Chapter 260

Zhang Yan and the others lowered their heads, ashamed and angry, not daring to look at everything around them.But they knew that they didn't have much time to live, and Qin Ye would definitely not let people like themselves go.

For a while, my heart was full of nostalgia for life.

Is there a choice?
No more.

Want to live?
miss you.


How to choose again.

Be sure to dig two more steps forward.

Zhang Yan and the others cried, regretting that they hadn't dug two more steps. If they had dug two more steps, the prisoner must belong to Qin Ye.

But they didn't know that even if they dug ten steps more, the prisoners must be them.If they knew, they might vomit blood again.

The greatest tragedy in the world is to cheat someone, and fall into the pit in the last two steps.

Qin Ye came to Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan looked over coldly, this person is about to kill him, "If you want to kill or cut him up, it's up to you." But Zhang Yan has no fear.

Sui Gu and other leaders glared at Qin Ye. Although they regretted it, they were by no means greedy for life and afraid of death.If you are afraid of death, you can't be a bandit leader.

"You can go." Qin Ye said peacefully.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Xun You and the others looked at each other, and they didn't dare to speculate on what they wanted at this moment. It must be that the lord has other arrangements.

The soldiers were untied.

Zhang Yan and others still can't believe this is true.

They look over.

If Qin Ye wanted them to surrender the first time, then letting them go this time shows his heart.

The thugs are also human beings, and they also have emotions, and their eyes gradually hide admiration.

Zhang Yan cupped her fists and saluted, "This time is kind, I, Zhang Yan, will never forget."

After saying that, he turned around.

Sui Gu and the others saluted and followed.

Xun You and the others were puzzled and asked.

Qin Ye looked at Zhang Yan who was going away, "If you kill Zhang Yan, Zhao Yan and Wang Yan will appear again. Zhang Yan is a man with a brain and a certain degree of loyalty. If he dies, there will never be someone who is better than him." His better Montenegro commander is not good for us."

"It's better to be kind to him."

Sima Yi said: "I'm afraid he doesn't understand kindness and will attack again."

Qin Ye smiled slightly, "With Puyinxing in our army, the general situation in the base area will be successful, so we are not afraid of him. If he dares to come, killing him is as easy as pie."

And not far away.

The gangsters caught Zhang Yan and the others.

"Marshal, do you still want to fight?" Sui Gu asked.

Zhang Yan looked at the pass from a distance, "We were released twice, and we were beaten again, what's the point? Let's wait for a while."

The leaders breathed a sigh of relief.

So, the next two days.

Zhang Yan came to Bobu in person to meet Qin Ye.

The Black Mountain Army recognized Qin Ye's status in the Taihang Mountains and hoped to live in peace with Qin Ye.

You must know that Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army originated from the Yellow Turban, and it is a mortal enemy with the court and princes, and Qin Ye is also a mortal enemy.

One hundred thousand black mountains have been rampant for many years, and the surrounding princes are afraid.Even in later generations, when Yuan Shao invaded and annexed the four prefectures, he also wooed them.Cao Cao swept across the north, but also to appease.

It can be seen that the Black Mountain Army is tyrannical in Taihang.

At this moment, the Black Mountain Army's recognition of Qin Ye's status is definitely not because of fear of war, but because of being convinced by Qin Ye.

The two sides agreed to peaceful coexistence.

So, after several battles, Qin Ye could finally develop his base with peace of mind.

on the other hand.

As Qin Ye and the Black Mountain Army fought within the Taihang Mountains, Gongsun Zan took the opportunity to advance his forces to Changshan County.

In fact, Gongsun Zan at this time had already controlled two-thirds of Jizhou.

The remaining third is in the hands of Qin Ye and Han Fu.

At this moment, Gongsun Zan straddled the two prefectures of Youji and Hebei, and was so powerful that he was already the overlord of the Northland.

He already hated Qin Ye to the core, and now the whole world is spreading jokes about him.Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses died, and an empty warehouse was seized, and everyone laughed out loud.

Lingshou County, Changshan County.

Gongsun Zan's army was victorious, and he wanted to encircle Qin Ye.

In the chamber, ask everyone for their opinions.

Seeing Liu Bei hesitant to speak, he said, "Xuande, what do you have to say?"

Liu Bei was actually full of resentment.

He followed Gongsun Zan to conquer the east and west, thinking that after seizing Qin Ye's money and food, he would be able to get a share of the pie.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the warehouse, Nima was empty.


His sister scolded.

Now there are only more than 1000 remnant soldiers left in Liu Bei's hands, and Gongsun Zan's relief is all for money and food.

However, Liu Bei thought of his great ancestor Liu Bang.

He knew that his ancestors were inferior to him at that time, and it all depended on forbearance.

So Liu Bei calmed down and said, "Duke Ming, there is a famine in the north now. It is time to govern the region and appease the people. Before, the Black Mountain Army was covering up the war with war. Now that the Black Mountain Army has retreated, if the people don't care about life and death, Fear of losing faith in the world."

Those who want to achieve great achievements will not do things that break the promise of the world.

Gongsun Zan understood this truth, and looked very grateful, "If it wasn't for Xuande, I would have made a big mistake. Xuande can go back, govern Pingyuan County, and take over the Hedong area as soon as possible."

Gongsun Zan generously handed over Pingyuan County to Liu Bei, and also arranged a policy, which was to conquer the area east of the Yellow River that was under the jurisdiction of Pingyuan County.In this way, Jinan, Qingzhou, and Dongjun, Yanzhou will all be under Gongsun Zan's troops.

Liu Bei was overjoyed. You must know that although he was stationed in Pingyuan County, the prefecture of Pingyuan County, his influence was only in this county.But now, Gongsun Zan gave him the entire Pingyuan County.

Then I felt that the study of Gaozu was not in vain.

Liu Bei left happily.

Guan Jing immediately said, "My lord, Pingyuan County overlooks Yanzhou and Qingzhou, and should not be given to Liu Bei. Liu Bei is not a person who has lived under others for a long time, and his tail will be too big to lose. Don't you remember Xiang Yu and Pei Gong?"

Gongsun Zan said proudly: "How can I do what Xiang Yu did, but Xiang Yu also made Pei Gong, I just used Liu Beier."

Guan Jing saw that Gongsun Zan had such an idea a long time ago, so he didn't say anything, but admired him very much.After all, Liu Bei is capable. Such a vanguard, a pawn, is rare.


Rumors about Qin Ye circulated all over the world.

The news soon reached Yuan Shao.

Since Yuan Xi and Xu You came back, Yuan Shao vomited blood.He asked his son to collect the grain, and in the end, he sold the entire pot to Qin Ye.If it wasn't for the money he brought back, Yuan Shao might have become a poisonous eater.

However, is there any use in bringing money back?

Can it be eaten?
Now the northern land is famine-ravaged, and even the rich cannot buy food.When the stomach is not full, money is just a decoration.The current situation is that food is more expensive than money.

Without food, Yuan Shao couldn't expand his army no matter how rich he was. Seeing the chaos in Jizhou, he sent troops without food.

When Yuan Shao got angry, he confined Yuan Xi and sent Xu You to a dark corner.

I heard that Qin Ye has a place to establish a foundation.Yuan Shao was taken aback, and hurriedly asked where it was.

"In the mountains." Guo Tu smiled.

"In the mountains?" Yuan Shao laughed loudly after learning the details, and said to Wen Wu: "As expected of Qin Mengjie, he chose a good place."

From Yuan Shao's point of view, Qin Ye's choice of this place is really ridiculous.Everyone else chooses big cities, but he chooses to drill into the valleys, with no future.But Yuan Shao, who owned Bingzhou and the northern part of Sili, looked down on Qin Ye at all. "I'm afraid it will be wiped out by Gongsun Zan within a year or two."

When Yuan Shao said this, his face became gloomy.He also didn't expect that Gongsun Zan would develop.Originally, he should have developed in Jizhou.

Fortunately, his territory is not small now.

In fact, Yuan Shao was quite depressed. He originally planned to take military actions after Yuan Xi's food was recovered.And now, although there is no large-scale locust plague under his rule, he still needs to rest for a long time.

on the other hand.

The news of Qin Ye's establishment of a base in the mountains reached Yecheng.

Han Fu sneered, and gave a four-word evaluation, "Just wait and starve to death."

In fact, people in the world really don't understand Qin Ye's strategy nowadays, and the big strategists like Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Jia Xu, and Guo Jia are also scratching their heads.

In fact, they also somewhat understood that since Qin Ye was young, he must not be able to compete with the old princes for the city.

But what I don't understand is that you can't drill into the mountain, it's not self-defeating, smashing the pot and smashing it.

(End of this chapter)

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