The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 252 Zhao Yun VS Qin Ye

Chapter 252 Zhao Yun VS Qin Ye (Second Update)

For Zhao Yun's unwillingness to admit to himself, Qin Ye expressed his astonishment.

This is definitely not something Zhao Yun would do.

Even if everyone believed it, Qin Ye, the time traveler, would never believe it.


Even if threatened, Zhao Yun would not do this.

"Qin Mengjie, do you dare to fight a certain one?" Zhao Yun rode his horse closer and asked.

Zhang Yan and the others immediately cheered up. They really wanted to see whether it was Zhao Yun or Qin Ye who was the best.

If Zhao Yun is stronger than Qin Ye, then the elimination of Qin Ye is just around the corner.

In fact, Zhang Yan and the others were very helpless. One hundred thousand black mountains were forced into such a situation by five thousand Qin troops. They really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

But it can also be seen that the Weiwei Taihang is dangerous, and whoever controls the pass will control the Taihang.

The gangsters burst into provocative calls.

All eyes are focused on the past.

Zhao Yun's challenge.

Would Qin Ye dare to take it?
And Qin Ye really never fought with Zhao Yun.

However, Qin Ye, who possesses the supreme vision, is most afraid of being singled out.

Moreover, although he has the Supreme Sight, he does not rely entirely on this golden finger.In his daily martial arts and art of war, he has never fallen behind, on the contrary, he has doubled his practice.

All the generals are watching these exercises.Occasionally, I couldn't help but secretly said, success is definitely not a fluke.

With hard practice, coupled with the Supreme Dharma Eye, Qin Ye's force is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.He remained calm, but unfolded the Cold Moon Blade.

This 'bright sword' is self-evident.

Zhao Yun's mount, the Yezhao Jade Lion, was also a good BMW horse. In an instant, he came to the front of Qin Yema, and stabbed at him with a gentian silver spear in his hand, shaking out three spear flowers.

All at once.

Zhang Yan and the others couldn't help applauding.

Qinye Supreme's Dharma Eye flashed repeatedly, and the golden light from that Dharma Eye immediately covered Zhao Yun invisible.

All Zhao Yun's movements came into view, and they slowed down a lot.

And that golden light circulated in Qin Ye's meridians, multiplying his vitality.

"Brother, I'm actually pretending to be here with Zhang Yan. Do you have any ideas? I'll open and close the door if it's a robbery tonight!" Zhao Yun whispered quickly.

Qin Ye was slightly taken aback, and suddenly let go of his hanging heart.

Let's just say, Zhao Yun will betray?
Will there be any loyal people in the world?

Who else can I trust?
It turned out that everything was Zhao Yun's plan.

Qin Ye's mind was immediately connected, and he returned the move casually, "I'm afraid I won't be able to catch Zhang Yan, and I wasted such a good opportunity."

Zhao Yun's heart was shocked, not because of Qin Ye's words.But he didn't expect Qin Ye to see his own flaw with a random move, and almost missed it.

He said, "Then what did the elder brother say?"

After finishing speaking, he made a move.

Qin Ye blocked it casually, and returned a move, "I'm afraid I won't have a chance today. In the future, Zilong will see my tactics and make a sudden move before the battle to catch Zhang Yan."

"Okay!" Zhao Yun felt that the elder brother's method was better, and it was straightforward.

However, he almost failed to block Qin Ye's move.

I complained a little.

How could big brother do this?
I obviously only showed [-] to [-]% of my strength, but my elder brother made such a powerful move.

In fact, Zhao Yun wrongly blamed Qin Ye. Qin Ye has become an occupational disease now that he sees flaws, and he has only produced [-] to [-]% of his skills.

"Brother, let's have a good fight, lest Zhang Yan get suspicious." Zhao Yun said.

"Good!" Qin Ye said.

In fact, keeping Zhang Yan from becoming suspicious was one aspect. Zhao Yun was determined to go all out and fight Qin Ye really.He didn't complain about Qin Ye's all-out move just now, but in fact, he also had such a small emotion, and the real situation was that he was afraid of being misunderstood by Qin Ye that his martial arts had regressed during this period of time.

As for Qin Ye, he also wanted to meet the heroes of the world for a while.It is worth looking forward to having Zhao Yun added to the list of matches.

So the two made preparations.

Zhao Yun knew that Qin Ye's martial arts skills were excellent, and he would definitely not be able to hurt him easily, so he was full of anticipation for the upcoming martial arts competition.But I was also afraid of hurting my elder brother.

"Brother, be careful. Just now I only had six or seven successes, and the next step is [-] percent."

"Sixty to seventy percent!"

Looking at the astonished Qin Ye, Zhao Yun nodded slightly. Now the eldest brother must know that I was rather 'clumsy' just now, because I didn't try my best.

Zhao Yun showed his silver spear in his hand, quite colorful.

Qin Ye nodded, "So that's the case, then, I will use [-]% of my strength."

Zhao Yun's color suddenly disappeared.

What kind of situation is this?
"Brother, did you mishear what I just said?"

Qin Ye shook his head, "I'm not mistaken, it turns out that Zilong only used [-]% to [-]% of his power. To tell you the truth, I only used [-]% or [-]% of his power just now. Don't blame me. The other party greets you openly, for fear that you won't be able to catch it."

I'm afraid I can't handle it!
When Zhao Yun heard this, he vomited blood.

Brother just showed [-] to [-]% of his skills?
how can that be!

You must know that Zhao Yun is quite confident in his martial arts, and he has never met an opponent after going down the mountain.

Qin Ye only had four or five successes, which made him pale by comparison.

Zhao Yun's nose was crooked, and he didn't believe it at all.

Qin Ye also said not to blame him.

At this moment, Zhao Yun really blamed him.

Zhao Yun said that he was [-]% to [-]%, Qin Ye said that he was actually [-]% to [-]%.

Brother, we are all our own people, are you serious?

In addition, he subconsciously greeted the other party's flaws.

You must know that flaws are something that everyone hides.If you look carefully, you may not be able to see it, but you can see it subconsciously?
Brother, you can't brag like that.

Zhao Yun almost fainted.He naturally knows that human beings have flaws, but big brother, can you see it?You saw a few flaws just now, but that's because I didn't pay attention.Now that I have put my heart into it, the flaws have been hidden. I still have this confidence, little brother.

Zhao Yun definitely didn't exaggerate himself, even a top fighter like Yan Liangwen Chou couldn't see Zhao Yun's flaws.

"Brother, let's not say anything more, let's see the real trick." Zhao Yun said a little annoyed.

Qin Ye solemnly said: "Okay, you can do whatever you can, and I will use [-]% of my power."

Zhao Yun's eyes widened.

He still said that.

Zhao Yun has gone crazy.

In fact, Zhao Yun also knew Qin Ye's force, Tai Shici and the others were no match.But you must know that Tai Shici and the others are not Zhao Yun's opponents.He just planned to go all out with all his strength, but he was afraid that if he didn't go all out, he wouldn't be able to win.

If Qin Ye also said that he would go all out, even if Qin Ye said later that he would see a flaw, he asked Zhao Yun to be careful.Even if it is said that Zhao Yun is not an opponent, Zhao Yun will recognize all these situations.

But Qin Ye only used [-]% of his strength, so he told Zhao Yun to be careful, and he could defeat Zhao Yun.

Then Zhao Yun would never recognize it.

You must know that martial arts have reached Zhao Yun's level, and you have a score in your heart, and Zhao Yun has also fought against fierce generals like Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

In Zhao Yun's view, there is no such thing as someone who can defeat Zhao Yun with just eight successes.

This is the confidence of a super general.

If you pay [-]%, you may win.

If it's [-]%, sorry, no one can win.

No way, to let elder brother really experience his own martial arts, Zhao Yun looked over and said calmly: "If elder brother only has [-]% of his strength, if he loses, don't blame Zhao Yun."

Qin Ye said: "Very good, if it is [-]% successful, nothing will happen."

That's nine successes and I'm defeated.

Zhao Yun couldn't calm down anymore.

Well, I will make the strongest move.

Just one move.

Let's see how the elder brother picks up.

I can't take it anymore, let's see what my brother says.

It really pissed me off.Zhao Yun felt his lungs were about to explode.However, a master of series like him took advantage of the situation and used this aura as a driving force.

The silver spear turned into a streak of light, stabbing at Qin Ye's chest with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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