Chapter 256


Qin army base.

The soldiers were full of enthusiasm and celebrated the victory with their comrades.

The victory came so suddenly this time, the leaders of the hundred thousand bandits were all caught.

For the soldiers of the Qin army, it was no less than catching a brain worm.

After hearing the legendary experience before and after, the soldiers who failed to participate in this battle stomped their feet again and again.

Everyone's eyes are full of admiration.

And in the central thatched cottage.

Qin Ye sat high in the hall.

The generals stand proudly in two rows.

Zhang Yan, Sui Gu and others knelt down below.

At this moment, Qin Ye, who had only a few thousand troops in his hands, was the winner.

But Zhang Yan, the bandit leader of the Hundred Thousand Bandits, was a loser.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it.

Therefore, Zhang Yan's depression can be imagined.

Who dares to kill me?
Ha, this thing is too much.

Are you sure Zhang Yan didn't come to make a joke?

There were discussions outside.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan spat out a mouthful of old blood.

All the civil and military people are excited, this is called fighting.None of the battle examples recorded in the book of war can be compared with this one.

Qin Ye looked down calmly, "Zhang Yan, you are willing to surrender."

Zhang Yan had an urge to pull over at that time.

An hour ago, he was still the all-powerful Marshal of Montenegro, and he became a prisoner in the blink of an eye.The bizarre encounter when he was arrested is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.Thinking of this, there was old blood rushing in his mouth again.

"Marshal Zhang, surrender. Only my lord can lead the son of Taihang to the right path." Zhao Yunyu said earnestly.


Zhang Yan spat out the blood.

He, Zhang Yan, also wanted to make a career, but as a commander in chief of a hundred thousand, how could he be willing to lose to Qin Ye just like that.

"I...surrender." Zhang Yan said.

All civil and military staggered.

Is this surrender?
He immediately looked over with disdainful eyes.

Qin Ye almost jumped to his waist. In fact, he had already prepared a whole bunch of arguments, and his first choice was to persuade Zhang Yan.Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan surrendered.

Sui Gu, who was arrested at the same time, was stunned. Is this still the admirable Marshal Zhang who is not afraid of death?

This big man, you are the boss of a hundred thousand gangsters.

This Nima surrendered?
Can you still show some face?

Really don't want any face?

The face of the hundred thousand Heishan brothers was lost by him.

If eyes could kill, Sui Gu and the others would have killed Zhang Yan a hundred times.

Sima Yi sneered, came out and said, "My lord, don't trust this person lightly."

"Then what should I do to convince you." Zhang Yan finally raised her head and looked at Qin Ye.

Seeing Sima Yi's expression, Qin Ye motioned him to speak directly to Zhang Yan.

Sima Yi turned around to face Zhang Yan, although he was still a young man, but his momentum was not lost at all, "You order your Black Mountain Army to withdraw from Puyinxing, and the leaders of all walks of life come to surrender before my lord."

Zhang Yan's heart began to bleed, this naughty little bastard looks young and very sinister.

He changed his mind, and turned to Qin Ye and said: "General, you also know that Zhang Yan can't solve the one hundred thousand Montenegro. If I want to meet the conditions of this little gentleman, I need to go back in person."

Qin Ye remained silent.

Zhang Yan suddenly sneered and said: "It seems that the famous Qin Mengjie is nothing more than that. He doesn't have the slightest capacity to tolerate people. Since he refuses to believe me, if he wants to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Sima Yi said coldly: "How can you believe treacherous words?"

"Shut up! You might not have been born when I, Zhang Yan, was going all over the place. But kill me immediately. If you insult me, you will also insult yourself!" Zhang Yan suddenly got up and shouted.

The guards on both sides hurriedly held down Zhang Yan, but was shaken away.

"Please behead me immediately, without hesitation."

It seems that Zhang Yan is really brave and fearless.

This is handsome!Sui Gu they all looked at the past with admiration.

Qin Ye stood up and signaled Dianwei not to embarrass Zhang Yan.

He looked at Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan was taken aback, would he really let me go back?

Qin Ye said lightly: "Since that's the case, go back and prepare. We'll meet at Puyinxing tomorrow at noon. I hope Zhang Yan won't lose his word!"

He literally let us go!Suigu they were horrified.

Nima, doesn't this mean that you are about to surrender?
All civil and military people were shocked.

My lord, are you stupid?

Are you willing to let this go?
Facing the questioning and puzzlement of the civil and military people, Qin Ye was very calm, and waved his hand to signal Sima Yi and the others not to say more, "Let him go."

Zhang Yan and the others refused to let the soldiers untie the ropes, so they turned around and left.If he walked too fast, he was afraid that Qin Ye would regret it.


After leaving the bob.

Only then did Zhang Yan and the others realize that their clothes were soaked in sweat, and the wind was blowing cold.

"Qin Ye is really a fool." After they came out, Zhang Yan and the others let go of the ropes, and Sui Gu laughed.

Zhang Yan said in a low voice, "This man's mind is really extraordinary."

Sui Gu they cried.

"Marshal, you don't really intend to surrender, do you?"

Without saying a word, Zhang Yan went to Puyinxing.

when it gets dark.

The Juyi hall in Puyin Xingkou has become a mess.

The tables, chairs and benches were broken all over the floor. This was because a group of bandit leaders had just had a group fight.

This is because after Zhang Yan was captured, the Black Mountain Army had no leader. Some wanted to retreat, some wanted to attack, and some wanted to send people to redeem Zhang Yan and the others.

No one was convinced, and a fight broke out.

"Just change to a handsome man!"

Bai Rao's proposal was approved by most of the people.

So, who will be the new coach?
For a moment, the gangsters were rampant in the hall, with dozens of leaders and many younger brothers behind them, all glaring at the others fiercely.It's just a matter of saying nothing.

The hall became chaotic again, everyone wanted to sit in the new commander-in-chief, but no one was convinced.

"I propose, contest to win the throne!"

"Whoever wins the championship, who is the commander-in-chief, the others must not accept it." Bai Rao suggested.

"Who wants to take my handsome position?"

The leaders were startled when they heard this familiar voice, and then they were overjoyed.Turning around and looking, it was indeed Zhang Yan who had returned.

They greeted Zhang Yan, and no one dared to mention what happened just now.

"How did the commander escape?" Bai Raohu questioned.

Sui Gu said bluntly: "The commander surrendered to Qin Ye, and Qin Ye released the commander."

Before the words fell, the bandit leaders exploded.

what's the situation?
Surrender has existed since ancient times, and many great figures have also surrendered.

But for the leaders, this matter is simply unacceptable.You must know that there are [-] people in Montenegro, and it is simply too shameful to surrender a man with [-] soldiers and horses.If you surrender to an overlord, you can still consider it.This is also human nature.

The leaders all glared at Zhang Yan, they would not accept Zhang Yan's surrender.They looked at each other again, already intending to change the commander in chief.

You must know that Zhang Yan's ability to become the commander-in-chief of the Black Mountain Army was completely recommended by various village leaders.

Zhang Yan has prestige, but his prestige has disappeared after he surrendered.

Bai Rao and others surrounded Zhang Yan without the respect they had just now.

"Since that's the case, the commander-in-chief should step aside. What you want to do in the future has nothing to do with our Montenegro army." Bai Rao said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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