Chapter 245
After Qin Ye learned that there was a lot to be gained in the cave, he returned to the inside of the pass.

en route.

Xun You said: "The successful capture of Zhang Baiqi and Yang Feng is extremely beneficial to the lord. Should we quickly divide the troops and capture Baibu and Feihujing?"

The young Zhuge Liang said from the sidelines: "We can not only capture these two dangerous places, but also break Zhang Yanliang's path."

Qin Ye asked: "Then, how to seize these two places quickly, you must know that Zhang Yan will definitely return to the army immediately after hearing the news."

The young Zhuge Liang said: "Let's use Zhang Bai to ride two people, and our army will change into the black mountain army uniform."

Qin Ye came to the entrance of the cave.

When Zhang Baiqi and Yang Feng saw Qin Ye coming, they felt even more frightened.

A mouse hole can be connected to the cave, and this young man is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

It is simply impossible to let others live.

No wonder he was able to control the crowd at his age.

"You two are going to die or live?" Qin Ye said bluntly.


Zhang Baiqi and Yang Feng looked at each other.

It's because everyone wants to live, and they have no reason to die heroically, so they naturally choose to want to live.

"You two take my soldiers and horses into the Flying Fox Path and the interior of Bobu, and I will let you live."

Before Qin Ye finished speaking, Zhang Baiqi and Zhang Baiqi's eyes went dark.

If the two agree, they won't have to hang around in the Black Mountain Army in the future.You still need to run away as soon as possible, otherwise Zhang Yan will not let them go.

Your sister, is this a way out?It should be called a fire pit.

"I am willing to surrender!" Zhang Baiqi cried.

"Please take me in..." Yang Feng kowtowed.

This is to join Qin Ye's camp, he thought carefully, to eliminate Zhang Yan in the complicated Taihang Mountains, it might not happen overnight.These two people are grass-headed snakes, and they know the geography of Taihang Mountain very well, so it is useful to stay here.

So, along with Zhang Baiqi, they surrendered.

Qin Ye asked Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, each with a thousand elites, to pretend to be the Black Mountain Army and go to capture Feihuxing and Baibu.

When Qin Ye returned to the pass, he felt much more relaxed.

Xun You and the others were too calm.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Zhang Yan for the big gift package that came to my door.

But think about it, in the final analysis, the lord still has great eyesight.

"That's not a mouse hole. If it wasn't for the lord, our army would have been defeated now. Let's not talk about capturing Feihuxing, an important pass." Xun You sighed to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

Zhuge Liang and the others looked at the lord with adoring eyes.Who can see through a mouse hole in the grass that it is a passage for secretly advancing troops.This is nothing short of miraculous.I feel that if I can have half the ability of the lord in this life, it is enough to rule the world.

"I'm afraid Zhang Yan is still waiting for Zhang Baiqi's attack signal." Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly.

"When he waits for the news that the two passes have fallen, he doesn't know how he will feel." Sima Yi said.

What Qin Ye needs to do at this moment is to attract Zhang Yan's attention, thereby delaying time.

If you can capture Feihujing and Bobu in succession, you can break Zhang Yanliang Road.

As long as he persisted for a day, Zhang Yan would have to retreat hungry.

So Qin Ye rode the red rabbit horse out of the pass and looked across.

At this moment, the Black Mountain Army is very calm, and all the soldiers are eagerly waiting for the signal from Zhang Baiqi and others, which is the news that Qinye's backyard is on fire.

They saw Qin Ye coming out alone, showing disdain.

So what if you are a young man who is so powerful in the world, come to my Taihang Mountain, no matter how strong you are, you have to get down.

"Dashuai Zhang, would you like to talk again?"

Hearing Qin Ye's shout, Zhang Yan said to Sui Gu: "Why haven't Zhang and Baiqi made any movement yet? Since this person wants to talk, it's time to buy some time."

So Zhang Yan came over on horseback, and said proudly: "General Qin has figured it out? Are you willing to surrender?"

Qin Ye said: "No, no, you are wrong. I think it is more appropriate for Marshal Zhang to surrender."

Looking at the calm Qin Ye, Zhang Yan was furious.This person doesn't even look at the current situation. I have an army of [-] encircling the mountain, and there is another surprise attack from the underworld. He is about to lose the battle. I resisted not telling him.He wants me to surrender, what is he pretending?

"Who gave General Qin the confidence to say such outrageous words? Do you think that with your five thousand soldiers, you can defeat my one hundred thousand Black Mountain Army?"

"Exactly?" Qin Ye said indifferently.

Zhang Yan was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't calm down anymore.

Nima, he also said it was right.You can really pretend, you are just a chicken feather!
He said angrily: "Qin Ye, let me tell you. I know your achievements. Although your title of General Zhengdong is famous, you must also know that this is the Taihang Mountain, which is definitely not where you used to be. Even if your soldiers and horses can Invincible outside. In this Taihang Mountain, killing you is easy!"

Zhang Yan stretched out his right hand and flipped it over, it can be seen that he was really angry.

Qin Ye nodded, "You are right, Weiwei is too good, the world is dangerous, and if you get it, you can level the world."

He didn't mean to say big things for Zhang Yan, he was telling the truth.In later generations, this Taihang Mountain wiped out hundreds of thousands of devils and puppet troops.Taihang Mountain is said to be the first meritorious service in winning the war of aggression, and no one will object.It is the support of Taihang Mountain that our army will be able to sweep the north in the first time in later generations.And even further seize the world.

Zhang Yan said proudly: "It seems that you still have some knowledge."

Qin Ye said: "However, you don't know how to use it. Let this towering Taihang become a place where filth is hidden."

Zhang Yan almost pulled over.

glared at the past.

After a while he loses, let's see what else he has to say.

"Qin Mengjie, you have to remember what you said at this moment. When you become a prisoner, I will ask you again." Zhang Yan said angrily.


An hour later, I saw that the sun had gone far to the south.

After half a day, the soldiers of the Black Mountain Army were already hungry and their mouths were dry.Except for the soldiers lined up outside the pass, the soldiers of the Black Mountain Army all over the mountains were sitting or lying down, hiding in the shade to rest.

The gangsters are anxious, is this mother here to fight?A broad day was coming to an end, except for staring and staring, nothing else was done.

"Marshal, what's the situation with Zhang Baiqi and the others?"

Yu Du and other leaders gathered around Zhang Yan.

I just waited for Qin Ye's backyard to catch fire. I waited for almost a day, but I didn't wait.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the cave? The leaders looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously.

Zhang Yan was even more anxious. He originally said he was trying to play tricks on Qin Ye, but as soon as Zhang Baiqi and the others started, the wave would be gone.Eliminate Qin Ye, and the Black Mountain Army will shock the world. Who doesn't look at Zhang Yan with admiration.

But there is no news for the first class, and no news for the second class.

At this time, a strong soldier of the Qin army walked out of the pass.

The gangsters lined up here widened their eyes.

"I brought my lord's question. You fight and don't fight, you retreat and you don't retreat. You are wasting time here. You are full. If you attack, please hurry up, can you?" Qin Jun was a soldier loud.

With this voice, how many gangsters slapped it.

You must know that their identities are gangsters, violent elements who specialize in robbery.

The voice of the soldiers of the Qin Army is undoubtedly saying, whether you will rob or not, if you don’t rob, get out of here, I don’t have time to spend here with you.

They are too arrogant!
We are gangsters!
This was such a blow to the gangsters that their eyes were red.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yan almost vomited blood.You must know that he boasted Haikou in front of Qin Ye just now, wanting Qin Ye to look good.Now he doesn't attack, but he is here to work hard, but he has become a good-looking person.

"Could it be lost? No way, I always set up road signs, which are unique to my Black Mountain Army, because I am afraid that I will not be able to lead the troops there myself."

Zhang Yan then sent someone to investigate at the entrance of the cave.

Another hour passed, and the sun had reached the west.

A large number of birds returned to the forest and flew away again.

Zhang Yan had blue veins popping out of his forehead, and he came here early in the morning.It was late at night, and they didn't launch an attack.Then what is he doing here?
If this matter gets out, I'm afraid the whole world will laugh at him.

Zhang Yan's face was hot.


Even if Jingxing can be captured today, it will not be washed away.

Finally, the patrol school sent out came back.

Zhang Yan said angrily, "What happened to them in the cave, did they get lost?"

"Commander, don't mention the cave." The messenger shouted.

If you don't mention the cave, what are you talking about?
Are you all right?
What are you shaking all over?
Including Zhang Yan, the leaders are confused.

(End of this chapter)

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