The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 224 My heart was towards the bright moon

Chapter 224 My heart was towards the bright moon (Part [-])
This matter spread throughout the world, and this person's reputation has since been discredited, and there is no possibility of a comeback.No one will follow a laughing stock, and no one will follow him from now on, and those who followed him before will also be wiped out.

Yuan Xi was very excited. If Yuan Shao knew about this, he would definitely praise him. "My father, the opponent Cao Mengde feared, was eliminated by me just like this!" Yuan Xi clenched his head tightly, his eyes were already moist.

Han Fu, Zhen Yi and the others looked at Qin Ye proudly.This time he is not crazy, should his face change?
They took a deep breath, the time was up, and the words came to their lips, and they couldn't spit them out quickly.

"The plague of locusts, the plague of locusts is coming!"

Shouting, coupled with the sound of horseshoes, came rolling.

Yuan Xi and the others were in their respective moods, and the sound echoed in their ears like thunder.

They immediately became angry.

Nima, who called this?
Didn't you see that we are all ready to pretend?

Didn't you see a group of chickens running out and eating grasshoppers?

This group of grasshoppers were driven out by chickens, so they have no eyesight?
When everyone turned their heads together, they would angrily scold those who did not have long eyes.They were really angry. After all, they had been suppressed by Qin Ye for a long time, and finally they were going to explode collectively, so they came here.It was simply a dismantling, and it was at the most critical time.

I saw that the western sky was already dark, an endless shadow, advancing visible to the naked eye.Even, the sun at its climax is being devoured step by step.

Everyone was frightened and dumbfounded.

Among the 30 million crowd eating melons, the women have already covered their mouths, and the men have already scared the egg buns.

Locusts... swarms of locusts!

Chickens eating grasshoppers.

The corns instantly expanded, reflecting the swarm of flying insects.


An old hen laid an egg, didn't care about it at all, took the 11th road, turned around and rushed into the wheat field, faster than a mouse seeing a cat running.

Chickens eat worms, why did they run away?

Comparable to the noise of an airplane taking off, it comes like the wind.In the next instant, the huge shadow enveloped hundreds of thousands of stunned people.

No one made the slightest sound. This is because, before the drastic changes in the world of tens of millions of locusts, tens of thousands of people were so small that they were completely petrified and unable to respond physiologically.

When locusts cross the border, not a single blade of grass grows.

People watched helplessly as the farmland, which was still exuding the fragrance of grains just now, turned into a flat land where not a single blade of grass grew.

The power of the Zerg swarm can be imagined, and in an instant, they came to where the people were.

The scream finally sounded, but it couldn't break through the Zerg's wings.

Under the attack of the Zerg, the unsuspecting Terrans were thrown to the ground one after another.

Fortunately, this is the Zerg on Earth, and they are not interested in humans, so they survived.But the flying speed of the Zerg was extremely fast, and too many people were hit to pieces.

Han Fu and the others had completely collapsed to the ground, and when the swarm arrived, their faces were buried in the ground.

Fear, horror, are spreading, spreading like a virus!
Really ~ there is a plague of locusts!

At this moment, there are no words to explain the psychology of Han Fu Zhenyi and others, only fear, extreme fear!

At this moment, only Qin Ye, who was wearing a straw hat, could still stand, and hundreds of thousands of people were crushed to the ground by the tens of millions of locust swarms.

That's really thousands of mountains and birds flying away, and thousands of paths and people disappearing.Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow.

"Haha, locusts, there are really locusts!" Xun You twitched happily, and he suddenly opened his eyes when he fainted, "It's not as fake as before, it's real!" After confirming again, he passed out with a smile on his face up.

At this moment, Xun You felt that he was the happiest person in the world.Locust plagues, famine, holding tons of food in hand, what could be happier than this, huh?

Whoa, ten times, no, twenty times the price.

The lord is really too tyrannical, he swept away all the food, let alone ten times, twenty times these people will buy it now.Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi pulled over.

My lord, you are truly a god-man.Xu Huang, with wide-eyed eyes, pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and fell straight upright.He had never believed the lord's nonsense, but at this moment, he was really struck by lightning.

We are out of food!

Everyone is cleared up....

Zhen Yi and the others' faces changed drastically. Now that the locust plague has come and there is no grain harvest, they will have no food to eat.Then Qin Ye sold twenty times the price, and they also wanted to buy it.Moreover, it wasn't that Qin Ye wanted to slap them in the face.Qin Ye was already saving them, but they were still mocking them.

Nima!We deserve it!deserve it!
Zhen Yi slapped himself heavily, and slapped himself.

Han Fu only had a clear consciousness for a moment, and he drew it directly.

Tens of 10 people were all drawn.

Except Qin Ye.

No!Another person is standing.

"All of this is an illusion. It won't frighten me." Yuan Xi greeted the swarm of locusts, raised his arms and said with a smile.

Puffy, crackling.

In an instant, he was overwhelmed by the locust swarm.

His face was instantly swollen by the high-speed flying locusts.

"Hehe..." Yuan Xi seemed to have been shot by a Vulcan cannon for 1 minute, and was shot more than [-] times. He swayed all over his body and smiled innocently before passing out.

ten minutes later.

The locust swarm ate up everything here, and flew to the next place where the fragrance of Gu came from.These aromas, like flowers attract bees.Therefore, the swarm will not go wrong, let alone let go.

Hundreds of thousands of people who came to see Qin Ye's joke got up from the ground one after another in embarrassment. When they saw the barren land without a single green grass, these people were shocked again.

Qin Ye sighed and said to everyone: "I have tried my best."

The brush in the painter's hand fell to the ground, and the medical kit on the doctor's shoulder was torn apart.

The world said he was sick and mad.In order to slap him in the face, he was going to record this moment with a paintbrush.

And now it seems that only he is right.He is not crazy, nor is he sick.

He was willing to bear the infamy, and even at the last moment, he was still trying his best to convince everyone.

But everyone, at the last moment, was still mocking him.

The plague of locusts affects everyone, and no one can escape such a catastrophe.

If he had believed in him earlier and bought some food, he would have been able to survive.

The sound of slapping faces echoed among hundreds of thousands of people.That's people who regret it, killing themselves.

Facing the terrified Han Fu supported by several soldiers, Qin Ye said calmly, "Han Shijun, you are Jizhou Mu. It seems that millions of people may be affected by the disaster, so arrange disaster relief as soon as possible."

In an instant, Han Fu's pupils dilated.

Nima, I have sold all my food to you, what should I use for disaster relief?Not to mention disaster relief, my army is going to have nothing to eat, and I have nothing to eat.

God, why did this to me.

This young man..., why....


Han Fu's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground.

He cried, it's really a man who doesn't flick his tears easily, because he didn't reach the sad place.

Qin Ye looked at Zhen Yi and the others.

Everyone was trembling, their eyes were red, and they were already on the verge of collapse.

Qin Ye's last gaze fell on Yuan Xi, "It seems that Mr. Yuan needs to rely on his own strength to appease Bingzhou. I also want to thank the second son for selling me the precious grain in advance."

Yuan Xi is the happiest and most up-to-date, so Qin Ye naturally won't give him a good face.

Yuan Xi's hairs stood on end immediately, he thought that after the matter was completed, Yuan Shao would definitely praise him when he returned.Now it seems that he has no face to see his ancestors even after death.


Yuan Xi vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Just as Xu You woke up from the coma, he felt a heavy object being concentrated on the back of his head, and he fell into a coma again.

"Let's do it for ourselves. I wanted to save you, but you didn't believe it."

Zhen Yi and the others collapsed to the ground, tears of regret streaming down uncontrollably.

Qin Ye turned around and left with his hands behind his back.Only hundreds of thousands of people were left to watch the joke, but now they are crying.

The world misunderstood him and laughed at him.He doesn't care, he just does the right thing.When the ending comes, who will be the one to cry?
Old man Wang and other people with land, they listened to Qin Ye's words, although they also suffered losses, they would not die of starvation.They came to the people who were watching, "Who told you not to believe it?"

"Hey..." Old man Wang and the others sighed, but left happily.


I don't know who opened the gate first. For a while, the mourning cries of tens of thousands of people were recorded in the annals of history.Hundreds of thousands of people repented, and the world changed color.

Xun You, the young Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, and everyone on Qin Ye's side are full of energy at this moment, as proud as if they were reborn from the ashes.

"Get ready to sell grain," Qin Ye said.

Seeing his calm and confident expression again, everyone was in admiration and awe.

Xun You and the others were happy at first, but soon became worried.Xun You said: "My lord, I'm afraid there are floating corpses all over the place."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Ye said calmly: "People who have land have food in their homes, and those who don't have land are tenants. If people like Zhen Yi don't want to see the resurgence of the Yellow Turban, they will pay for food. Famine will appear, but floating corpses are everywhere Not at all.”

Xun You nodded heavily, "My lord has already warned me about this catastrophe, but unfortunately the world doesn't believe it. We can only do so much. If the world complains, they can only blame themselves."

"Gongming, hurry up and inform Wen Yuan and the others to strengthen the security of our camp."

"Here!" Xu Huang walked away with his head held high.

Qin Ye looked at the weeping man, his expression gradually darkened, and he raised his eyes to the sky.

I would have my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch.

(End of this chapter)

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