The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 241 Please Don't Do This To Us

Chapter 241 Please Don't Do This To Us
Qin Ye calmly took away a wave of enemies, which greatly boosted the morale of the Qin army.

For the attacking Montenegrin Army, it was already creepy.

Especially in the area where Qinye shot, there was no one standing.

It's not that everyone died, but they all hid behind the big rock.

The leader, Yang Feng, is one of them.

Because Qin Ye's shots were too ferocious, and Yang Fengbu's hiding behavior, for a while, the Black Mountain Army subconsciously took cover to hide.

And on the pass.

After taking a break, Qin Ye bent his bow and set his arrow again.

Zhuge Liang and the others all showed expressions that I didn't understand.

You must know that at this time, even Tai Shici's bow and arrow battalion stopped shooting.This is because the enemies are hiding and no one can be seen.Shooting in this situation is meaningless except for wasting arrows.

The enemy needs to charge again before continuing to shoot arrows.

In particular, the Qin army's military equipment is not sufficient, let alone waste arrows at this time.

After Qin Ye set up the arrow, he aimed it at the sky at 80 degrees.

The people around were dumbfounded.

"My lord, what is this?" The young Zhuge Liang asked in confusion.

Qin Ye calmly said, "Of course I'm shooting the enemy, what's the point?"

Hearing the words, Zhuge Liang almost pulled away, shook his feather fan hurriedly, and after making an eighty-degree upward gesture like Qin Ye, said: "My lord, you are like this, can you shoot and kill the enemy?"

Not only Zhuge Liang, but in the eyes of everyone, shooting like this, except for shooting birds and flying planes, will not gain anything at all.

"This is projectile." Qin Ye taught.

Zhuge Liang fanned himself violently.

Everyone was shocked.

They all understand throwing. This shooting method is mainly used in hand-to-hand combat between the two sides, passing over our side and killing the enemy's rear row.

But you know, the situation is completely different now.The enemy is not exposed on the bright side, but hides behind the cover.

Unless the arrow can accurately move to the top of the enemy's head, and then fall vertically.

Who can do it?

Under everyone's questioning eyes, Qin Ye calmly released an arrow.

Everyone sighed, since the lord wants to try it, let's shoot an arrow.If you miss the shot, it doesn't take much effort.

In fact, it is only a few seconds before and after.

At this time, the Black Mountain Army was hiding behind the bunker, waiting for the next instructions from the leaders.

Right next to the leader Yang Feng, two soldiers hid behind a large rock that was as tall as a person and more than two meters wide.

Such a huge stone completely concealed the figures of the two of them, which made Yang Feng envious.

"If you hide like this, you won't be shot, right?" Bandit A said.

"Brother, it's great that you found this bunker. Fortunately, you gave me a hand. If not, I would have hid elsewhere." From Bandit B's point of view, other places are definitely not as safe as this one.Look at the eyes of the comrades around you and you will understand everything.

"That is, actually I..."

In the middle of Bandit A's speech, an arrow was shot from the top of his head, and the arrow directly protruded from his chin.

He fell to the ground and died.

Bandit B was so frightened that his face twitched.This man is fine, why was he shot to death?If it is exposed outside, it will be dead.You know, the two of them were still lucky to find a good bunker just now.


Don't scare me, okay, why did you die!
Please don't make fun of me like that.

Bandit B cried in fright.It was too scary, too incomprehensible.


"Wow!" Bandit B screamed, and was also shot dead.

In an instant, all the thugs around were all chrysanthemum tight.


what's going on?
How did you die?

The nearest leader, Yang Feng, went into convulsions in an instant, while Yu Du and the others who were a little further away were also secretly startled.

Is this him? Who shot it?
So good at shooting?

Still not human?
Nima, this can be shot, and let us live.


Zhuge Liang and the others were all shocked.

Damn, what a shot!
Everyone couldn't believe it and scratched their faces.

"Damned!" I don't know who couldn't help but yelled.

It was immediately recognized by everyone.

"My lord is really lucky..." Sima Yi laughed awkwardly.He was already going crazy in his heart, he could hit it all, this luck was against the sky.

Qin Ye smiled calmly, and shot another arrow, or three times in a row.

After everyone saw it, they almost carried it away.

My lord, are you too pretentious?
It's already against the sky to be lucky once, so what else do you want?
Thought you'd be lucky?
Although everyone wants to see the main character's amazing shooting skills, but as a human being, they want to see the failure that they like to hear and see more.Even if he is his own lord, he cannot be exempt.

At that time, the resentment of thousands of people who could see the trajectory of the arrows was concentrated on these arrows.

Especially the gangsters, who cursed these arrows viciously.

call out……

On the quiet battlefield, there were several screams.The gangsters hiding behind the bunker were shot and killed.

The gangsters were shocked.

They are all elite thugs who have fought for more than ten years, so they were arranged for an important attack.I have never seen one that can shoot like this, and it also has a turn.

He can shoot so well, who will fight with him in the future?

Doesn't he feel lonely?

Don't you feel empty?
Can he shoot this?
Please don't do this to us!

We are here to fight, not to be your target.

The gangsters of the Black Mountain Army were all crying.

Although they are all thugs, they are also human beings. Before the terrifying death threat, deep down, they are no better than ordinary people.

Hearing the scream, he knew he had been shot again.

Listen to three beeps, which means that all three consecutive shots have been hit.

The lupine of young Zhuge Liang fell to the ground.

The young Sima Yi's eyes turned black.

They knew that the lord could shoot, but they didn't expect that if he could shoot so much, he could shoot everything.

Everyone else smoked it.

Nima!It turned out that it wasn't luck, it was really good at shooting!
Tai Shici and the entire bow and arrow battalion were dumbfounded.The firepower of one person is comparable to that of a battalion. It is incredible and crazy.How else to explain this matter?

Still not human?
Is it God?

Already surpassed the category of sharpshooter, Arrow God?

The archers were all scratching their hair. Many of them had practiced archery for more than ten years. Compared with Qin Ye at this moment, there was simply no comparison.How can a person practice such archery skills?
In fact, Qin Ye didn't need to practice at all, he didn't need any muscle memory, and he didn't need any combat awareness. He only needed to take a look at it.

Fortunately, Tai Shici and the others didn't know, if they knew, they would probably vomit blood and die.

They are all human, so why is there such a big gap?
"Have you seen it? This is the real sharpshooting. From now on, we need to practice even harder." Tai Shici said in awe.

The archers nodded fiercely, and whoever is proud or slack in the future will educate him on this matter.What are you proud of?Compare it with the lord, the lord is more accurate than you when you draw the bow with one hand.

The Montenegrin Army is here.

Zhang Yan's whole body is not feeling well anymore, so he can shoot like this?

But at the forefront, Yu Du and the others don't know who is so good at shooting.

Yu Du waved to a thug next to him, "You, don't turn your head away, it's you, go and see who shot it."

Although the gangster was very tough, his legs were weak at that time.Are you kidding me, hide and get shot, come out and still not get headshot?

(End of this chapter)

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