The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 237 Gongsun Zan Embracing the World

Chapter 237 Gongsun Zan Embracing the World
In autumn, in the middle of Jizhou, it is still very warm.

There is a feeling of warm wind that makes tourists drunk.

It is also this season that people suffering from famine can still find some fruits and wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger.

Since the famine broke out, the camp of the Qin army has been surrounded by victims.

Every day when it's time to eat, Qin Jun's camp will start to give away porridge.

The scene of tens of thousands of people coming to eat is amazing.

Most of the soldiers of the Qin army were men whose families were ruined during the famine.Seeing these people who came to drink porridge seemed to see their own family members.

A kind of cohesion is gradually growing.

And the center is on a young man.

In this kind of catastrophe, only the young man could carry as much as possible.

But the other princes didn't care about the life and death of the people at all.

Why do the people know this?
Therefore, since the Jizhou Army and Gongsun Army double-teamed the Qin Army camp, they were not allowed to come to drink porridge.

One must know that Qin Ye's money and food had already been regarded by Gongsun Zan and Han Fu as their own.

Qinye Camp, the Chinese Army tent.

Qin Ye said to the crowd: "It seems that the people need to persist for a while. When our base area is established, it can accommodate about 50 people."

"This...." Xun You felt that 50 was a bit much.Although the future base area has fertile land, conditions are required for reclamation and planting.Such a huge base, based on Qin Ye's current grain reserves, can only barely last until next summer's harvest.

If you can't make ends meet, your inventory will be dragged down.

But Xun You knew that Qin Ye had the common people in his heart, why was he not like this.It is precisely because of Qin Ye's dedication to serving the people that he deeply attracted everyone to follow him.

So Xun You didn't say much.There must be difficulties in starting from scratch, but I should find a way out.

"No need to worry." Qin Ye looked at his confidants, "There is land in the base area for reclamation. We can also open a passage leading to Liu Yu's rule in Youzhou. Liu Yu is a man who treats the border clan's policies and ours. As if. In this way, we can start trade with the border people. Cattle, sheep and horses on the grassland will continue to enter the base area."

Qin Ye established his base in the north of the Taihang Mountains, and there was also a reason for trade with the grassland.

"My lord, although there is land, most of it is barren land and mountains, and it is extremely difficult to reclaim it. After reclaiming, because it is not ripe land, the harvest will drop sharply compared to it. Have you considered this, my lord?" Xun You carefully reminded.

Qin Ye nodded slightly, he had some ideas.

The focus now is how to repel the Black Mountain Army's attack and expand the area of ​​the base to reach the expected range.That is to say, after capturing Jingxing, it is necessary to capture Feihuxing and Puyinxing to truly establish a base.

"Report..., my lord, Gongsun Zan's army and Han Fu's army have already surrounded us." Although the messenger had already anticipated this event, he was still quite nervous.

Qin Ye stood up, "Then, let's get rid of these people first, and worry about others."

At this time, everyone couldn't help being happy.According to intelligence, the Black Mountain Army, Gongsun Zan, and Han Fu lost a total of about 9 people in the three-way battle.Among them, the Black Mountain Army suffered the most losses, as did Gongsun Zan and Han Fu.In this way, the pressure on the enemy's Black Mountain Army was reduced. At the same time, the pressure from Gongsun Zan and Han Fu also dropped sharply.

I believe that Qin Ye's side will have a long period of stable development, and they don't have to care about the forces around them.

Three birds with one stone is one more bird than two.

There is nothing more delightful than this.

But everyone preferred to see what Gongsun Zan and Han Fu looked like after they opened the warehouse after they left.

"Losing so many troops and gaining nothing, is it crazy?" the young Zhuge Liang couldn't help but said.

The young Sima Yi smiled and said, "Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely go crazy."

Therefore, when Qin Ye led his men down to the gate, they all looked sad and extremely sad.

This made Gongsun Zan and Han Fu, who came here one after another, feel at ease.

However, in fact, the two of them also felt pain in their hearts. After all, they lost almost half of their troops to be able to return here.But fortunately, great fruits will be harvested soon.

Gongsun Zan still had 3 people, Han Fu also had more than [-], and almost [-] troops from both sides surrounded Qin Ye's camp.

And Qinye only has 1000 people.

The gap suddenly widened to sixty times.

These [-] soldiers and horses were originally exhausted after the war.But at this moment, they all stared wide-eyed, staring at Qin Jun's camp like a wolf.

Originally, their morale was low, but facing an enemy sixty times smaller, it was obvious that their mood must be very different now.

This is like sixty people surrounding one person.You said sixty people, what kind of courage would it be?
Gongsun Zan was just about to speak with this courage and momentum.

It was Qin Ye who spoke first, and he was very dissatisfied, "Since you two have already defeated the Black Mountain Army, you didn't take advantage of the momentum to pursue them in order to destroy the stronghold and annihilate the enemy. Instead, you came back. It's really not my servant's fault. I should go to chase the Black Mountain Army .”

Gongsun Zan and Han Fu looked at each other and smiled knowingly.It must be because he was being persecuted and he didn't want to lose face, so he said these scene words.

Gongsun Zan sneered, and said, "Then, go and chase Heishan as soon as possible. However, we need money, food and labor to continue encircling and suppressing the Heishan army."

Han Fu also pressed over, "General Qin, you understand, so you don't need us to say more, right? Money and food cannot be moved."

Qin Ye calmly said: "It's impossible not to take some away. At least, our army needs three days' food and grass, and I will take away weapons and equipment."

Gongsun Zan thought that Qin Ye's calmness was an act of coercion.

But is it okay for him to act like this?
He has been suppressed like this, thinking that if he pretends to be a force, the world will stop laughing at him?

It was only food for 1000 people for three days. Gongsun Zan said generously, "Okay, please leave immediately."

"Thank you." Qin Ye returned to the camp with his subordinates.

"Three days' worth of grain, then, not a grain of grain in the warehouse will be left for them." Qin Ye said coldly.

Everyone beat their chests and said, "My lord, don't worry, not a grain of food will be left for them."

That is, a quarter of an hour later.

Gongsun Zan and Han Fu thought it might take some time, but Qin Ye had already led the army out from another direction.

"It's that simple?" Gongsun Zan was stunned at first, but he didn't expect Qin Ye to leave so quietly.But he quickly looked proud, "It seems that he is afraid of my military might."

Liu Bei nodded.

"Emissary Han, I still need to supervise Qin Ye's departure." After speaking, Gongsun Zan rode away.

Han Fu, on the other hand, was thinking about how to stay away from Gongsun Zan. After all, his army would attack Gongsun Zan soon.If he stayed by Gongsun Zan's side, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

Han Fu also returned to the army immediately.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

When the last soldier of the Qin Army broke away from the junction of the Jizhou Army and the Gongsun Army.

Zhang He seized the opportunity and beat the drum.

Almost at the same time, the drums in Gongsun's army also sounded.

"Han Fu betrayed his promise!" Gongsun Zan was furious. He didn't expect Han Fu to be insidious now, one step faster than himself.

"Gongsun Zan broke his promise!" Han Fu didn't expect that Gongsun Zan had the same idea as his own, but he was overjoyed to see that he had taken the lead.

In this regard, the two sides accused each other of treachery, and began to fight outside the empty camp abandoned by the Qin army.

In the beginning, Gongsun Zan was defeated by Zhang Yun and almost killed.Then Guan Yu made a move and almost killed Zhang Yun.

With the help of Liu Guanzhang, Gongsun Zan regained the disadvantage and gradually gained the advantage.

Although Zhang Xi relied on his own ability to take the lead.But in the ensuing battle, it was really difficult to do it alone.

In just an hour, Han Fu retreated back to Shiyi City from joy to despair.On the way, Zhang Yun was sent to prison, and the Jizhou army was handed over to Xin Ping to command.He asked Xin Ping to continue to build a defense line in Shiyi, and fled to Yecheng in embarrassment.

Although Gongsun Zan won a great victory, he also suffered a tragic death. Of the [-] troops he led, only [-] remained.

Gongsun Zan was about to cry,
Nima, do you want to treat me like this?He really didn't expect that the troops would be lost to such an extent.

Speaking of which, he has now become the most tragic robber in the world.It was a loss of 4 to [-] people before the robbery was successful.There is no more tragic robber than this one.

Fortunately, the money and food that was robbed was also huge, rich beyond compare.

However, Liu Bei was overjoyed, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Duke Ming, first seize the money and food. With this money and food, recruit troops as soon as possible. In addition, Han Fu has almost no soldiers, and Jizhou is at your fingertips."

Although Gongsun Zan knew that what Liu Bei said was right, there are many hungry people nowadays, as long as there is food, it is too easy to recruit troops.But I just couldn't help the urge to cry, the loss was too great.

But when Gongsun Zan stood in front of the huge warehouse door, his mind got a flight.With this money and food, he could expand his army extremely quickly, and Han Fu also lost troops and lost generals.But Han Fu had no money and food to supplement the army.

Therefore, in Gongsun Zan's eyes, this huge warehouse is no longer an ordinary warehouse, but Jizhou.No, for him, what is stored in this warehouse is not money and food, but the world.

The library door opened slowly.

Gongsun Zan has subconsciously opened his arms, and he feels that the world has been poured into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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