The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 226 Hungry, Dianwei

Chapter 226 Hungry, Dianwei (third update)
Yecheng, State Shepherd's Mansion.


There was a burst of sound, constantly echoing.

The soldier holding the spear could no longer stand upright.

As for Han Fu, who was sitting high in the hall, his waist was bent.

Under the hall, the high-level officials of Jizhou are all there.

Chief Shi Gengwu came out anxiously, "My lord, our army will run out of food in one month, and now we are in the middle of food distribution. If we don't think about it in advance, the army may be in danger of mutiny. Moreover, Qin Mengjie opened a charity house, and the pastoral mansion of our state There was no movement, and there was great public resentment."

Han Fu's face was pale, how could he not know that the current situation on his side was very serious.This came from the fact that he sold all the stored grain to Qin Ye, and the harvest would have been bumper in about ten days, but now it was all eaten by locusts.

In this way, all the calculations are wrong, not only will there be no food in the warehouse, but the food will run out.

Xin Ping's eyes flashed fiercely, "Qin Ye has 60 million dans of grain. If I use it, not only can I easily survive this famine, but I will also have a lot of surplus."

Biejia Min Chun was taken aback, his face changed, and he said anxiously: "No, now Qin Ye's reputation among the people is in full swing."

Han Fu became even more sluggish, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"The only way to buy food is from Qin Mengjie," Geng Wu said.

Everyone's complexion is complicated.

Go to Qin Mengjie to buy food?
Wouldn't it be better to send it to your door and let others slaughter it?

I remembered that not long ago, I just slaughtered someone.

No, it shouldn't be slaughtering others, it's Nima who got caught!
At that time, he still laughed at the young man for being stupid, but now it seems that at that time, the young man must have looked down upon himself.

Han Fu cried.

Min Chundao: "This is the end of the matter, that's the only way to go. Things must be carried out as soon as possible. If there is a major change in the army, it will be too late." He agreed with Geng Wu's suggestion. As for being slaughtered, he looked at Han Fu with a sad expression Pale.

Obviously seeing Han Fu's figure sitting there, he shrank another three inches, "Geng Changshi, you can take charge of this matter."

Everyone looked at each other, shook their heads and dispersed.

Not far after walking out of the conference hall, I heard the sound of smashing from behind.

Han Fu smashed everything around him, but when he thought about it carefully, he deserved it and couldn't blame others.

Do not!
It's all Qin Ye!

Han Fu lifted the case and threw it out.

on the other hand.

Yecheng Post Station, Qin Ye Xingyuan.

In the back garden, the aroma of barbecue exudes.

Qin Ye is grilling kebabs.

Xun You, the young Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi were all in high spirits, without the frowning of the past few days, as if they were completely different people.

The three of them looked at the boy who was grilling skewers with adoring eyes.

It is said that they know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, but compared with the teenagers, they are still far behind.

Zhuge Liang fanned the charcoal fire with a feather fan, "No one has come to buy food yet."

Qin Ye said lightly: "Don't worry." He rolled a string, his mouth full of oil, "I'm so hungry, I can do anything."

The crowd nodded.

See how calm and composed the lord is, that's what a great event looks like.

At this moment, Xu Huang came here and whispered something in his ear.

Qin Ye threw down the skewers, stood up and said, "Study hard, make progress every day, and the future is in your hands."

The three of Xun You sent Qin Ye away respectfully, and then went to study.


Yecheng, a gambling house.

A big black guy was kicked out by a group of people.

"Hey, it's not that I don't want to give money." The big black man said dissatisfied.

Zhao Sanquan snorted coldly, "Dianwei, do you think you still have money? I won't give it to you anymore."

"Stingy." Dian Wei said contemptuously.

Zhao San almost slammed his fist. He was really a heartless person. He looked over and said, "Actually, I envy you very much. The opportunity is in front of you, and you don't know how to cherish it."

"You envy me?" Dian Wei was very puzzled, scratching his head and said, "What opportunity is right in front of us? Are you kidding me?"

Zhao Sanquan said calmly: "Do you know who the boy who gave you the money is?"

Dian Wei scratched his head, "Who does he know who it is, he must be a dude who doesn't have enough brains. Or who would give money for no reason?"

Before the words fell, everyone was angry.If he could defeat Dian Wei, he would have gone up and taught him a lesson.

Zhao Sanquan said coldly: "Dianwei, do you know Lord Mengchang?"

"Who doesn't know Mr. Mengchang?" Dian Wei acted like you don't underestimate me.

Zhao Sanquan said repeatedly: "Do you think that boy's brain is not enough to count?"

"of course not."

"The boy who gave you the money is Qin Mengjie, who is famous all over the world."

"What, he is Qin Mengjie!"

Dian Wei was shocked, how could he not know who Qin Mengjie was.That is a world-renowned, god-like existence.And recently, wherever he went, it was like a thunderbolt.

He was ridiculed by others, but he had no complaints, and he even opened a charity house to help the people. Dian Wei himself went to eat porridge every day.

Such a hero with a humble heart, willing to bear the infamy, and dedicated to serving the people is simply the number one figure in the world, an idol that everyone worships.

"That person turned out to be Qin Mengjie!" Dian Wei's face changed drastically, and he immediately understood what Zhao Sanquan said about losing his chance.

"Dian Wei, at first I thought that you were just a hopeless bastard. I, Zhao Sanquan, would be relentless in earning money from people like you. But I didn't expect that you have such an ability, But you can only fool around in the gambling house. My gambling house will never accept people like you again."

Zhao Sanquan and the others turned around and entered the gambling house, closing the door.

Dian Wei stood there for a long time.

He began to walk aimlessly on the street.

A fragrant wind blows.

"Sell pancakes, freshly baked pancakes!"

The boss who sells cakes is proud of his spring breeze. He is one of the few families with surplus food, so he made a fortune.

"Go away!" The boss saw the down-and-out Dian Wei approaching, and started to chase him away ahead of time.

If it had been before, Dian Wei might have smashed the stall.

But at this moment, Dian Wei was disheartened and looked tired.

He himself didn't know how long he had been walking, he was hungry, and he didn't know when he squatted in a corner of the street.

Suddenly, a pancake appeared in front of him.

Is it a hallucination?
Dian Wei stared at the pancake in front of him, and when he raised his head, he saw a familiar boy.

"Be hungry, I'll give you something to eat." The boy's Xingmu flashed a kind smile.

Dian Wei took it and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

The young man took out a bulging bag, put it in front of Dian Wei, and said earnestly, "There are ten pennies here, so don't gamble. Go home and buy a few acres of land to earn a living."

Dian Wei crouched there, staring blankly at the boy.

"Not enough? I'll give you another ten strings." The boy put down another bag of money.

The young man nodded to Dian Wei, turned around and left.

"Dianwei, do your best, don't disappoint my lord's expectations again. I didn't expect that you, a gambler, are better at martial arts than my Xu Huang." said a big man with him.

"That's General Qin!"

The people on the street started to commotion, and in an instant, they surrounded the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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