Chapter 255

Who dares to kill me!
The voice echoed in the valley.

So majestic, so imposing.

Although it is only four words, it contains Zhang Yan's heroic spirit of controlling [-] Heishan bandits in Taihang.Just like the meaning of these four words, who dares to kill me?No one dared to stand still.

Amidst the shouts, the gangsters were all tall and straight, with a heroic look.

But Zhang Yan suddenly felt ambitious, and said loudly again: "Who dares to kill me?"

After the second sound, Zhang Yan's aura became different again, his pride and ambition, and his self-confidence to run across the world had swelled to the extreme.

He looked down on the young man not far away, you young man, what can you do if you are so powerful.Here and now, in the Taihang Mountains, Zhang Yan is the sky.

What are you, Qinye? You are just a slightly fatter ant.But crushing you to death is just a little more effort.

"Who dares to kill me!" Zhang Yan looked at Qin Ye and roared. "Ha ha ha ha……."

Who dares to kill me!
The thugs couldn't help roaring out like this.We are thugs, we are killing people like hemp, what can he, Qin Mengjie, do to me?

That one hundred thousand gangster spirit really changed the color of the world.It is indeed the largest bandit group in history.

But Sima Yi, Dianwei and the others, as well as General Qin's soldiers, all cried.

My lord, how can you do this.

By doing so, instead of humiliating Zhang Yan, looking at it now, it showed his heroism.

If we do this, what will the world think of us?

"If I shout three times, who dares to kill me. Qin Mengjie." Zhang Yan looked at him coldly.At this moment, his momentum has reached the peak of his life.No one can be his enemy, let alone kill him, he is the god of this world.He looked up at the sky, enjoying the moment.

He suddenly wanted to thank Qin Ye. If it wasn't for Qin Ye, he would never have known that such passion and blood were buried in his heart.

"I dare to kill you!"

This is a cold drink.

The majestic aura drawn by Zhang Yan disintegrated in an instant.

The whole world is in turmoil.

The entire group of gangsters fell silent.

what happened?

Someone dares to kill the handsome man!

court death! ! !

Zhang Yan was furious. He was enjoying the most passionate blood in his life, but someone interrupted him.In his opinion, calling out to kill him is simply arrogance.

Who is he?One hundred thousand Montenegro bandits are all his younger brothers.Who dares to touch a big guy like him!Who can move again?

who is it!

Zhang Yan looked at Qin Ye angrily, and found that it was not someone shouting from Qin Ye.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

Zhang Yan looked back and saw that there was turmoil in the five inner circles.

Under the horrified eyes of the crowd, Zhao Yun rode out, and arrived at Zhang Yan's side in a flash.

"It's easy to kill you, but my elder brother will spare your life." Zhao Yun said coldly.

"What! Your elder brother? Who is your elder brother?" Zhang Yan was suddenly at a loss.

"Qin Ye."

Zhang Yan's eyeballs jumped out of their sockets at that moment, and if it wasn't for something attached behind them, they would have fallen to the ground.

Nima, his elder brother is Qin Ye.


For a moment, Zhang Yan's consciousness was blurred by the surprise.

"Come here for me!"

As soon as Zhao Yun stretched out his hand, he grabbed Zhang Yan's armor and dragged him to his horse.

Immediately, he was carried on the horse's back, and his hands were tied behind his back.

The whole process is smooth and flowing, in one go.

The gangsters were all dumbfounded, and they only reacted now.

They scratched their hair violently, unable to believe that someone really dared to kill the commander-in-chief.

The gangsters cried.

In the eyes of the thugs, the commander-in-chief has already pretended to be a big breaker, which makes people really feel that the thugs also have such arrogance and prestige.

How did he get caught in the blink of an eye?
Isn't this a wedding dress for someone else?

What, spare my life?
This big brother in white robe, are you pretending to be realistic like this?
The gangsters couldn't accept such a reversal of God, and they all passed.

"Zhao Zilong, you have betrayed!" Zhang Yan exclaimed.

Zhao Yun said coldly: "Treason? How ridiculous. I, Zhao Yun, met my lord when the Xiongnu invaded Bingzhou, and vowed to follow. But you, Zhang Yan, came to invite me out of the mountain. How can I not cooperate with you?"

Zhang Yan trembled all over.

My God!
It turned out to be the case.

It turned out that he had already had a leg and was already wearing a pair of pants. I was so stupid as to ask him out of the mountain.How can people not follow the trend and go out of the mountain?

No wonder Qin Ye has always been so moved and calm, no wonder he has confidence.If it were him, Zhang Yan, he would also have confidence.

Thinking about how heroic Zhang Yan was just now, the lofty ambition of who would dare to kill me is unparalleled in the world.Only then did I realize that I was playing a monkey game.That face had already turned into a red pepper, and it was slapped invisibly and swollen into a steamed bun.

What the hell...

God, what did he do to treat him like this!
Zhang Yan really couldn't resist the sense of humiliation coming from his heart, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, which was drawn right away.

Qin Jun side.

After seeing this situation, the soldiers were collectively dizzy.

Nima, it turned out to be such a reversal of God.

They stared at Qin Ye with wide eyes.Then I felt that, for things like this, can you please tell me in advance, although their hearts have been exercised a lot, they can't bear it.

Sima Yi drew it directly.

Dian Wei scratched his hair.

Only then did they realize that Qin Ye did not seek to humiliate himself.It turned out that it had been arranged long ago, through this incident, Zhang Yan was lured out, and was successfully captured by Zhao Yun.

At this time, the gangsters really regained their consciousness.

All kinds of abuse are endless.

Looking at Zhang Yan who was captured, the gangsters cried.

Before anyone dared to kill, a guy was captured alive. Humiliation was worse than killing him.

how so.

God, please don't treat us so cruelly.

We would love to be friends with you forever.

The gangsters burst into tears.

The gangsters at this moment are faced with a choice, whether to rush to rescue Zhang Yan, or run away quickly.

But for Sui Gu and the others, this multiple-choice question is too difficult to do at all.

Qin Ye showed a smile, everything was expected.However, as soon as the smile faded away, the cold moon blade in his hand pointed at the past, and the soldiers of the Qin army, whose morale was soaring, covered up and killed them.

As for the thugs, they turned around and fled without raising even a hint of confrontation at this moment.

"You guy, apart from Zhang Yan, who yelled the loudest just now, who would dare to kill you? Come here." Dian Wei, who was fighting on foot, was unparalleled in the world. solid.

"Brother Hei, you mistook the person. I didn't say anything just now." Although Suigu was the leader of the bandit, he was scared out of his wits in front of Dian Wei, and he was no different from an ordinary person.After seeing clearly that it was the murderous Dian Wei, he smoked it at that time.

"Close the door quickly!" Bai Rao gave the order after running into the pass, "Throw the ten-thousand-jin stone down!"

The Wanjin Stone is the last resort of the Black Mountain Army to defend the pass.

When huge stones fell from the sky, the pass was completely sealed.

The gangsters who didn't die and didn't go in were dumbfounded at the time.

The leader Guo Daxian came to his senses and yelled, "Forgive me, you coward, there are only five hundred Qin troops outside. You have [-] brothers in your fucking body, why don't you let your fucking stone go!"

Bai Rao inside was taken aback when he heard the voice, his face was burning hot under the eyes of the gangsters around him.Embarrassed, he said to everyone: "It's not that the brothers are incompetent, it's that the situation is too dangerous."

The gangsters glared at the past.

There are only 500 people outside, and we have 3 people, which is dangerous.

This is so embarrassing, five hundred enemies put down the ten thousand catty stone, and the gangsters took it.

However, just when Guo Daxian and others outside knew that they would surely die, Qin Ye did not continue to attack.

For Qin Ye, it is useless to take the risk to kill these hundred people now.What needs to be done most now is how to use Zhang Yan.

 Thank you brothers in the decisive battle for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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