The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 227 4 Meters Long Butcher's Knife

Chapter 227 The 40-meter-long Butcher's Knife (Part [-])
The youth among the people descended to the world like an angel.He warms people with his kindness and benevolence.

Seeing all this, the purse in Dian Wei's hand fell to the ground, and he, who had been wandering all his life, finally found the true meaning of life.

Wherever the young man goes, the common people will come to see him.

Wherever the young man went, Dian Wei followed him.

Xu Huang turned his head several times, "Master, he has been following us."

"Let him follow." The young man greeted the people in an easy-going manner.

At this moment, he realized the true meaning of his predecessors.

Perhaps, this is the true meaning that he has been looking for since he came here.

Dian Wei followed Qin Ye back to the station.

Qin Ye does not have a mansion here, and the lord here will not allow him to own a mansion.

In this station, there are not many Qin troops.

"Isn't this big black guy the one?"

The guards of the Qin army standing guard at the gate recognized Dian Wei and did not stop him when they saw him coming back with the lord.

Qin Ye entered a simple living room.

Dian Wei hesitated for a moment, but did not follow up.He saw a guard standing guard at the door, so he walked over, pushed the guard on the left out of the way, and stood there by himself.

"What are you doing!" The guard was very dissatisfied.

Dian Wei was embarrassed, "I'll give you the money, I'll take this position."

As he spoke, he put two pockets of money into the guard's arms.

The guard was dumbfounded.

What's your situation?

Came here to grab a job?
It's not so obvious, is it?
"This is twenty guan, you can go home and be a small landlord." Dian Wei said solemnly.

The guard almost fainted.

Twenty pennies counts as wool.

He is Han Shouhou's personal bodyguard, what kind of status is he?

You must know that when he crossed the Yellow River, he took time to go back home, and his yard was crowded with daughters in the whole village.All the landlords in the village came to pay their respects. What an honor it is?

At this time Xu Huang came out from the inside and said, "This is the new chief guard appointed by the lord."

The guards around were all shocked.

In fact, they all recognized Dian Wei, and they also knew that Dian Wei's martial arts were even higher than Xu Huang's.If the lord hadn't made the move himself, no one on this side would be able to restrain him.

Sure enough, he is the most suitable candidate for the head of the bodyguard.

The guards said: "I have seen the general."

Dian Wei was shocked.

This was something he had never expected, nor dared to think about.

Being able to be a small soldier, in fact, he would be very satisfied.

Dian Wei wiped the corners of his eyes, "Stand guard for me. Whoever dares to touch the lord, you will let him step over my Dian Wei's corpse."


All the guards clasped their fists and saluted, the words reached everyone's hearts.

After a while, Geng Wu, Han Fu's emissary outside, came.

Geng Wu entered the hall.

This hall is much smaller than the meeting hall of the State Shepherd's Mansion, with a depth of less than three meters, it is just a main room.

And the world-renowned General Qin is sitting on a dilapidated mat at the moment because there is no base.Even kneeling and sitting there, he is not as tall as Geng Wu.

Qin Ye raised his head and looked at Geng Wu, "Is there something wrong with Chang Shi?"

Geng Wu felt a little embarrassed. He tidied up his clothes and gave another salute. Then he looked down at Qin Ye who was not far away and said: "Now that the famine is here, thanks to the benevolence of the general, we have opened a charity house. I, the people of Jizhou, only There is a place to eat, and I am grateful all over Jizhou."

Qin Ye just nodded and signaled Geng Wu to continue talking.

In fact, Qin Ye and the others have already been able to guess Geng Wu's intention for coming. What kind of gratitude is there, it is all false, it is a stereotype, it is a big hat, and it is a code of conduct that wants to restrain people.

"In order to maintain local stability, we need to purchase a batch of grain from the general," Geng Wu said.

"How much?" Qin Ye asked.

"15 tons." Geng Wu looked at the calm Qin Ye, but he was already crying in his heart.To know this amount, it was Han Fu who sold it to Qin Ye.Now that Nima wants to buy it back, he feels his face is hot, as if he has been whipped.

Qin Ye raised his hand on his knee slightly.

Next to him, Sima Yi boldly walked out and handed Geng Wu a piece of precious Luoyang paper.

When Geng Wu opened it, he staggered suddenly, and lost his voice: "It's so expensive! It's only half the price!" He was already shouting in his heart, oh my god, it's twenty times the price.

Before that, when Han Fu sold grain to Qin Ye, he slaughtered Qin Ye severely.So Geng Wu had already considered the possibility of being stabbed, but he didn't expect the knife to be so big.

If Han Fu used a five-meter-long knife, then Qin Ye would be a 40-meter-long giant weapon.

Nima, can we not be so cruel.

In fact, we really want to be friends with you.

Geng Wu's gaze was completely begging for mercy, looking at Qin Ye like a puppy.

Qin Ye sat on the dilapidated mat, took a sip of tea from a cracked porcelain bowl, and then said calmly: "Chang Shi, do you need me to explain this matter? I think Han Shijun's heart is as clear as a mirror. I Qin Ye All you have to do is to act with a clear conscience. As for the rest, that is your business."

How could Geng Wu not understand the meaning, so he just smoked it at that time.

After Geng Wu left, Qin Ye said to everyone: "At this price, only half of the grain reserves will be sold."

Everyone nodded, and the remaining half of the grain reserves were also extremely huge, calculated in hundreds of thousands of tons.In addition to the money and food that will be put into the warehouse soon, it will be the capital for Qinye's future expansion.

At this moment, he is in a state of plundering the money and food of the entire Northland.

Xun You and the others thought back on the whole process, still clicking their tongues secretly.

And Geng Wu rushed back to Han Fu's mansion.

When I came to the chamber, I saw Xin Ping entering.

So the two went in together.

In the majestic meeting hall, Han Fu sat high on a stage more than one meter high.The hall was so huge that Geng Wu had to stop when he was five meters away.

Han Fu looked down, "How is it? Will Qin Mengjie sell it?"

Geng Wu looked up at the past, "My lord, he is willing to sell, but only for half of our original price, and he wants... twenty times the price."

Han Fu stood up right then, his eyes widened.

twenty times?
Twenty times the price is enough to bankrupt Han Fu.You know, even now, with the money in Han Fu's treasury, he is also the richest man in the world.It can be seen that it is difficult to make him bankrupt.

Twenty times the price, if Han Fu accepted this price, then he would be the biggest fool in the world.

Han Fu took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Have the people who went to Yanzhou and Qingzhou come back?"

At this time, Xin Ping walked out with sweat on his forehead, "My lord, Cao Mengde and Kong Beihai are jointly suppressing the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou. Although they promised to sell us some grain, it is not enough."

Han Fu's teeth vibrated for a while.

"Go, go, buy the grain back as soon as possible." He felt as if he was in mourning, so there was nothing he could do.

After half a day.

The treasury of the Jizhou government was opened wide, and a load of gold and silver was moved out.

Mr. Han didn't mess with this one and didn't mess with that one. After so many years of painstaking efforts, he was able to become rich beyond compare.

This is the blood and flesh of Shijun Han, so Jizhou Mu Han Shijun was already lying on the bed with a wet towel covering his forehead, panting heavily.The sound of the creaking wheels coming from outside the next wall was loud in his heart like thunder.

This ending is too cruel for a prince who dominates one side.

It is said that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, it depends on how big the boat is.

When the man drew a 40-meter broadsword from his waist, he was frightened to death before he could even make a move.Then it's easy to break the intestines.

To this day, the people who sold it to Qin Ye for five times the price at the beginning can't believe that it will end up like this.

They had to swallow this bitter fruit alive.

If you repent and come back to life again, you will never provoke him.

 Thanks to Wuyi faction, Jingshuiyuehuanlu, decisive battle on the battlefield, don't ask the common people, and book friend 433 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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