Chapter 232

Five thousand Qin troops gathered in the open space in the center of the camp.

The soldiers all looked at the young man on the martial arts viewing platform with admiring eyes.

The youth's concept of leading troops is completely different from the princes of this era.

Because of this, Qin Jun was built into a big family by him.

In iron and blood, it is the warmth of home.

In the hearts of Qin soldiers, the army is their home, and Qin Ye is their parents.

Although Qin Ye didn't do anything on purpose, the concept of leading our army in later generations, invisibly, condensed the spirit of the army on him.

From the way the soldiers looked at him, one could see too many things.

With the sound of hoo hoo, the soldiers of the Qin army began to practice.

Qin Ye sat on the table and watched. After observing the practice, he found that there were still some flaws.

There is no perfect thing in the world, everything has flaws.The key lies in whether you can see through the flaws, seize the flaws, and use the flaws.Compared with the soldiers and horses of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others, the Qin army has much fewer loopholes.

Why did Qin Ye know?
He knew it all at a glance.

Therefore, Qinye is quite satisfied with the recent training results.These soldiers only need to experience the baptism of blood once to become the most elite fighters.

Zhang Liao and the others took a peek at the lord's expression and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thinking about the beginning, we were really scolded miserably." Zhang Liao recalled.

Xu Huang said with shame: "I never thought there would be so many loopholes in the training."

Gao Shunxi said: "Thanks to the master's guidance, we can train elite soldiers."

Tai Shici said: "At first I thought my archery skills could not be improved, but after receiving my lord's advice, I realized that there are too many areas for improvement in technique and aiming."

"My lord's command is simply art!" Hua Xiong said excitedly.

Everyone nodded immediately.Through the training of recruits during this period, they felt that even they had improved too much.

Practice continues.

Xun You bypassed Dian Wei, who was like a door god, and came to Qin Ye, "Master, all the money and food have been settled. Now there are ten days' worth of food and grass in the camp. If there is not enough, you can continue to train and transport. It will not be exposed by the vehicle transportation. "

Qin Ye nodded and asked, "Where did the main force of Zhang Yan in Montenegro retreat?"

"My lord, Zhang Yan's main force has retreated to a certain point." The young Zhuge Liang approached Dianwei, shaking his feather fan lightly, and expressed his thoughts, "It seems that Zhang Yan does not intend to give up Changshan County."

The young Sima Yi was not far behind, and moved closer, "My lord, Han Fu came to Shiyi. It is said that he came to inspect the army. This man has always been very careful with his life. Even when he was fighting the Black Mountain Army, he was always in Yecheng. He actually came to the front-line city this time, so we must guard against it."

Qin Ye said that our army is now able to advance and retreat freely, and the most important thing is to maintain a posture of not getting entangled with any party, "We still need to wait for an opportunity, as long as Zhang Yan and Gongsun Zan or Han Fu confront each other, we will launch our troops. "

Jingxing will be the beginning of the Taihang Mountain base.Qinye will seize this dangerous pass and rely on Jingxing Valley Road in Cangyan Mountain, Puyinxing in Baishi Mountain, and Feihuxing in Xiaowutai Mountain to build three lines of defense in three mountains to protect the security of the base area.

If he succeeds, he will be in the center of Jinchaji, overlooking Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu, and Han Fu, the four northern princes.

If you enter, you will be invulnerable, and if you exit, you will devour the northern land.Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou are all under the cover of his soldiers.

Another half an hour later, the practice ended.

After more than an hour of practice, although the soldiers were sweating profusely, they were out of breath.It seems that just warming up, this is the embodiment of endurance.

This kind of performance comes from well-trained, but also from the treatment of the Qin army, which is almost double that of other princes' armies.As far as food is concerned, the Qin army also had three meals when it was not in war, while other armies only had three meals when they were fighting.

Qin Ye stood up and affirmed the results of this period of training. He walked to the front, "Whoever lives and dies with me is my brother!"

"Whoever lives and dies with me is my brother!" The shouts of the soldiers echoed in the sky and the earth.

The morale is high, the training results are extraordinary, and there is excellent strategic planning.At this moment, everyone is full of hope for the future.

Qin Ye, Xun You and the others walked down the stands talking and laughing, and in the distance, a fast horse approached.

"My lord, Han Fu personally led an army of [-] out of the camp. I'm afraid he is five miles away from us at this moment."

Qin Ye raised his eyebrows.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan anxiously, "My lord, the sudden arrival of Han Jizhou's army here is definitely not in good faith."

"What Zhong Da said before will be someone spying on the lord's money, it may come true." Xun You was anxious at the moment, although they had predicted before that Qin Ye's huge wealth in this troubled world would definitely attract people to snatch it.But I didn't expect it to come so soon.

For Han Fu's arrival, Qin Ye was not afraid, so he ordered Gao Shun and Hua Xiong to guard the camp, and Tai Shici commanded the bow camp, "Order the whole army to guard the camp, and the cavalry to follow me out of the camp."

Because Han Fu's barracks is very close to Qin Jun's barracks.

So Qin Ye had just left the stronghold to form a camp led by a thousand traps, when he saw dust heads covering the sky not far from the west.

After a while, the huge army stopped, the dust dispersed, and [-] soldiers and horses were revealed.

The scale of 5 people is so huge, and the land is endless.

Accompanied by general Zhang He and counselor Xin Ping, Han Fu took a glance at the opposite side and smiled.

He has ten times the strength of Qin Ye, and he is full of confidence.Although Qin Ye's commanding generals are like a cloud, as long as they swarm up, the ending is predictable.

The Dianwei Shuanghalberds were at his waist, holding Qinye's Cold Moon Blade in both hands.

Zhang Liao and Xu Huang held their ground, and a thousand cavalry faced fifty times the Jizhou army, and they were inevitably nervous.

Qin Ye's eyes flashed, and he found that the Jizhou army was full of loopholes.If it weren't for his lack of troops to attack too many cities, he would have already planned to replace them.

But for field battles, I'm sorry, please don't blame him for looking down on Han Fu's Jizhou Army.

Qin Ye, as a traveler, has experienced edification here, and has a lot of experience in later generations.I know that the war at the end of Han Dynasty will not end overnight.He must first establish a firm foothold and accumulate a lot of money before he can compete with these veteran princes.

If it is a blind attack, it will only consume the previous accumulation.

Qin Ye stepped out, "Is Han Shijun free to come to my place today?"

In fact, the sword was on the verge of breaking out, and the intention had gradually become clear.

Han Fu said solemnly: "General Qin, this time, I am going to personally conquer the Black Mountain Army."

"Oh?" Qin Ye admired immediately, "I wish you success soon."

Han Fu twitched when he heard this, but what he said was actually a cliché.According to common sense, Qin Ye would definitely say that if it is needed, but it doesn't matter.

However, Qin Ye didn't say anything.

So crafty!

Since he didn't say it, I said it.

Han Fu came with the intention of tearing his face apart, so he motioned for Xin Ping.

Xin Ping was not polite, rode out, took out a document, and said in a condescending tone, "The battle is imminent. The general came to Jizhou to fight against the Black Mountain Army. My Lord is Jizhou Shepherd and supervises all the soldiers and horses in Jizhou to crusade against Montenegro. The military is duty-bound. General, from now on, join our Jizhou army and obey the orders."

Xun You's heart sank. If he couldn't catch up with this verbal confrontation, it would be morally damaged.

The young Zhuge Liang rode out, shook his feather fan lightly, and talked eloquently, "What this lord said is different, my lord came here on behalf of the imperial court. As local officials, you don't say that you are ordered, but instead seize people. Could it be that you intend to plot a rebellion? "

"This...." Xin Ping was at a loss for words.

Han Fu's expression changed.

Fortunately, Xin Ping reacted quickly and said: "What you young man said is not unreasonable. However, our Jizhou army is short of money and food to hunt for thieves. As imperial envoys, you have enough money and food, hundreds of thousands. Please dispatch as soon as possible." For money and food, I, the Jizhou army, can easily beg for thieves."

Han Fu's complexion recovered, and he felt that this response was excellent. If Qin Ye shied away, he would immediately say that he intended to rebel and attack with his army, and he would never say another word.

Qin Ye's expression was dignified. It seemed that if he didn't agree, Han Fu would take the opportunity to attack.Although he is not afraid, facing ten times as many enemy troops, after a big battle, our side will also suffer great losses.

And if they retreat now, although it is impossible for Han Fu to get his own money and food, his strategic intentions will also be known to the surrounding princes.

Then Qin Ye, who has only five thousand troops, will come to naught if he wants to seize Jingxing and open the situation in front of more than one hundred thousand Black Mountain troops.

In this way, there will be no second choice but to continue in exile.

Moreover, the princes from all over the country will definitely spy on his money and food. If they don't donate their huge wealth, there will be no place to go into exile.

(End of this chapter)

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