Chapter 225 So Much Hate (Second Update)


The bumper harvest turned into a complete failure in the blink of an eye.

The overwhelming locusts devoured all the plants in front of them.

The big landlords cried out, leading their tenants and servants to beat the locusts, and all the female relatives went into battle.Although some food was harvested, it was of no avail to the overall situation.

A caravan entered Qinghe County from Pingyuan County.

When the overwhelming locusts flew over, all the people in the caravan were paralyzed to the ground in fright.

You must know that they heard about the great harvest in Jizhou, and they came all the way from Xuzhou to collect grain.

A middle-aged man named Mi Zhu is the owner of this caravan.

Looking at the barren fields, he sighed.

It seemed that there was going to be a famine in the north again. Fortunately, it was difficult for locusts to fly across the Yellow River, and Qingxu was saved.

Crying crowds were everywhere, some of them were dressed gorgeously and could be seen as local big landlords, but they cried the most.

"I heard that the summer grain is also a good harvest. Is there no surplus grain at home? You can't cry so badly, right?"

As a big landlord in Xuzhou, Mi Zhu's impression of the big landlord in Jizhou immediately dropped too much.After so many years of inheritance, what kind of disaster has not been encountered?Too shameless, too shameless.

"Surplus grain? Now the landlord's family has no surplus grain. Their surplus grain has been sold to General Qin at a high price."

An old man on the side of the road couldn't help laughing.

He added: "This time, let these elders know what famine is, what it is to eat after changing children, and what it is to starve to death!"

Speaking of the old man, it really relieved the hatred.

Mi Zhu was astonished, but also very puzzled, "This old man, you should have suffered a disaster too, and you can still laugh?"

The old man laughed, "We are different. Before the locust plague happened, General Qin had foreseen the disaster. He even summoned people to announce it, but the landlords didn't believe it. But we believed it, and we were able to save it."

"There are such people in the world who can predict disasters!" Mi Zhu's eyes widened, and he suddenly thought of a rumor he heard when he crossed the Yellow River.Immediately became more turbulent, surprised: "General Qin? But General Qin Mengjie?"

"That's right, it's General Qin." The old man's eyes were filled with admiration. "Those people not only didn't believe in General Qin, but also laughed at him. But now, who is crying?"

"A person who is as loyal as General Qin, who loves the people like a son. Will he deceive others? Those big landlords who judge others by themselves deserve this catastrophe." The old man patted the dirt on his buttocks, stood up from the ridge, Go away with your hands behind your back.

Mi Zhu felt ashamed, but when he was crossing the Yellow River, he heard a rumor.It is said that Qin Mengjie is sick and suffering from hallucinations, saying that there is a plague of locusts.

Mi Zhu was also mocking at that time.

"This man is so strong, there has never been such a man in 400 years." Mi Zhu sighed, and ordered the motorcade to turn around and return to Xuzhou.

And the news has already begun to spread around the world.

The message is divided into two bands.

first wave.

Qin Ye said that the plague of locusts will come.

Plague of locusts!terrible.

Don't believe me, I haven't finished yet.

It is impossible for there to be a plague of locusts, only Qin Ye is always nagging like this.

It turned out to be the case.

That was so soulless.

Everyone was chatting and laughing about this matter after dinner.

second wave.

No, the plague of locusts has really come.

What the hell...

All the people in the world have passed.

Nima, this matter is too cruel, he said that the locust plague will come when the locust plague comes?
Is he a god?

Jizhou is already in famine.

The bark and grass roots are gone in an instant.

It was just two or three days of support, and there was nothing to eat in the land of Jizhou.

In the west of Jizhou, Han Fu controlled the area.

Qin Ye opened a large number of charity houses around Yecheng, and she gave away porridge.

Qin Ye finally purchased all of Han Fu's grain reserves, bringing his grain reserves to an astonishing 60 dan.The price paid was the consumption of hundreds of millions of gold and silver treasures.The wealth obtained from Meiwu was consumed.

Countless hungry people came to the charity house, and only then could they survive.

They regretted that not only did they not listen to Qin Ye's words, they even laughed at him.Now, drinking the free porridge, they are full of gratitude and reverence.

He is a truly great man, his mind is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

Qin Ye's reputation spread all over the world because he helped the people.

When it comes to Qin Ye and Qin Mengjie, who doesn't give a thumbs up.

Outside Yecheng, No.15 Yishe.

Outside the charity house, a group of people gathered together.

In fact, there are many groups of people outside the charity house, all gathered together from one village to the other.

But this group of people, although they are also wearing old clothes, are not messy, and they are not ordinary people at first glance.

In fact, this group of people belonged to Zhen Yi's family.

After a while, more than a dozen people came back from the outside and came back to this pile.

There was a look of hunger and thirst in everyone's eyes, ready to move.

Zhen Yi didn't move.

His son Zhen Yan stood up and looked at the person who came back.The bowl was empty, "Ma Wu, what's the matter, where's the porridge?"

Ma Wu shook his head, "My lord, the charity house needs slips, and they all have numbers, so you can't get more than one or take it on your behalf."

Zhen Yan's face darkened.

In the crowd at the back, Zhen Mi put down her hood. Although she was wearing common clothes, she couldn't hide her beauty, "Father, you can go to General Qin to buy some food. Why are you here? If someone sees it, what's the face of my Zhen family?" live?"

Zhen Yi's face twitched. How could he not know that what his daughter said was reasonable, but he was more willing to accept a meal here than to go to Qin Ye's.

"Since that's the case, Ma Wu, go and get a note." Zhen Yi said with blood dripping from his heart.At the same time, he was yelling at himself for being so obsessed with money that he actually sold all the food in the family to Qinye.

But who could have imagined that there is really a plague of locusts?
Everyone didn't know that Zhen Yi, the number one merchant in the north, washed his face with tears every night.

Being obsessed with money is a taboo in the business world, and he actually lost it.But who can calm down in front of 5.00% profit?
That boy, how could he be so calm?How could he know that there was a plague of locusts?
Zhen Yi cried.

Ma Wu was flustered for a moment, and reluctantly said: "Master, if you want to eat, you have to go and handle it yourself."

Everyone's eyes gathered in front of Zhen Yi.

You must know that Zhen Yi is the largest merchant in the Northland, a wealthy family inherited.On weekdays, all you need is a glance, and all the delicacies from mountains and seas will be delivered to you.

But now, to drink a bowl of porridge, you still need to handle it yourself.

This Nima is too scary.

Qin Mengjie!I hate you so much....Zhen Yi rolled his eyelids and twitched them.

a while.

A group of people surrounded the cauldron, including men and women, old and young.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we have them all, old man, where's your note?" Qin Jun, who gave away porridge, said kindly.

The old man handed over the note.

Soldier A took the note, and Soldier B was about to serve porridge.

"Wait!" Soldier A hurriedly stopped him, staring at him in shock, "You are the master of the Zhen family, Zhen Yi!"

The old man visibly twitched.

Soldier A sneered and said, "You sold grain to my lord at five times the price. My lord kindly told you about the disaster, but you didn't believe it. You still have the face to eat porridge? You want to buy it with money."

Only then did the soldiers around know that it was Zhen Yi who came.

Who is Zhen Yi?Now it's reduced to come to drink porridge.

The soldiers were very happy. Not long ago, they were still being laughed at for having a silly lord, and they were speechless.It's all cocky now.Who is stupid?Facts have proved that you are the soulless.

"You are a charity house here!" Zhen Yan said angrily.

The soldiers laughed.

Soldier A nodded solemnly, "Yes, we are a charity house here, but it is only open to ordinary people. The Zhen family's status is too high to accept them."

Zhen Yan vomited blood, Nima, we just came to drink a bowl of porridge, does this have something to do with the ingredients?
How could Zhen Yi's mind not know that this must be a rule made by Qin Ye, he raised his hand to stop his son.

Stay here with no face.

Under the icy eyes of the surrounding people, Zhen Yi's family left in desperation.

It was only then that Zhen Yi realized that he must have been too hungry to think about it wrongly. It would be better to go to Qin Ye's place for a meal here.

(End of this chapter)

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