The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 253 Zilong's Big Killer

Chapter 253 Zilong's Big Killer (Part [-])
Zhao Yun shot.

Not only is it extremely fast, but its strength is also very ferocious.

With the speed, it suddenly looks like tearing the air.

And, there are many variations of this trick.

With a flick of the wrist, the gun head turned into five, and finally evolved into ten gun heads Nongying.

For a moment, Zhang Yan and the others were dumbfounded.

Ten gun heads, covering the whole body, how to resist this?
Looking at the image of the gun head, the combination is like a dragon head, which will swallow Qin Ye at any time.

This is Zhao Yun's strongest move, Ten Dragons Break the Sky.

Absolute killer, nirvana, or super.

After Zhao Yun made this move, his originally unsatisfactory intentions immediately became clear. This came from the fact that this move was performed perfectly.

He looked over, "Brother, this is my ultimate move. I have [-]% of my skill here, and you will use [-]% of my power. Then, you can resist it."

Brother, don't be afraid, if you can't stop me, I will take it in. I can still do this.

In fact, Zhao Yun is still very ashamed that he went all out for such a big brother Qin.Especially Qinye only has [-]% power.

But at Zhao Yun's level, he cannot be humiliated.So even if the time comes to apologize, this shot will go out.

After Zhang Yan and the others saw Zhao Yun's shot, they couldn't hide their shock.

Among the thugs, there are quite a few masters of gun use. Zhang Yan is an expert, "If you can shake out three gun marks, you are a master. I have practiced marksmanship for more than [-] years, and I can only produce four spear marks. And Zhao Yun, shaking hands is ten flowers."

Zhang Yan's force ranks first in the Black Mountain Army.

Bai Rao said happily: "It seems that Zhao Zilong's marksmanship is already at the realm of a master. Although Qin Ye is also very strong, how can he retreat from such a mysterious marksmanship?"

The gangsters felt that it was really right to invite Zhao Yun out.With this Zhao Yun, a master-level marksmanship master, and the strength of the Black Mountain Army, he can definitely sweep Qin Ye.


Qin Ye was taken aback when he saw the shot.

This was the most powerful move he had ever seen since he came to this era.

Thinking about it carefully, even Lu Bu couldn't stab such a swift and fierce halberd.It's not that Lu Bu is not as good as Zhao Yun, each has its own strengths.

The most powerful move of this move is the ten spear flowers, none of them are false, all of them are real moves.

Moreover, there is only one flaw in the horror.

Speaking of which, Qin Ye saw nine flaws in Guan Yu's most times, and at least two.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid they don't know how to deal with it at this moment.In addition to retreating, it is retreating.But can you withdraw faster than the gun head?So there is only the end of being shot.

However, Qin Ye has the Supreme Sight, everything is different.

It seems that judging from this move, [-]% of the skill might not be able to defeat Zhao Yun, but it is enough to defeat this move.

Qin Ye grasped the cold moon blade firmly with both hands, and sent it forward.

When he gave it away, Dian Wei and the others were all dumbfounded.

In Dian Wei's eyes, the lord is simply going to die.

But Qin Ye made a move after all, why can't Dian Wei and the others think in a better way?

This is because Qin Ye was the one who sent it over, and he sent the Cold Moon Blade over with his hands stretched out.It is no different from the action of disarming and surrendering, offering one's own weapon with both hands.

Can this tactic of offering weapons with both hands break Zhao Yun's ultimate move?

Isn't this bullshit?

"The big thing is not good, the lord must have messed up in front of this move!"

It seemed that after being unable to deal with it, they must have made moves in a panic.

Dian Wei asked himself that he would definitely not be able to accept this move, but he felt that if he encountered it, he could roll off the horse and avoid it.

Well, that's the only way to avoid this trick.

And Sima Yi drew it over, the lord was about to be killed!
Even Sima Yi, a young man with low military strength, could tell that Qin Ye was going to die.

It can be seen how dangerous the situation was at that time.

Zhang Yan and the others were overjoyed.

However, Zhao Yun's expression changed drastically.

A crisp sound.

Qin Ye is dead!

Zhang Yan and the others couldn't wait to see the scene where Qin Ye was strangled.

"Under such a fierce marksmanship, there are not seven or eight blood holes, so I lose... what!"

Before Zhang Yan finished speaking, he saw that Qin Ye was unscathed, and Zhao Yun's fierce big move had vanished.

The gangsters were in turmoil, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

It's like a huge tornado has taken shape and is about to sweep everything away.Qin Ye casually raised his hand, and the tornado was gone.


What a situation.

Brother Zhao Zilong, did your violent move come as a joke, with only a beginning?
How can I describe such violence and say that if there is no, then there will be nothing?

Silver-like wax gun tip!
Fancy but not useful!
However, if ordinary people would always think so, Zhang Yan and the others could know the truth and horror of that move.

"It's impossible! How could Qin Ye catch it? With Zhao Yun's move, he turned into ten marksman masters and besieged Qin Ye in an instant. Facing such an offensive, even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't resist it. How could he do this?" So easily resolved?"

If Qin Ye was injured and then healed up, everyone would recognize him, but he just gave him a weapon and he was healed.

Zhang Yan and the others scratched at her hair, unable to understand.

The same is true for Dian Wei and the others, they have already petrified.

Zhao Yun was stunned.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was stunned and made no move, Qin Ye reminded Zhang Yan and the others, "Zilong, don't worry about me. The strongest trick attack,"

Zhao Yun cried when he heard this.

You know, the move just now was already the strongest move he could use, but it was so easily resolved by Qin Ye.

This is a fatal blow to a master-level marksmanship master.

Brother, can you dispel my ult without being so easy.

Can you show some difficulty.

Can we continue to be friends?

This hit me really hard.

This is not true, all this is his illusion!
He must be blind.

Zhao Yun cannot be blamed for thinking this way, it is really a blow.You must know that this move of his has been practiced for ten years, and no one can match it. He said that he used it today to shock the world, and Kacha was resolved.It was still easily resolved, who can bear this?

It's like someone has collected the go-getter Mo Xie and brought it out to show off.

Send it to the appraiser for a look, you are rubbish, don't think too much, it can be qualitative.

Nima can't go crazy, it's already a strong will.

This is definitely the big brother's trick, and he will never repeat it a second time.

In order to prove himself to the world, Zhao Yun shot again.

It's another move to break the sky with ten dragons.

When clang.......

Qin Ye blocked it.

Zhao Yun was about to shoot over, and the continuous gunshots turned into drizzle, covering Qin Ye completely.

In just an instant, more than ten shots were stabbed out.

Zhang Yan and the others looked at Qin Ye who was surrounded by the shadow of the gun, they could only parry, but had no power to fight back, which immediately diluted the shock just now.

Zhang Yan sneered and said, "Qin Ye was able to catch Zhao Yun's move just now. It seems that he was just lucky. Under such a stormy attack, he absolutely cannot resist for too long. It is only a matter of time before Zhao Yun defeats him."

All the gangsters nodded one after another, their wide eyes filled with anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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