The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 236 Everything Is For Domination

Chapter 236 Everything Is For Hegemony

Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and the others glared at Gongsun Zan with very angry expressions, and then reluctantly followed Qin Ye back to the camp.

"My lord, this matter must not be tolerated like this."

"Gongsun Zan and Han Fu are too deceitful..."

"Fight with them, don't pull me!"

Following the generals' indignation, Dian Wei was already roaring.

But in the end it was pulled.

Seeing this situation, Gongsun Zan and Han Fu felt indescribably happy.

It looks like it's time to count the money right away.

The soldiers of the Qin Army looked out through the gaps in the wall of the village with lonely eyes.Like a prisoner in a cage.

However, in fact, everyone is already happy.

Those idiots outside thought that the lord was easy to bully, but they didn't even know they were fooled.They also wanted to steal our money, they were all sold by the lord, and they had to count the money for the lord.

"Soldier, what is your expression? You need to know the cultivation of an actor."

"My lord, I can't hold back anymore."


As soon as the soldier turned around, he couldn't help laughing silently.It turned out that it wasn't that I couldn't hold back the urge to pee, but that I couldn't help laughing.

After Qin Ye and the others returned to the big tent, they all smiled.

Xun You walked out and said with a smile, "My lord, it looks like Gongsun Zan and the others have taken the bait."

As soon as Qin Ye smiled, he ordered Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to lead a thousand troops to attack Jingxing by surprise.He also ordered Hua Xiong and Tai Shici to lead [-] infantry to follow up.

"The attention of the Black Mountain Army will be attracted by Gongsun Zan and the others. They must move quickly so that they are caught off guard."


This is about to open up the situation and establish their own base. The generals are excited and eager.


As the 4000 members of the Qinye tribe left the camp, Gongsun Zan and Han Fu felt relieved.Without these soldiers, even if Qin Ye ran away, he would not be able to take the money and food, and they could easily face the Black Mountain Army.

So the two joined forces, and a hundred thousand troops rushed to the Montenegro army.

After Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army heard the news, he knew that the robbery had completely failed.Originally, Zhang Yan was also waiting for the oriole to follow, waiting for Gongsun Zan and Han Fu to fight.Unexpectedly, these two people would join forces. Because Gongsun Zan and others had already led the troops to kill Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan also lost the opportunity to retreat calmly.

After discussing with the leaders of his subordinates, Zhang Yan decided to fight the enemy right here.

If it wins, the Black Mountain Army will not only get a huge amount of money and food, but also get Yecheng, the world's most powerful city.This is the result that the leaders of the Black Mountain Army and Zhang Yan are willing to see.

And Gongsun Zan and Han Fu also wanted to take this opportunity to completely wipe out the main force of the Black Mountain Army and completely solve the problem of the Black Mountain Army for almost ten years.

Therefore, the two sides launched a battle on the outskirts of Shijiazhuang in later generations.

In the battle of 20 people, the sky was dark and the blood flowed like a river.

After three days of fighting, the Black Mountain Army lost as much as 5 people, and the coalition forces of Gongsun Zan and Han Fu also lost more than [-] people.

this day.

Gongsun Zan and Han Fu discussed the follow-up matters in the joint army tent.

The two didn't expect the Black Mountain Army to be so difficult to deal with. They didn't gain much advantage against a group of bandits in a head-on decisive battle.

At this moment, the two of them had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Report..., the Montenegrin Army has retreated!" At this moment, a small school sprinted into the account and shouted excitedly.

Gongsun Zan and Han Fu stood up almost at the same time, looking in disbelief.

And Zhang Yan really retreated, risking being hunted down, he also wanted to retreat.Because of his important stronghold behind, Taihang Baxing, the most important Jingxing in the direction of Jizhou, fell into the hands of the Qin army.

If Zhang Yan ignored it, he believed that the subsequent Feihu Xing and Puyin Xing would all be captured by the Qin army.

Then, the retreat route of the Black Mountain Army into the mountain will be completely cut off.

Therefore, after Zhang Yan heard the news, she was furious and began to retreat immediately.

Soon, Gongsun Zan and Han Fu also learned that the Qin army had occupied Jingxing.

Everyone was secretly surprised. They didn't expect that the small troops of the Qin Army played a decisive role in the final victory over the Black Mountain Army.

Gongsun Zan couldn't help being deeply jealous of Qin Ye.

"Has Qin Ye's army returned yet?" He asked the messenger.At this moment, he didn't care whether to occupy Jingxing or not, and he didn't plan to pursue the Black Mountain Army any more. He only cared about the movement of Qin Ye's army.

"When I came, I hadn't left yet." The messenger reported.

Gongsun Zan and Han Fu looked at each other, still understanding each other's thoughts.

As a result, the two set up their camps and began to withdraw their troops.

On the road.

Gongsun Zan said to Liu Bei: "I didn't expect the Black Mountain Army to be so difficult to fight, and we lost as many as [-] people. If we knew this earlier, we shouldn't have started the war so easily."

In fact, Gongsun Zan is very regretful and heartbroken now.You must know that it is not easy for him to train soldiers and horses. These soldiers and horses are the capital he relies on to fight for hegemony.Now here, without any results, almost half of it was lost.

Put it on who, who will not hurt?
Liu Bei was also in great pain. He only had [-] soldiers and horses, but he paid [-] in compensation.But he didn't regret it. Instead, he comforted Gongsun Zan, "Don't worry, Duke Ming. Although these soldiers and horses have been lost, after defeating Zhang Yan, Qin Ye's money and food are at his fingertips. With this money and food, hegemony can be achieved."

Liu Bei further reminded: "Besides, Han Fu has suffered more losses than Duke Ming. When the time comes to attack him suddenly, Jizhou will fall into Duke Ming's hands."

Gongsun Zan finally showed a smile. Compared with the upcoming results, it seems that although he has lost so much, it doesn't matter.

"If there is something to gain, Xuande is the first achievement, and I will never forget it." Gongsun Zan said with a smile.

Liu Bei hurriedly said: "Don't dare to be greedy for merit, and prepare for today, all of them are supported by Ming Gong."

Gongsun Zan smiled sincerely, it seems that Liu Bei has not forgotten his roots.You know, when the princes met in the alliance, Liu Bei was a commoner.If Gongsun Zan hadn't supported him, he would never have been able to step onto the stage of the world.

on the other hand.

Next to Gongsun Zan's army is Han Fu's Jizhou army.

Xin Ping reminded: "Qin Ye's army is all out of town, and there are only a thousand troops left in the stronghold. We and Gongsun Zan's troops are sixty times his. His money and food are already at his fingertips. Can the lord arrange it as soon as possible and make a surprise attack when the time comes?" Gongsun Zan's army."

Han Fu nodded for a while. Speaking of which, he was quite nervous now, "Zhang... Zhang Xi, I will leave this matter to you. You can launch a fierce attack when you see the right time. You don't have to come to me to report. Remember to see the right time .”

When Zhang He heard this, his heart was full of pain.He is also a general with ideals. He thought that Han Fu would make a difference, but he didn't expect that in Jizhou, there was no serious battle. He was either defending or doing such shady things.


Although Han Fu was very nervous at the moment, he also had a refreshing thought in his heart.After getting Qin Ye's money and food, he raided Gongsun Zan again.If everything goes well, wouldn't it be possible to recover Jizhou and further dominate the north.

He clenched his fists tightly, and felt that the forbearance he had endured for many years was right. Today, he finally got the best opportunity.

People like Qin Ye and Gongsun Zan all made wedding dresses for him.

Especially Qin Ye, who also wanted to come to Jizhou to grab territory and oppress him.Have you ever thought that there will be today's results?

The results of the battle will be revealed tomorrow, who in the world would dare to underestimate Han Fu?

(End of this chapter)

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