Chapter 262

"Kong Ming, I am very relieved that you are loyal to the Lord. But you are wrong." Xun You looked at his student with relief. After all, he was still too young. Although he could see many things clearly, he did things a little too much.

"Teacher?" Zhuge Liang, as the person in charge of appeasing the people, has the power to decide whether the people will go or stay.I just wanted to ask everyone to block the news for a few days, but I didn't expect my teacher to say that.

Xun You looked over and said, "We didn't expect so many people to come. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people are outside the base area. How can such a big event be kept from my lord? Besides, what is the importance of what you are going to do?" .Do you think this matter will subside if you die? People in the world will never take your life or death seriously."

In fact, Xun You didn't say it explicitly, but hinted it vaguely.Zhuge Liang at this moment, only thirteen or fourteen years old, can't afford such a thing at all.In the end, Qin Ye had to bear it himself.

Zhuge Liang was sweating profusely after a moment.

In recent years, he has been by Qin Ye's side.And Qin Ye's age is not a few years older than him, and he is also a young man.

However, with so many achievements in the past, even princes like Cao Yuan and Liu had to ignore Qin Ye's age and regard him as the most vigilant opponent in his generation.

This also allowed Zhuge Liang to take responsibility and dare to take responsibility.

But at this moment, what the teacher said made Zhuge Liang wake up suddenly.

"In the future, you will definitely have the opportunity to take on some things for the lord, not now. And, you should be cautious about such things." Xun You said earnestly.In his opinion, after Zhuge Liang grows up in the next few years, the lord will definitely arrange for him to take on a lot of affairs in the world.

Is it the land of the king in the whole world, and the land of the land is the king's minister.

Xun You looked at Zhang Liao, "General Zhang, this matter must not be delayed at all, and must be reported to the lord as soon as possible. Can General Zhang go there in person?"

Xun You's arms and legs must not be as fast as Zhang Liao's.




Qin Ye, who was drawing circles on the map paper, got up suddenly after hearing Zhang Liao's report.Walking back and forth, he said: "I didn't expect that the number of people who came in these two days has not decreased, but has even increased."

"What?" Qin Ye was really surprised when he heard about Zhuge Liang.

Qin Ye was very angry at first, but after thinking about it carefully, with the current capacity of the base area, it is impossible to support a population of 100 million.Just like Zhuge Liang's prediction, it will not be able to survive the coming winter at all.This comes from making ends meet, Qin Ye's reserves are huge, and he can only last until next winter.

Zhuge Liang was also thinking about Qin Ye, but it seemed a little hasty.

"No one should mention this matter again, just pretend it never happened." Qin Ye said.Zhuge Liang's matter is completely loyal to the Lord, and his loyalty is at the MAX level.So even if something is inappropriate, Qin Ye doesn't intend to go into it.

In other cases, even for a celebrity like Zhuge Liang, Qin Ye would like to see him very much, but if he couldn't say it, he would be severely punished.

"You spread the news quickly, open the pass, and continue to guide the people into the base area." Qin Ye ordered.

"This..." Zhang Liao admired Qin Ye's decisiveness, but when things really came to this point, he hesitated instead.You know, after these people enter the base area, the base area will collapse in the coming year.Qin Ye's great career was ruined.

It will be destroyed once, how can the protagonist be so calm and confident?
The lord is too benevolent, benevolent enough to die by himself, but also want the common people to live.

Not waiting for a little hesitation.

Zhang Liao cried.

It seems that Zhuge Liang's method is better.

Zhang Liao secretly swore that even if he was destroyed, Zhang Liao would swear to follow his lord to the end, even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

Zhang Liao went.

At dusk at sunset.

Outside Jingxing Pass.

Zaozhi was covered in sweat, holding the rations in his arms tightly, "Fellow folks, can you let me go..."

Because the people could not travel far again, they were still crowded in front of the pass.This caused Zaozhi to move very slowly when he left, and he was exhausted, and he couldn't get out of the cluster of 10,000+ people.

Suddenly, cheers came from the direction of the pass, and it spread at the speed of a super virus.

"The pass has been reopened, and General Qin continues to accept us into the base area."

"Why was it closed before that?"

"At that time, the quota was full. The Qin army obeyed the previous military order and closed the entrance. After General Qin knew about it, he immediately re-approved the quota."

Great savior!
The people burst into tears of joy.

Seeing Zaoyi desperately crowding outside, among all the people, this person is the one he hates the most, and the people around are furious.

You, we all misunderstood General Qin, you don't say you are ashamed, but you squeeze out, you are really not my generation.

So the people sent him out one after another.

"Don't come back again, people like you are not qualified to go to the base area at all."

Zaoyi, who quickly escaped from the cluster, rolled his eyes and drew over.

The people entered the base area continuously.

Qin Ye never refuses anyone who comes, and accepts as much as he comes.

Xun You and the others worked intensely until the third day before dividing all the people into regions.The next step is the specific resettlement work. Naturally, the following people will be responsible for it.

Everyone was relieved and went to Qin Ye for a meeting.

"My lord, a total of 110 people have entered the base area..." Xun You reported continuously.

After the report was over, he began to complain, "My lord, how can I accept all of them? Our arable land is not enough to support so many people."

Everyone looked at Qin Ye.Although such an approach is what a benevolent king should have, the consequences are quite serious and he cannot bear it at all.

Qin Ye had some experience, and said calmly: "The scale of burning wasteland and reclamation can be expanded."

When everyone heard the words, they wanted to smoke and then quickly.

Originally thought that the lord had some coup, but I didn't expect it to be just this.

Xun You sadly said: "I'm afraid my lord has made a mistake in the calculation. The areas that can be burned have already been included in the calculation, and the scale cannot be expanded again."

Qin Ye took out a new map, and there were many circled places on it, "These places can still be reclaimed."

"This is impossible, how is this possible?"

Xun You and the others memorized all the places that could be reclaimed, and they dug them out and recalled them many times every day.And the place where Qin Ye drew a circle is not suitable for burning wasteland at all.

Qin Ye knew that it would be useless to talk too much, and it was more practical to guide him on the spot.

So, everyone came to a place under Mount Baibu, which is not suitable for burning wasteland and reclaiming.

Qin Ye's base is in the mountainous area, although there is a foothill plain, but the area is limited.Based on past experience, they cultivated terraced fields on the mountain.Generally, it is in the form of surrounding mountains and burning wasteland, padding soil and so on.

Under Qin Ye's guidance, some land was reclaimed as expected.

However, difficulties were encountered.

The difficulty is that although Qin Ye saw the flaws of burning wasteland and reclamation with his supreme eyes, as long as they make up for it, more good fields can be reclaimed.However, it is limited by the current productivity, especially the backwardness of mining tools.There are still many places that cannot be leveled.

But Xun You and the others were still surprised that after Qin Ye's improvement, they were able to reclaim more than 50 mu of fertile land.But it is still not enough to support the additional [-] people.

Therefore, Qin Ye is still unable to escape the crisis.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Zaoyi was the last batch to enter the base area, and he followed Qin Ye quietly for several days.Seeing Qin Ye's mode of burning wasteland and reclamation, he was shocked.In many places, he felt that it was impossible to burn wasteland and reclaim land, but after Qin Ye's guidance, he started from another angle, forming a chain reaction, and he was able to reclaim instead.

Apparently, Qinye has conducted research on agricultural production that he believes in, and has his own unique features.

Zao Da admired Qin Ye for risking his life to save the people, so he made a decision.

Therefore, when Qin Ye returned to Bobu Thatched Cottage that day, he saw a down-and-out uncle appearing on the road.

"The heaven and the earth are turning upside down, and the people are suffering. The catastrophe is collapsing, and there is no food to eat. There are sages in the valley, who want to vote for the Ming Lord. The Ming Lord is farming, but he doesn't know me..."

Dian Wei and the others were dumbfounded, what is this uncle yelling here?
Due to the Qin army's policy, it was not allowed to expel the people casually, so Dian Wei looked at Qin Ye and waited for the Lord's order.

Qin Ye was also nagging, but from the connotation of this poem, is this uncle a great sage?

The accompanying Zhuge Liang and the others felt that this person was too crazy, and claimed to be able to save the world.What is the level of salvation, this uncle, what is your level?
so crazy?
Is it really okay for you to pretend to be aggressive in front of my lord like this?

(End of this chapter)

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