The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 242 The lord finally lost his sight

Chapter 242 The lord finally lost his sight
The gangsters who were named did not dare to see who shot them after being beaten to death.

May I ask this thug, are you still the most tyrannical thug under Yu Po?

If you do this, how can Yu Du be a bandit leader?
Furious, Yu Du raised his head to look at it himself, and quickly retracted.

Qin Mengjie, it was Qin Mengjie who shot it.

Qin Mengjie is too good at shooting.

The morale of the Montenegrin Army immediately plummeted. They all said that the young man was excellent in martial arts. They didn't believe it before, thinking that there were many rumors.After all, how many years can a teenager practice from the womb?
But now, believe it or not.

Qin Ye did not stop shooting arrows.

For him, archery is too easy, not as difficult as he imagined.As long as you have strength, you can shoot casually, and you can hit it.

With his shooting like this, if it is placed in the Olympic Games in the future, it may be hell-level difficulty not to win the championship.

Every time an enemy soldier was shot, Zhang Liao and his soldiers at the front cheered in worship.

As a result, the morale of the Montenegrin Army plummeted to the bottom.

Qin Ye shot an arrow, and there was a scream

As soon as you shoot, you call.

The screams hit the hearts of the gangsters hard.

You die faster even if you hide, there is nothing more traumatic than this.

In terms of continuous attacks, the gangsters couldn't bear it anymore, and they were already crazy.

But gangsters are gangsters.It showed the madness of extraordinary people.

You must know that they are thugs. They have fought against Liu Yu, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao, Han Fu, and the famous generals of the imperial court for more than ten years.

Eyes are red now.

Their eyeballs are all staring out of their sockets, and I don't believe it is written all over their bloodshot pupils.Is this him? Everything is an illusion and cannot frighten us.

Therefore, under the leadership of Yu Du and others, the gangsters charged again.

Looking at the approaching enemy, Dian Wei roared.

This was his first battle under the lord's command, and he had to take the lead in everything he said.

He threw the pair of halberds into the air.

The soldiers around are a little confused?
What is the intention?
Throw away the weapon and escape?

Excuse me, the chief guard, are you here to make a joke?
With you like this, how can you protect the safety of the lord?
However, they got it wrong.

Dian Wei reached into his bosom with both hands, and came out with two small halberds.


After the 24 small halberds flew out, they all hit the enemy.

All the soldiers on the enemy's front fell to the ground.

Dian Wei caught the falling twin iron halberds and killed them with one leap.

bang bang bang….

Dian Wei is simply a humanoid meat grinder, wherever he walks, there is blood and rain.The enemy fell to the ground crackling as if being shot.

Instantly killed more than fifty people.

Coupled with the bow and arrow support from behind, more than 200 enemy soldiers were taken away at this moment.

The entire Montenegro forward fell to the ground.

What the hell!

These gangsters of the Black Mountain Army have never seen or made any kind of blood.But at the moment it was all terrified.


Is that human being?
The gangsters bit their thumbs in fear.

Please don't treat us like this, we are here to kill the enemy, not to be ruined by you.

Facing the devil-like Dian Wei, a kind of fear spread among the Montenegro army, faster than the virus.

Yu Du's face twitched, his hair stood up after meeting Dian Wei's gaze, he turned and left without saying a word.

Without Mingjin, the Black Mountain Army began to retreat.It can be seen that the Montenegrin Army had been attacked one after another at that time, and the morale of the attacks was completely lost.


Due to the speed with which Dian Wei fought, the enemy began to disperse before Zhang Liao and the others had time to attack.

What? ? ?
They didn't need to co-author, Dian Wei killed the enemy by himself.

Nima, don't let him take the credit.

Zhang Liao and the others rushed forward.

The Montenegrin army, who were watching from all over the mountains and plains, were all dumbfounded at the time.I saw our own attacking troops swarming up, screaming, with an astonishing momentum.Before they ran a few steps, they scattered with loud shouts, and the momentum was even more astonishing.

These Black Mountain Army soldiers who had to stand by because they couldn't deploy their teams were surrounded.

Guys, are you kidding me?

Are you sure you're here to fight?Didn't send the head on purpose?

on the pass.

Xun You's eyeballs popped out. You must know that he was in the rear and had already thought of many critical situations.How to go to the rescue, how to arrange the reserve team, he is ready.In a blink of an eye, I won.

It's too simple, isn't it?
However, when you think about it later, it is not easy to win.

First of all, Qin Ye's first bow and arrow broke the morale of the enemy.In addition, it was true that Dian Wei used too much force to kill alone, completely defeating the enemy.

It seems simple, but it verifies the overall combat effectiveness of the Qin army from the side.On the same scale, it should be the strongest national server.


Even Zhang Yan, who had expected Yu Du and others to fail, was horrified at this moment.

But he didn't lose confidence because of this. The ability of soldiers in combat is one aspect, but the strategy occupies more proportion.Zhang Yan used a plan to deal with Qin Ye, so he didn't panic.Seeing that he had achieved his goal of teaching Yu Du and others about their arrogance, he took advantage of the situation and withdrew his troops and left.

In this battle, the Qin army killed almost 2000 enemies, and Qin Ye took 120 heads by himself. He was weak and weak from the shots.

"My lord!" The generals gathered together, unable to hide their joy.

"Dian Wei is the first in this battle." Qin Ye laughed.

All the generals looked at Qin Ye with admiration. No one knew that the first victory in this battle was actually their own master.

I'm afraid that at this moment, the archery is powerful enough to shock Taixing.

Qin Ye regained his composure, "The enemy is only attacking tentatively this time, and there will definitely be big moves in the future. All ministries should strengthen their guard, and follow me to take a look at each vital point."

The Qin army won the first battle, with momentum like a rainbow, full of hope for the future.

on the other hand.

Zhang Yan and the others returned to Bobu.

The leaders of the various ministries, including Yu Du, are all in a panic.

In the Gathering Hall, Zhang Yan looked at these people and suddenly burst out laughing.

The chiefs were shocked.

Commander, what are you doing?Stupid by being shot?
We're all screwed, can you still laugh?

Looking at the shocked Yu Du and others, Zhang Yan withdrew his smile and said coldly: "Now the leaders know that it will not be easy to take back Jingxing, right?"

The leaders were very embarrassed and flustered.What was embarrassing was the rhetoric before the attack, and the panic and uneasiness under Qin Ye's crush.

Zhang Yan said coldly: "Continue to attack the pass in the future."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Marshal, we know we are wrong, we shouldn't launch an attack without listening to you.

You still want to attack now, don't you want us to die again?
As far as Qin Mengjie's shooting skills are concerned, he probably doesn't need the assistance of soldiers and horses. He stands on the top of the mountain and shoots like that, whoever goes up will die.

Awesome, he can shoot so much.

Completely beyond the imagination of the leaders.At this moment, no one dared to say the words of revenge and continue to attack.

However, compared to the helplessness and panic of the leaders, Zhang Yan is calm and calm.

The leaders expressed that they could not understand. May I ask this commander, who gave you the confidence?
Zhang Yan said at this time: "Don't worry, I know what you think, so you dare not face Qin Ye? But Qin Ye is just a person, he is not a god. I left a back door in the pass."

back door?

The leaders were quick-witted and refreshed.

It would be different if there was a back door.

at the same time.

Qin Ye patrolled the Jingxing pass.

As the supreme leader, how could he not patrol his defense zone before the upcoming real war?
Moreover, Qin Ye has the supreme vision, and in the war, he must play its role to the maximum.While reducing your own damage, you can also deal with the enemy more calmly.

"There are flaws here, and there are..."

As he pointed out the flaws one by one, all the generals took out pens and paper to memorize them.

This can also see the flaw?
Following Qin Ye's guidance, the generals discovered that this was actually a flaw.

The lord is really a god.

In many cases, the generals can only speculate on the abilities of great strategists from the military books, such as Sun Bin, Wu Qi and others.But now, there is no need to speculate, the living example is right in front of you.

"There is a cave here." Qin Ye pointed.

There is a cave here?how deep?Does it lead to the outside?
All the generals were moved.

The soldiers hurried over, chirping and chattering, and cut down all the weeds that covered them.

The soldier was immediately embarrassed.

I saw that there was indeed a hole behind the weeds, but this hole was a bit too small.

The generals peek at each other.

It seems that the lord has misjudged this time.

Although this cave is on the mountain, it can also be called a cave, but it is too small. A child with a big fist looks like a mouse hole.

It was embarrassing for the lord, and all the soldiers fell silent.

Xun You also specifically said: "Master, let's go over there and have a look."

All the generals nodded fiercely, revealing the appearance of this matter.After all, no one is perfect, the lord has seen so many flaws, it is normal for him to miss it once.The lord has seen so many flaws, and everyone really admires him.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye didn't move, and pointed to the mouse hole and said, "Go in and see where it leads."

When the generals heard this, their eyes immediately dropped to the ground.

your sister!
That's a rat hole, how do you get in?

Lord, please don't treat us like this.Now is the big battle, not the time to joke around.

And, this joke is not funny at all.

All the generals had a nervous breakdown and passed away.

 Thanks to Fat Elephant, Xuan Feng, and book friend 7396 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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