locust, a flock of chickens sprang out.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically again.

Yuan Xi's whole body trembled violently for a while, his face blushed and his neck was thick, and he shouted angrily: "Who's chicken is not optimistic, come out at a critical moment to scare people!"

His, that's it, whose chicken!
Han Fu breathed a sigh of relief. Regarding the gaffe just now, the Jizhou shepherd was very ashamed and said: "Just this group of chickens, let alone dozens of locusts, even a few more can be chased out from the ground."

Zhen Yi and other big landlords were very embarrassed, but they quickly calmed down.He laughed and said, "Is this a plague of locusts?"

Xun You, the young Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi all saw one black and one black, and if there was a crack in the ground, they would have already slipped in by now.

Facing everyone's ridicule, Qin Ye was very calm, "A group of chickens can't drive out such a group of locusts. This must be the locusts here, and they have contacted their companions in the distance."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and laughed without any scruples.

In today's age, people can't connect and unite, but can locusts?
Qin Ye is indifferent to this, and there is a connection between many creatures.The Zerg are most closely connected.This has been confirmed after the great development of science and technology in later generations.Qin Ye knew it, but the ancients didn't.Qin Ye would not go out of his way to explain to these people.

In fact, Han Fu and the others didn't believe anything Qin Ye said, thinking it was all lies.It must be that Qin Ye's hoarding scheme was seen through, and he was ashamed and embarrassed, that's why he insisted so hard.

So everyone was really annoyed by Qin Ye's expression.It's all time, and nothing happens.He was so calm and confident.Who gave him the confidence?

It's all leaked, so don't pretend, okay?
Really don't want any face?

Yuan Xi smiled and said, "It's already past three o'clock in the afternoon, what about the locust plague? Where's the overwhelming locust? Qin Ye, thank you for being so calm and calm." After Yuan Xi finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, "Show some face and show your original shape Bar."

Qin Ye's face suddenly changed.

Everyone finally rejoiced, and when things came to an end, they were finally overwhelmed.They couldn't wait to see Qin Ye's embarrassing expression. Although they came a bit late, they finally came.

"Look over there." Qin Ye regained his composure, pointing to the skyline of the distant mountains to the west.

Han Fu and the others had already prepared a basketful of ridicules, and they said that they would pour their heads on it, but Qin Ye didn't expect Qin Ye to say so suddenly.

look over there?
What are you doing over there?
Look over there so he can escape.

no way.

They all stared at Qin Ye, with the expression that you can't run away.Thinking about it carefully, no one has ever hit Qin Ye in the face.But now, their blood is surging, and they can't wait.

 After 12 o'clock, there was another third watch.It will be updated at about 12 o'clock in the future, so that everyone can watch it whenever they want to watch it in a day.

(End of this chapter)

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