The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 240 Strong General and Bandit

Chapter 240 Strong General and Bandit

The pass after Jingxing.

Because it is located in the Taihang Mountains, it is also in this kind of pass area.

The terrain is very complex, surrounded by steep and rugged mountains.

Although Zhang Yan had an army of [-], he was unable to deploy his troops at all.

On the ramp in front of the pass, the Montenegrin Army only had a size of 2000 people.But on the surrounding mountains, the flags of the Black Mountain Army are everywhere.Looking around, it's really scary.

Qin Ye was on the pass, looking down, the enemies were all standing in the barren mountains and overgrown with weeds, looking up at his side.

It was the first time Qin Ye encountered this kind of combat mode.

I can't help but feel the uniqueness of the base area. It seems that with such a defense, there is no fear of 8 or [-] people coming from outside.

Qin Ye has confidence, let's not say that he has the supreme vision.That is, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Hua Xiong, Gao Shun and other generals lined up in a row. The enemy's plan to attack the mountain is probably dreaming.

Down the mountain.

The thugs of the Montenegrin Army were full of abuse, and it was hard to hear anything.

These thugs were really angry. They lost a lot of soldiers and horses, but they didn't get a penny.What's more, it turned out to be an empty warehouse.

The thugs have burned, killed and robbed all their lives, and they have never been so angry.

If it gets out, can you still be a gangster?

Therefore, the eight thugs in the Black Mountain Army scolded them the most.

Yu Du couldn't help but stepped forward and yelled, "You boy, are you Qin Mengjie? I know your name, but in this Taihang Mountains, even if you are a dragon, you have to be coiled by me. It's a tiger. You also lie down for me. Obediently come down and surrender to me, hand over the money and food, and spare your dog's life."

The gangsters were used to rampaging in the Taihang Mountains, so they didn't look down on Qin Ye at all.Even if Qin Ye occupied the pass, in the eyes of the thugs, it was just a matter of going all out.

What the gangsters are most concerned about is Qin Ye's money and food.

Qin Ye looked down the pass, just chuckled.

Gangsters are different from ordinary gangsters. Throughout the ages, they are not afraid of the police, even the world's police, and they even take the initiative to cause trouble for the world's police.

Seeing Qin Ye and Qin Jun, they didn't say a word.

The gangsters yelled loudly again on purpose, saying something like 'you don't need to step on the plate at all', and something like 'you will know how powerful it is when you get a little soil'.

All the gangsters burst into laughter, and the mountains were full of bandits.

Qin Jun was silent, so calm that there was a terrible breath.

Seeing that Qin Jun was not affected at all, the gangsters felt bored, and their laughter stopped.

The Montenegrin Army is on the rear side of the formation.

Seeing this situation, Sui Gu couldn't help worrying: "Marshal, Yu Du and others want to attack the pass by force, but judging by the appearance of the Qin army, I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous."

Zhang Yan said coldly: "Since these people volunteered, how can they cool their hearts?"

Sui Gu fell silent.

But Zhang Yan was annoyed that Yu Du and the others were always arbitrarily asserting their opinions, so she deliberately used Qin Ye's hand to teach them a lesson.


Qin Ye waved the flag.

Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Dian Wei, Hua Xiong, and Gao Shun led a thousand soldiers to line up, and they were at the front.

Although the enemy has 6 to [-] people, it is impossible to effectively deploy in this not too wide area.

In the rumble of war drums.

The five leaders of Montenegro, Yang Feng, Bai Rao, Zhang Baiqi, Yu Du, and Guo Daxian, led two thousand elites of Montenegro, and launched an attack.

Qin Jun began to shoot arrows.

Qin Ye calmly picked up the bow.

And the teenagers Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi beside them couldn't wait to release their arrows.


The two shot three or five arrows each, and finally one of them each shot was full of blood.

The personal guards gave a thumbs up secretly, and they were elite soldiers for long-distance moving targets.To be able to hit one person with three or five arrows is already quite remarkable.

At this time, Qin Ye had already opened his bow.

When everyone looked over, they murmured in their hearts, wondering if the lord could hit it.

I heard that the lord once demonstrated his marksmanship skills in Luoyang, but I don't know if the rumor is true.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, only to see an enemy fell to the ground from an arrow in the distance.

The crowd suddenly cheered.

But Qinye didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

He continued to shoot his bow and arrow.

You must know that Qin Ye has the supreme vision, and archery is the easiest thing for him.You only need to let go when you can't see any flaws, and you will definitely kill one.But now his troops are tense, as the lord, he wants to use 100% of his combat power to help his army win at a very small cost.

Two shots...

Three shots...

Qin Ye released 35 arrows in one breath, all of which were sure to kill with one blow.

In the area he targeted, 35 enemies fell.Although there are not many people in the scale of 2000 people, it is too scary to concentrate on one point.It fell down in a flash, which dealt a great blow to the morale of the enemy.

It is tantamount to the fierce artillery attack of later generations.

The guards were all stunned. They thought that Qin Ye had hit the limit with three or five shots, but he didn't expect to take away 35 enemies in one breath, and the hit rate was [-]%.

my lord!Do you want to be so awesome?
This is so subversive of common sense.

Young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi looked at each other, looking at Qin Ye with a calm expression, they suddenly had the urge to abandon their bows and follow the text.But when he suddenly remembered something, he felt that even if he was Congwen, he seemed to have no future in front of the lord.But the two quickly strengthened their faith.

We didn't intend to compare with the lord.

"My lord's sharp shot." The two couldn't help but said.

Qin Ye put down his bow and arrow, and said calmly: "It's nothing, if you practice hard, you can do it."

Everyone vomited blood when they heard the words.

My lord, this may mean nothing to you.But to us, too much is nothing.

I have been practicing for more than 20 years, and if I continue to practice, I will get old and even worse.

Even Tai Shici, who was in charge of the bow and arrow battalion, was dumbfounded. Is this nothing?So what is this?You must know that only about 100 people were shot to death in Tai Shici's bow and arrow battalion, while Qin Ye shot 35 people to death alone.

If there were 100 archers like Qin Ye, wouldn't they take away three or four thousand people in one round?

How can this be nothing, too much.

Zhang Yan's eyes widened in this formation, only then did he realize that the area with the most dense arrows was shot by Qin Ye alone.His face changed, it seemed that the rumors were true, this young man was really terrifying.

Sui Gu wiped his sweat, "Commander, I'm afraid Qin Mengjie's bow and arrow team, Yu Du's offensive will not have any effect."

Zhang Yan said coldly: "I have built the Jingxing pass by myself for more than ten years. Even if Qin Ye did not fight, Yu Du and the others would not be able to capture it. Let this person be proud for a while, and I will keep the second hand so that it can be effective."

In fact, Zhang Yan was already vomiting blood with anger, Jingxing was the most important stronghold in his hands, and he didn't expect that it would be taken away by people messing around like this.It is also unacceptable to spend countless costs at the door of the house to retake it back.

Fortunately, this is his home after all, and Zhang Yan left a back door inside the pass.


In ancient times, offensive and defensive battles were generally kicked off by the first bow and arrow of defense.

And Qin Jun's bow and arrow, or Qin Ye's shooting, hit the Black Mountain Army too hard.

Even the entire Montenegrin army was horrified and stopped for a while.

Zhang Liao and the others saw all the enemies in an area fell to the ground after being shot by arrows, and they were still thinking about the progress of Tai Shici's bow and arrow battalion.Afterwards, it was learned that the lord personally made the move, and his aura became even more upright.

(End of this chapter)

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