The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 244 A Miracle Through the Back Door

Chapter 244 A Miracle Through the Back Door
Jingxing pass.

Outside, the banners of the Black Mountain Army are everywhere in the mountains and plains.

A mountain is more than a mountain.

The momentum is amazing.

At the pass, the Qin army still laid down its formation as it did yesterday.

Zhang Yan rode his horse up the rough road, and rode alone to the pass. Looking at the thin Qin army on the pass, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "Qin Mengjie, would you like to talk?"

Qin Ye came out on a red rabbit horse.

The two sides are against each other.

In fact, Zhang Yan came here to delay time, but at this moment he really wanted to talk, so he said: "General Qin, a young hero, punished Dong's thief, and made great achievements in the world. The name of chivalry is spread all over the world, and all the people in the world admire it. I thought it was like As a general, it is his duty to save the people from the water and fire. But he never thought that he is no different from those princes who are battling dogs."

Qin Ye, I thought Zhang Yan was here to scold, and I was ready to retort, but I didn't expect Zhang Yan to say such a righteous thing, "You are a bandit leader in the mountains, how dare you speak so shamelessly?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yan almost shuddered. The identity of a bandit was a constant pain in his heart.

He had already said, "Our Black Mountain Army protects hundreds of thousands of people in the mountains from being exploited, and those who say we are thieves don't see what we have done?" More than one hundred thousand, according to the dangers of Taihang, it is not even comparable to you."

"Seeing that you are also a hero who has the heart to save the people, why don't you go to the mountains and join me in doing things? If that's the case, what's the harm in Jingxing sending you off?"

After Zhang Yan finished speaking, she looked over.

Qin Ye didn't expect that Zhang Yan would recruit him at this time, but even if the opposite is Shuibo Liangshan, with Qin Ye's current status and prestige, there is no need to go.He said: "Looking at the villages in Taihang, how is it different from the king of the mountain and the living bandits?"

"Since you have such an idea, you don't restrict the villages. It seems that you are just a person with high ambitions and few talents."

"You really want to help the people, why don't you join me in clearing up the gangsters in the Taihang Mountains, as a base, and really do something for the people."

Zhang Yan said coldly: "Since this is the case, if you break through the pass, your safety cannot be guaranteed. You should take care of yourself."

Qin Ye didn't take it seriously, "I'm here, as long as Marshal Zhang has the means, he can come."

Zhang Yan calculated the time, Zhang Baiqi and others sneaked into the cave, and it was almost time to start.Then he pulled his horse back to the front and began to prepare.

Although the conversation broke up unhappy, both sides knew some of the other's thoughts.

on the other hand.

Zhang Liao and Xu Huang led a thousand soldiers, lurking in a dark high place on the cave wall, watching the Black Mountain Army passing by with torches, secretly happy.

The lord is really good at predicting things, as expected, there are enemies sneaking in from here.

The last torch passed.

After waiting for a while, there was a message from the messengers that there were no troops to continue to enter, and the Black Mountain Army left ten people guarding the entrance.

Zhang Liao ordered a team to destroy the ten-man team.

Lead the rest of the soldiers and start to follow.

Zhang Baiqi and Yang Feng walked in the cave for a long time, and finally arrived near the exit according to the hidden road signs reserved by Zhang Yan.

After looking for it, I saw a hole the size of a mouse hole.

Zhang Baiqi leaned over and looked outside, and it was indeed inside the enemy army.Overjoyed, he couldn't help saying: "The commander-in-chief is really capable. He has been patient for ten years and has not let it go. What he is waiting for is the success at this moment."

"You see, this hole is only the size of a mouse hole. Even if it was seen by accident, who would have thought that it was the entrance and exit of a cave?"

Yang Feng looked admiringly, "The commander-in-chief is really a witty person, you and my brother deserve your great achievements today, go out quickly, and kill the enemy by surprise."

It seemed that the thousand bandits who followed were impatient.Gearing up to avenge yesterday's vengeance.

So what if Qin Ye is good at archery?

We suddenly rushed out from here, appeared from behind him, and let him die without a place to bury him!

Zhang Baiqi ordered a thousand soldiers to get ready, and once the hole opened, they would not hesitate to fight out.

Three wrestlers, carrying the sledgehammers that had been prepared, came to stand in front of the mouse hole.He spit out a mouthful of saliva and smashed it with a hammer.

Rumbling, the piles of the cave collapsed, revealing a huge hole.

Zhang Baiqi and Yang Feng's hearts were agitated, and they were the first to kill side by side with big knives.

After the two of them rushed out of the cave, they looked around to find the direction of the assault.I saw that two lasso ropes fell from the sky and were immediately tied tightly.

When the power came, the two flew out.After Peng fell to the ground, I had time to think about it.
Nima, what's the matter?

The two of them, whose consciousness was almost shut down due to arrears, looked up, their liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and they saw a general in front of them, holding the end of the rope that covered them with both hands.

"It's Tai Shici, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Tai Shici sneered.I couldn't help saying in my heart that my lord was lucky, seeing the two people's attire, I knew they were bandits like the leader.

One guy sets two, this is a double kill.

Then a large group of thugs rushed out in a panic.

"Boss, what is the direction of this place, where are we heading... rushing... eh?"

The gangsters yelled and took a closer look, why did the two leaders kneel down?

Ben said to follow the leader to kill all directions and make great achievements in battle.Unexpectedly, when he rushed out to see, the two leaders had already been captured.

Nima, what's the matter?

Didn't you agree to sneak attack?How did you get caught?Are you here to play around?

They suddenly realized, but suddenly paled in shock.

"Disarm but not kill?"

The archers of the Qin Army aimed at these bandits in groups.

The weapons in the hands of the gangsters fell to the ground and cried.

Didn't you agree to suddenly kill it?If the enemy is unprepared, even if he cannot kill the enemy and wipe out the entire army, he will definitely suffer heavy losses.

How come the enemy is already prepared?

The gangsters who ran out of the cave all surrendered. There was no way, as many bows and arrows around them were aimed at them. If they didn't surrender, they would die.

Haven't you seen the leaders all kneeling?

The gangsters who hadn't had time to escape from the cave were in turmoil.

All of them stared wide-eyed and looked outside.

This is called sneak attack?This is simply death.

These bandits are about to retreat.

At this time, Zhang Liao and the others rushed out suddenly, beheading hundreds of people.

The other gangsters couldn't bear this blow, and all surrendered.

When Zhang Liao and Xu Huang escorted the bandits out of the cave, Yang Feng and Zhang Baiqi were about to cry.

Your sister's Zhang Yan also said that she kept the back door for ten years.

Could it be that these enemies have been waiting here for ten years?

This is simply a back door to death.

What else do you say, Conspiracy?

There is no more foolish ruse than this one.

In fact, this is also the angry words of the two.

The two of them naturally knew the secret of this cave.Just now, there was only one mouse hole.Who would have thought that there would be a huge cave entrance?

Such a hidden cave, how did you find it?
Zhang Baiqi couldn't help but really asked Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao recalled adoringly, "At that time there was a mouse hole. My lord said it was a cave, but we didn't believe it. Once you dig it, you understand?
Zhang Baiqi really understood.

Your sister's Qin Zijin, a mouse hole can also arouse your idea, are you still human?

The two passed.

(End of this chapter)

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