The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 233 Changes in the situation

Chapter 233 Changes in the situation
The grinning north blows across the huge battlefield.

Opposite the [-] Jizhou Army is the [-] Qin Army.

In front of the Qin army's camp, there was a thousand camps armed to the teeth.In the big camp, there are four thousand infantry.Most of these soldiers carried wooden spears and wore wooden armor cut from wood chips.

Although Qin Ye has the entire Pu family's blacksmith family under his command, it is impossible to arm so many soldiers in a short period of time.

The battlefield is very quiet.

The [-] soldiers of the Jizhou Army have already made preparations. Although they are facing the mighty and famous general Qin Ye, they have confidence.

The enemy has only 5000 people and insufficient equipment. How can we defeat them?
The soldiers also thought about it themselves, and they will cover up and kill them in a while, just relying on the large number of people, they will directly crush them.They have also greeted each other well, taking care of each other more, forming a situation where more than one fights less, with more than a dozen people fighting around one person.

In this case, even the king of the national uniform has to kneel.

The soldiers of the Qin army tightly held the wooden spears in their hands.Their eyes were filled with absolute determination.Qin Jun is their home, and they may have watched their family crumble cowardly.But they will never allow such a thing to happen again.

Since it cannot be avoided, then, this time, I will be with my family.

At this moment, even that cowardly person has completely grown into a warrior.

"Qin Mengjie, you choose." Han Fu's words were almost oppressive, and the window paper was already transparent.

Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eye flashed the enemy's battle formation repeatedly, and a large amount of information flowed in, becoming a deep memory.

All the eyes of everyone under his command focused on him.

Whenever an order is given, no one will hesitate.

"My lord, there's news from the north that one hundred thousand Black Mountain troops have gone south. The forward is less than thirty miles away." Gao Shun rushed from the camp and reported the news with a heavy heart.

Everyone's expressions became more serious.

This piece of information means that the Qin army will not only face the [-] Jizhou army, but also face the [-] Heishan army.

Facing the [-] Jizhou Army, if you fight to the death, you may still have a chance.But after that, there was no chance at all.

Everyone was angry.

Could it be that this side, just like this, died here.That longing to calm down the world, that ideal of a lifelong struggle, just ruined like this?
"Okay! It's so good, it's so timely!" Xun You was so excited that he was ecstatic, but he immediately stopped smiling to avoid being noticed by the people opposite.

Everyone was stunned.

military adviser.

Nima, how are you?

Is your brain so funny?

Is this a good thing?timely?

Yes, it came too timely, and there is nothing more unlucky than this.

Everyone immediately thought that Xun You was laughing in grief, and seemed to be insane.

Why, God wants to target us like this.Those princes who are selfish and selfish will prosper instead.My lord is wholeheartedly for the people, but this is how he ended up.

The crowd cried.

Xun You signaled everyone not to be so difficult, "It seems that Zhongda's previous analysis was extremely wrong. The Black Mountain Army also came to snatch the Lord's money and food."

Everyone nodded, they all know this, but they want to figure it out now, why can't you laugh?

Seeing young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi laughing, Xun You said, "The proposal to transfer money and food was proposed by Zhong Da, so let Zhong Da explain it."

Sima Yi came out and said to everyone: "The blueprint of the base proposed by the lord is very important to our side. But it will face the entire Black Mountain Army, but it is different now. The Black Mountain Army will definitely fight Han Fu when they come here. Instead, our army can take advantage of this opportunity to surprise Jingxing and open up the situation for our army to open up a base."

He also said: "Our army's money and food have been transferred, but the enemy doesn't know it. Our army gives up Dazhai, and the enemy will definitely fight."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that, it seemed that this was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Qin Ye nodded slightly. Since Han Fu was not far away, he didn't have time to discuss this matter with his subordinates, so he said to Han Fu: "Han Shijun, I am very willing to support Han Shijun with food and grass."

Han Fu was ready to attack, he was taken aback when he heard this, and then he laughed.

Look, take it easy.

Xin Ping and the others are all proud, their army is here, with these soldiers and horses of Qin Ye, it is impossible to refuse.

"Our army still needs the full support of General Qin." Han Fu said further.

Qin Ye showed embarrassment, and said with great difficulty: "There is no problem."

Han Fu clenched his fists, holding back the excitement of laughing.So what if it's Qin Ye?It's not about bowing your head in front of him.He also gradually lost his lofty attitude and became amiable. Instead, he praised: "General Qin is really a man of benevolence and righteousness. Then, arrange to move money and food as soon as possible."

Qin Ye said: "There is no problem with the transportation, but the Black Mountain Army will probably come here this afternoon, and the matter of the Black Mountain Army needs to be resolved before the money and food can be moved safely."

"Huh?" Han Fu and the others were taken aback.

Montenegrin Army?
At this time, a scout horse from the Jizhou Army came galloping.

After hearing the report, Han Fu's expression changed drastically.

Qin Ye also said: "It seems that Han Shijun also knows the details. I will protect the money and food here in the end, and wish Han Shijun a victory. If Han Shijun wins, my mission here will be completed. Immediately let go of this big stronghold, and leave with only soldiers and horses. Anything that belongs to the stronghold is at the mercy of Han Shijun."

Han Fu became overwhelmed when he heard the news that the Hundred Thousand Black Mountains were coming, and hurriedly asked Xin Ping, "How to deal with it?"

Xin Ping didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

But they knew one thing, if they could not repel the Black Mountain Army, they would not be able to get Qin Ye's money and food.

However, how to repel the Montenegrin Army?

"Report..., my lord, Gongsun Zan led [-] white horse rebels, less than [-] miles away from here! Afterwards, tens of thousands of infantry will come." Another Jizhou army scout came to Han Fu.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Ye also sent news from Tanma.

Qin Ye sneered, "Unexpectedly, Gongsun Zan also came."

It is obvious that these people are all coveting his wealth.

"Han Shijun, what do you think about this?" Qin Ye asked.

Han Fu was dumbfounded.

He was so impressed that he couldn't help scolding Gongsun Zan and the Black Mountain Army.

Qin Ye followed up and said, "Everything is up to Mr. Han to decide."

But looking at Han Fu's appearance, he can't be the master at all, and he doesn't want to be the master.

Ever since, it was cold.

Estimated half an hour later.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded from the east, and under the dust that covered the sky and the sun, [-] cavalry troops appeared here.

Gongsun Zan waited for the horse, and the cavalry behind him was prohibited by the military order. The white horse obeyed and shocked the north, and the huge momentum overwhelmed him.

After a while, Gongsun Zan rode out and stared at him coldly.

Han Fu especially didn't want to face Gongsun Zan and was restless.

Qin Ye looked over and saw that there were many cavalry generals under Gongsun's army, but none of them knew him.But soon saw familiar faces, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei.

It is precisely because of the help of the three brothers Liu Bei that Gongsun Zan was able to open up the situation in Jizhou so quickly and smoothly.

 Thanks to Xiu Dedola and book friend 7396 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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