The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 261 The Disappointment of the Agricultural Master

Chapter 261 The Disappointment of the Agricultural Master

Everyone in the world laughs at Qin Ye, saying that he is a man with no ideals, if that is the case, he will go to the mountains to make troubles.

However, Qin Ye didn't care about such comments.

As a time traveler, he may not be as good as Damou in many aspects, but in terms of grasping the strategic height, the military division alliance has to stand aside.

Taihang Mountain must be a good place, since other people can't see it, then it couldn't be better.

So Qin Ye didn't care about the gossip at all.

Now Qin Ye and the Black Mountain Army are in the best peacetime, but Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Han Fu and others are under huge local pressure and are unable to expand at all.

And at this time, it is time for Qin Ye to develop greatly.

Qin Ye opened two important passages in Puyinxing and Jingxing.Since the Flying Fox Path is next to Yuan Shao's territory, it is not open.In addition to Cangyan Mountain, Baishi Mountain, and various small passages, they began to accept the hungry people in Jizhou.

Qin Ye, the general who conquered the east, opened the border and helped the victims.

Once the news came out, the whole Jizhou was in turmoil.

Counties, counties, townships.

The people in one village and one village collectively left the land where they lived for generations and went to join Qinye.

The large scale has created a new history of people's migration.

Qin Ye disaster relief!

Domestic turmoil.

No matter those who hated Qin Ye or those who admired him, they all gave a thumbs up.

For a time, Qin Ye's reputation of benevolence shook the world.

You must know that most of Jizhou now belongs to Gongsun Zan and Han Fu.

The people began to migrate, and the two protagonists were also shocked.

Although not all the people migrated, although not ten rooms and nine empties, but ten rooms and five empties.


This is already Gongsun Zan's base camp in Jizhou.

Gongsun Zan was originally the prefect of a county, but now his territory is the largest in the North.

Therefore, he is still very satisfied with the overall situation, but also because of internal affairs.

"My lord, what kind of bases are the people migrating to on such a large scale, it is extremely detrimental to my lord." Guan Jing said.People all over the world are very unfamiliar with the newly emerging vocabulary and power form of the base area.

"If there is no such population, a large area of ​​cultivated land will be barren in the coming year." Shan Jing said.

Ordinary people may not think about the importance of population.But for princes like Gongsun Zan, it was very clear.

Although Gongsun Zan knew that this matter was inappropriate, he did not stop it.

After all, he couldn't afford to support these people, if he forcibly blocked the way of the people.If tens of thousands of people starve to death, there will definitely be a civil uprising.And because of his own reasons, the death of so many people will make Gongsun Zan's image more brutal.

He will lose faith in the world.

Those who lose their trust in the world have no future.

Gongsun Zan sneered and said, "Let Qin Ye go to help the disaster. This is a population of about one million. Qin Zijin has a huge amount of food, but can he feed it for one year or two years? I estimate that Qin Ye will never survive next winter."

He once robbed Qin Ye of money and food, and he still has a certain understanding of the supplies in Qin Ye's hands.

Moreover, he also knew that Qin Ye recruited hungry people to replenish the population.

But in his opinion, Qin Ye is completely in a cocoon.

With so many people Wen Xun passed by, how many people can Qin Ye appease?

If he is all appeased, there is simply not so much arable land in his base area to support him.

If he had held back, tens of thousands would have died on his doorstep.

Then, Qin Ye will definitely break the trust of the world.

on the other hand.

In Yecheng.

Xin Ping sneered: "Qin Ye's idea is good, but he certainly didn't expect the scale of the hungry people. This time, millions of people flocked to his control area. From my point of view, he will keep half of them at most. Then the other half, Enough to wear him down."

"When Qin Ye's reserves are exhausted, these people will still return to the Lord's land to cultivate the Lord's land."

Han Fu nodded heavily, so he no longer cared about the migration of the people.At the same time, more of annoyance.You must know that most of Qinye's current grain reserves are looted from Han Fu.

No matter the official or local food, it has been caught by it.

At the beginning, they sold the food to Qin Ye at a very high price, but in a blink of an eye, they lifted a stone and smashed it in their own feet.

Locust plague!

He can also see this shit.

Really evil.

Everyone still can't understand Qin Ye's ability to predict the locust disaster.


Jingxing pass.

This is the main road leading to the base of Taihang Mountain. At this moment, more than [-] people have gathered waiting to enter the base.

These people, under the comfort of Qin Jun's shouting, waited very calmly to enter the customs.And for the future, hope is rekindled.

Among these people, there was a man named Zaozhi.

Zaozhi, maybe no one in the world knows this person now.But if it is Qin Ye, he must know that this is the master of agriculture, the designer of Cao Wei's farming system.

And Zaozhi was able to become the designer of the tuntian system not because he proposed the tuntian system.

The farming system has existed since ancient times, and the jujube was entrusted with important tasks by Cao Cao only because he was a scientist in crop cultivation.To put it simply, other people can harvest [-] catties from farming, but only jujube can harvest [-] catties from farming.Doubling the yield per mu is a skill.

Zaozhi is from Yuzhou, Henan, and his family background is good.He focuses on agriculture and can be said to be an agronomist.Instead of reciting poems and composing Fu, he spent all day in the field studying the growth of crops and farming, which was incompatible with the nobility of the gentry, and eventually had to leave the family.

Zaozhi is committed to the people's need for food, and advocates that the governance of the local area should be based on agriculture.But for more than ten years, the environment in the world was not good, there was chaos everywhere, and the land was barren.This determines that no one is willing to invest financial and material resources in agriculture.

This is not to say that the big bosses don't know the benefits of agriculture, but the pace of war is too fast, and local powers change frequently.

Therefore jujube is not taken seriously.

Recently Cao Cao got Yanzhou, and Zaoyi was very shameless for Cao Cao's assassination of Liu Dai, so he did not defect to Cao Cao.

He heard that Jizhou was plagued by locusts, and felt that the princes of Hebei would definitely pay attention to agriculture after the disaster, so he came to Jizhou.

But they found that Gongsun Zan and Han Fu didn't care about the lives of the people at all, which conflicted with Zaozhi's philosophy.

Immediately afterwards, he got the news that Qin Ye was recruiting hungry people.

For millions of hungry people, eating is the top priority.It will definitely reclaim arable land and vigorously develop agriculture.However, in the Taihang Mountains, although there are foothill plains, the overall available arable land is too little, and 100 million people cannot support them.

Zao arrived at the base, wanting to see if Qin Ye could be entrusted.If Qin Ye is a wise master, he will offer his agricultural technology.Although other people cannot raise so many people in Taihang Mountains, Zaoyi can.

This is the self-confidence of the agricultural master.

Suddenly, the group of more than [-] people began to turmoil, and Zao who was in it could only feel it, but didn't know what happened for a while.

Soon, the Qin army withdrew into the pass and closed the entrance.

On the pass, an officer shouted loudly: "The relief quota is full, please disperse the people who have not entered the base area, and go to other places to eat."

In an instant, the people exploded.

At this moment, it is like the end of the virus.However, more than [-] people were not locked in the isolation area, but the door of the safe area was closed.

In the originally peaceful place, the miserable voice resounded throughout the world.

When the people came here, they no longer had the energy to turn back.Failure to enter the base area means death.

In the pass.

Zhang Liao was very angry, "Kong Ming, how can you do this? Not only here, but also Puyinxing and other passages, there are more than [-] people waiting to enter. If you do this, dead bodies will be everywhere, and the lord will lose his trust in the world." !"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, expressionless, and said coldly: "My lord doesn't know about this matter, and I, Zhuge Liang, will bear the responsibility of being infamous through the ages."

Xun You said anxiously: "Kong Ming, you are forcing the Lord to kill you."

Everyone looked over, if Qin Ye knew about this, he would definitely kill Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang bowed to everyone, and said calmly: "I never thought that so many people would vote. My lord loves the people like a son. If I let my lord know, I will definitely let these people enter the base area. But next winter, our army's base area will be closed because The overpopulation will disintegrate. My lord’s great cause will be ruined. I, Zhuge Liang, am willing to die and bear it all. I just ask you to hide it for a few days.”

Everyone looked over, with complex emotions such as admiration and panic in their eyes.

The gates of the base area were tightly closed.

Zaozhi looked at the crying crowd and shook his head repeatedly, "It seems that Qin Mengjie is only benevolent on the surface. I'd better go to Bingzhou to have a look. The land in Bingzhou is actually not barren at all, but Yuan Benchu ​​doesn't know how to use it. And, Bingzhou It seems like the most stable place."

 Thanks to Zhang Zhenhua's 12 brothers for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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