The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 239 The Pit at the Door

Chapter 239 The Pit at the Door

This was the first time Gongsun Zan went to see the warehouse, and what he saw was desolate, with nothing.

In an instant, Gongsun Zan felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

After making some strange noises, he rushed into the warehouse.

Seeing nothing, it was like a big nuclear bomb exploded in my mind.

"my money?"

"Where's the food?"

Gongsun Zan trembled as if he had been whipped, and when he turned around to face the crowd, his face twitched and he roared angrily, "Where did you get the money?"

Everyone was terrified.

Where did we get it?

Dare we do it?
There is no time to do it so fast.

My lord, what are you doing?
Everyone can't understand, but they still need to answer.

"My lord, it must be Qin Ye, who has already shipped away the money and food, leaving an empty warehouse to design us!" Guan Jing said urgently.

Gongsun Zan didn't move at that time.

That's a second or two, but it's like a century.

Gongsun Zan went crazy, tearing himself apart.

He lost tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and his family was crippled. Unexpectedly, he was fighting for an empty warehouse.

Who can stand this.

It must be Qin Ye!

The warehouse must have been secretly half-empty long ago, and it was still pretending.

And he foolishly attacked Montenegro and Han Fu, and lost 4 to [-] people for an empty warehouse.

There is no one more stupid than yourself.

Gongsun Zan burst into tears, truly a hero who never flicks his tears lightly, because he didn't reach the place where he was sad.

Facing the mad Gongsun Zan.

Everyone was shocked, what's going on with this shit?
My lord, didn't you just say calm and calm?

How about your calmness and composure?Eaten by a dog?
Gongsun Zan grabbed Guan Jing, "In such a situation, who can be calm and calm? Tell me, who can?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that the lord didn't know that the warehouse was empty before.

Damn..., then you teach us a lesson, calm down and be a fart.

Everyone followed suit.

Liu Bei was dumbfounded, my lord, it turns out that this is your calmness and composure.

The second master sneered with disdainful eyes.But secretly startled, Qin Mengjie is really extraordinary.He must have foreseen the actions of Gongsun Zan and others, so he secretly emptied the warehouse.Using this as bait, all parties suffered heavy losses.

"Please calm down, I, Zhang Fei, do I admire someone." Zhang Fei shouted.

Calm down your sister!

Gongsun Zan touched his heart and yelled, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

The second day after capturing the Qin Army's camp.

"If you don't kill Qinye, you swear you won't be a human being! Pass my order, and the army will march into Jingxing!"

Gongsun Zan's furious voice came from the big tent, ordering troops to attack Qinye.

Guan Jing's heart trembled, and he hurried out and said, "My lord, our army's strength is severely damaged now. And Jingxing, which Qin Ye has captured, is a dangerous canyon, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so don't take risks lightly."

Now Gongsun Zan only has [-] troops left, while Qin Ye has [-] troops.Although Gongsun Zan still has the advantage in military strength, the advantage is not as obvious as before.

As for Qin Ye, although the strategy was successful, Gongsun Zan and Han Fu suffered heavy losses.But after all, it is now surrounded by powerful enemies, and there are many forces such as the Black Mountain Army, Gongsun Zan, Han Fu, Yuan Shao, and Liu Yu.

Under such circumstances, for Qin Ye who does not have much military strength, and he has wealth coveted by the world, the safest way is to establish a base.

Gongsun Zan, a Hebei hero, is not as vigorous as before.His expression was extremely haggard, completely like a twilight hero.

He scolded Qin Ye more than once in his heart.


God pit.

Thousands of people filled it in, but none of them were filled.

Every time Gongsun Zan woke up from his sleep, he was full of remorse.

Han Fu, who fled back to Yecheng, laughed three times after learning about this, and then slapped him.He fell to the ground, his limbs were still twitching, and he was foaming at the mouth.

He had 4 Jizhou troops under his command, and they just disappeared because of an empty warehouse. In fact, he was no better than Gongsun Zan at all.

In an instant, the news began to spread to the whole world, becoming the focus of people after dinner.

On the one hand, people were shocked by Qin Ye's wit, and on the other hand, they laughed at Gongsun Zan and Han Fu's greed and stupidity.

For an empty warehouse, plus the death of more than [-] people from the Black Mountain Army, such a stupid thing has never happened since the time of the Yellow Emperor.

Why does it appear? It can only be said that greed is at work.


Thirty miles southeast of Feihu Trail.

There is a foothill plain surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side.It is convenient for transportation, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is not only suitable for retreating to the mountains in times of crisis, but also convenient for marching to Jizhou when things are going well.

The name of this place is Bobo.

Since Zhang Yan returned, the main force has been gathered here.

There is only one reason, to take back Jingxing occupied by Qin Ye.

Jingxing is the fifth of the Taihang Eight Xings, and the sixth of the Nine Forts in the World.

In later generations, it was the distribution center for the exchange of materials in the three provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi, an important military, economic, and cultural town in the western part of North China, and the well-known Hanxin's Backwater Battle, the famous Hundred Regiments Battle, and Jingxing were the main battlefields.

Jingxing has more than [-] mu of arable land, and it is one of the important places for the Black Mountain Army to feed.

But now, this important place has been occupied by Qin Ye.

"What, the warehouse of the Qin Army's camp is empty?" There was a big flag with the word "Yi" behind Zhang Yan, and she rolled her eyes when she heard the news.


What the hell...Apart from cursing, the thugs with their big tents can't say anything else.

It turned out that his room was empty.

In other words, the gangsters paid 5 to [-] people for an empty warehouse.

Nima, can you not treat us like this?
Qin Mengjie is a bastard...

Many bandit leaders who lost all their bandit soldiers drew over one after another.

They were ashamed again, thinking that they, as thugs, had been doing great things since the time of the Yellow Turbans, and they had never robbed empty-handed.But this time, not only returned empty-handed, but also lost more than 4 gangsters.It's fine if you don't get the money and food, and part of the old nest has been occupied by others.

Everyone was ashamed, wishing they could find a crack in the ground and get in.

"Yu Du, it was you who proposed to rob Qin Ye."

"Fart, who yelled the loudest back then, it was you, Zhang Baiqi!"

The two fought.

"Stop arguing!" Zhang Yan roared like crazy.

Only then did the scene calm down.

"Brother Dianqi, the soldiers are in full swing!"

The gangsters were all furious, so they led [-] bandits to Jingxing for revenge.

Jingxing is a strategic place for the Black Mountain Army to come out of the mountain. Jingxing is in Qin Ye's hands, just like there is a big pit outside the main gate of the Black Mountain Army.Who would allow a deep hole in front of their own house?must be filled in.

Therefore, the Black Mountain Army could not lie quietly at home and lick their wounds like Gongsun Hanfu.

on the other hand.


Qin Ye has seized this place.

Further capture, Feihu Xing, Puyin Xing, can control the most affluent places in the middle of the Taihang Mountains.

The only regret is that there are no cities in these places.It is also because there is no city that the Black Mountain Army can come in and out at will without control.

But Qin Ye didn't care, as long as someone had a gun and came out of the mountain at the right time, Ji County, the governor of Youzhou, was to the north, Taiyuan, Yuan Shao's base camp, to the west, Nanpi to the east, and Yecheng to the west, all under the cover of his soldiers.

Whoever controls Taihang Mountain controls Jinchaji.

The base area of ​​Taihang Mountain that Qin Ye started to build is surrounded by Cangyan Mountain, Baishi Mountain, Xiaowutai Mountain and other mountain ranges, and the three canyon passages of Jingxing, Feihuxing and Puyinxing are the entrances and exits.

If you want to attack Qin Ye's base area, you need to open up the Sanxing channel.

The canyon passages in the mountains are easy to defend but difficult to attack.Therefore, Qin Ye can defend a huge base area with limited troops.

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people can be raised based on the fertile land that can be cultivated in the area and the resources in the mountains.

This is where Qin Ye established his foundation.

"My lord, the Black Mountain Army is currently stationed in Baibu, and may attack our Jingxing Pass at any time," Xun You said.Speaking of which, he was full of worries. It seems that Zhang Yan is not a reckless man, but has a strategic mind.

Zhang Yan did not attack Jingxing Pass from the outside, but attacked the rear of Jingxing from the inside.

As we all know, the Jingxing pass is a natural danger, but the internal danger is much worse.


Qin Ye looked at this place on the map. In fact, there were no place names around here in the Han Dynasty. Qin Ye called it the Taihang Mountain Base, which is at the intersection of Youzhou and Bingzhou in Jizhou.If it is a later generation, it will be the center of Jinchaji.

As for Bobu, Qin Ye knew where it was, and he had been there to visit and travel in later generations.

Bobu is the residence of the ancestors before entering Beijing. It is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and has well-developed transportation.

Qin Ye also planned to use Bobu as his base camp.

I believe that Ling Yunzhi and Bobu will become the place Qin Ye remembers if he succeeds in the future.

"Flying Fox Path is to the west of Bobu, and Puyinxing is to the north. It seems that Zhang Yan has chosen a good place to station." Qin Ye laughed.

In fact, Qin Ye's side had already designed a strategic plan for Zhang Yan.

With Qin Ye's occupation of Jingxing, the Black Mountain Army will never sit idly by and will definitely attack.

Then, just take the opportunity to eliminate its vitality.

If they are defeated, Feihujing and Puyinxing can be seized in one fell swoop to complete the recovery of the base area.

"My lord, the spies came to report that the Black Mountain Army came out of Baibu and came straight to Jingxing."

When the news came, Qin Ye got up, and everyone said, "Then, let's meet Zhang Yan for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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