The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 254 Who Dare To Kill Me

Chapter 254 Who Dare To Kill Me (Fourth)
Zhao Yun, as a master of marksmanship, how could he suffer the humiliation of such a mastery being easily destroyed.

Still used all the skills.

Clinking weapons hit each other.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Yun fired more than seventy spears.

The people who watched the fight were really shocked.

More than ten seconds, more than seventy shots, such a shooting speed, if you say that you are second in the world, absolutely no one dares to say that you are number one in the world.

Dian Wei couldn't help but rushed forward.

Sima Yi pulled him back.

Dian Wei was furious at the time, "What are you doing, my lord will die!"

Sima Yi calmly said: "I think Zhao Zilong probably had some communication with the lord."

In fact, Sima Yi also told Dian Wei and the others just now about the close relationship between Zhao Yun and Qin Ye.

"How do you know?" Dian Wei asked with wide eyes.

Sima Yi said calmly: "With such a method as Zhao Yun's, my lord may have been defeated long ago. But if he can persist now, it must be Zhao Zilong who has kept his hand."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Makes sense.

But Zhang Yan and the others didn't know the relationship between Zhao Yun and Qin Ye, so they just waited for Zhao Yun to break through Qin Ye's defense and kill him.

But they were all wrong in the end, the real inside story, only the parties know.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's heart is so complicated. In his opinion, Qin Ye should have shown his flaws long ago and was defeated by his gun.But Qin Ye was still able to persist. After easing his moves a little, he used the collision of weapons to cover up his voice, and whispered: "Brother's defense is really strong, but it's a pity that brother didn't see my flaws. It seems that the eighth success is Can't beat me."

In Zhao Yun's heart, if Qin Ye could see his flaws, he would have been defeated long ago.From this point of view, it must be luck for Qin Ye to block his trick.He was also thinking that he should go back and change the trick.In this way, no one in the world can break it.

After all, if the trick is broken by someone, even though the other party is deceived, there is zero tolerance, so it must be modified.

Qin Ye praised: "Zilong's mysterious tricks are really rare in his life. It would be better if he can make up for the flaws, or be more secretive. In this way, Zilong will definitely be able to defeat Lu Bu."

When Zhao Yun heard this, his eyes went dark.

Brother, can we not be so pretentious, we can still be friends without pretending.

What does it mean to make up for flaws, and what does it mean to be a little more secretive.It sounds like you, brother, have seen my flaws a long time ago. If I haven't won, I'm giving way. Please give me some advice.

In fact, Zhao Yun misunderstood, how could Qin Ye not hope that Zhao Yun's martial arts could be improved to a higher level?

It just so happens that he has the Supreme Dharma Eye, so how can he not help him?
Qin Ye was really good for Zhao Yun, seeing Zhao Yun's appearance, he still didn't believe it.So he continued to fight and said: "This move is at the armpit, this move is at the neck, this move is at the third rib..."

He said sincerely, "By making up for these flaws, Zilong's martial arts will definitely make a leap forward. I really hope to see it."

Follow him out one by one.

Zhao Yun was stunned.

Qin Ye saw the flaw, but he didn't make any moves against the flaw, obviously giving way.

Zhao Yun knew very well that if he acted according to the flaws he said, he would definitely lose.

Only then did he realize that Qin Ye was not lying to him, nor was there any pretense in it, but he really saw the flaw and really wanted him to improve.

Immediately, his face was hot, but Zhao Yun soon relaxed.

He thought about it, what kind of character is the eldest brother?It's normal that he can't beat big brother.

He thought that he must win the big brother, which is not normal.

Zhao Yun felt more relaxed when he thought about it this way.There was no more annoyance in my heart, and I looked over with pure admiration.

My eldest brother has such martial arts skills, such military command ability, and what is even more valuable is such love for the people like a son.In this life, I will follow my elder brother and contribute my own strength to calm the world.

No words are needed to know each other's mind.

Qin Ye felt warm in his heart, "I'm doing all this defense to give you something to talk about. After you go back, tell Zhang Yan that you have seen my flaws. If you fight again in the future, you will definitely defeat me. When the day comes, you will definitely defeat me." Watch my actions."

If Qin Ye said before, Zhao Yun would definitely not be convinced, but now Zhao Yun is completely convinced.

Zhao Yun made another move, and said in a low voice: "Brother, there is one thing I almost forgot to say. There may be spies from the Black Mountain Army among the mountain people. So don't say anything about what was agreed."

Qin Ye nodded, and then pretended that he couldn't beat the horse and retreated.

Zhang Yan was stunned, and immediately waved his army to cover up the attack, but was blocked by Zhao Yun's raised hand.

Zhang Yan didn't understand what he meant, and hurriedly asked: "Why is Zilong like this?"

Zhao Yun calmly said: "The commander-in-chief doesn't know something, I can see Qin Ye's flaws, and I ask him to fight again in the future, and I will definitely capture him alive. If you rush forward like this, you will lose the agreement and be run away by him."

"It turned out to be like this." Zhang Yan was overjoyed, and surrounded Zhao Yun and returned to Puyinxing Pass.

on the other hand.

Dian Wei and others caught Qin Ye.

Sima Yi couldn't help but said, "Brother, did you have an agreement with Zhao Zilong?"

Qin Ye recalled Zhao Yun's words, Zhao Yun would definitely be able to catch Zhang Yan if he made a move before the battle, and then he would swarm up to cover him, and he was done.Therefore, it would be better not to speak out at this moment, so as to avoid leaking the news.

He said: "There is an agreement, and we will fight again in the future. I just defended with all my strength to fuel his arrogance. I have already seen Zhao Yun's flaws, and I will definitely catch him in the future. People like him actually help the gangsters. I will definitely not kill him." Forgive me!"

Everyone was shocked.

Seeing Qin Ye's angry words, it was obvious that Zhao Yun had really betrayed.

In other words, Qin Ye really blocked Zhao Yun, and he was able to beat Zhao Yun.

Everyone felt ashamed. It turned out that the lord really cracked Zhao Yun's tricks, not Zhao Yun's release.

And everyone still thinks of the lord that way.

Qin Ye looked at the ashamed people, why do they all have such expressions?
"No one should say more about Zhao Yun's past, it all depends on tomorrow's battle!"

Dian Wei and the others were very guilty. If there was no master, no one would be able to stop Zhao Yun.

It seems that he is very angry at Zhao Yun's betrayal of the lord, so don't mention this matter.

Come to Japan.

The two armies faced off again in front of Puyinxing pass.

Zhang Yan invited Zhao Yun to fight.

Zhao Yun said before that he could capture Qin Ye alive, Zhang Yan and the others were full of expectations, knowing that capturing alive would be much more beneficial than beheading.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye first said in front of the army: "You Zhang Yan, as the commander of one hundred thousand Black Mountains, dare not fight by yourself. It's ridiculous that you want to fight against me even if you have no courage."

Zhang Yan was furious, but he felt that Qin Ye didn't dare to fight Zhao Yun, so he calmed down and said coldly: "When I was Zhang Yan, I was afraid that you were still a baby. I don't need to explain to you what I am. "

Seeing Qin Ye's eyes flickering and his expression of fear of war, he immediately said proudly: "I have a hundred thousand armor in Heishan, just like you, I can only show it for a while. Now with Zilong's help, it will be easy for you to make peace. You If you dismount and surrender, my previous promise to accept you into our Black Mountain Army is still valid."

"Why don't you play for my Montenegro with Zilong?"

Qin Ye calmly said: "If you dare to shout three times, whoever dares to kill me, I will surrender."

For a moment, the gangsters were dumbfounded.

Damn, he has something wrong!
Sima Yi and others were in turmoil.

My lord, what are you talking about?He yells three times and you surrender?
Can we not be so embarrassing.

My lord, are you joking?

Please don't joke, this is a battle of life and death, my lord.

Immediately, Sima Yi's face was flushed, it was hot, and he wished there was a place to get in.

Everyone was crying, my lord, can we not be so pretentious, in fact, we may still win them.

The thugs laughed.

Zhao Yun said at this time: "Commander, I'm afraid this is an excuse for Qin Ye to miss the appointment."

Before the words finished, Qin Ye said calmly: "Since the commander-in-chief has no guts, please go back to the mountain to save your life."

The gangster's ridicule suddenly disappeared, and they looked at Zhang Yan instead.The meaning of the eyes is very clear, isn't it just yelling three times, Dashuai, you just yelled at him, and he can only be ridiculed.

And if you don't shout, handsome, we will be ridiculed.

At this moment, Zhang Yan was furious. Sure enough, as Zhao Yun said, this was Qin Ye's excuse. How could he let Qin Ye do what he wanted?
Immediately rode out, and said coldly: "Young people are too arrogant, don't say three times, even three thousand, thirty thousand, you can shout."

"Are you really surrendering?" Zhang Yan asked.

"Do you dare to shout?" Qin Ye just replied like this.

Looking at Qin Ye's calm expression, Zhang Yan's eyes darkened for a while, and he almost twitched.

Damn it, he calmed down a bit!

Isn't it just shouting a few times?
Immediately roared, "Who dares to kill me!"

The group of bandits suddenly felt that this life was heroic, and their aura also went straight to the sky.They all looked at Qin Ye, what is he pretending to be.The commander-in-chief has already yelled, what else can he do other than make a fool of himself?

(End of this chapter)

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