The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 265 My Lord, Please Don't Pretend

Chapter 265 My Lord, Please Don't Pretend

Xun You and the others didn't dare to say anything at this moment, thinking that Qin Ye must have something to do.

And Zao is just a newcomer. I don't know that when the lord behaves abnormally, there is something wrong, so he has a shocked look and asks Zhuge Liang, "Why does the lord choose seeds like this?"

In Zaozhi's view, Qin Ye's behavior is simply incomprehensible.My lord, can you see clearly when you shovel and shovel like this?
Sima Yi never admired anyone in his life, but he only admired his elder brother. According to past practice, there must be something wrong.Our realm is lower than the lord's, so we can't tell.Rolling your eyes, aren't you pretending to be an uncle, I'll set you up.

Sima Yi looked in awe and said, "Look, my lord can pick seeds at a speed comparable to ten thousand."

Zhuge Liang came to the spirit immediately.

Both of them are teenagers, so it's inevitable that they will play when they are young.Zhuge Liang said from the sidelines: "Mr. Zaozhi's skill for decades seems to be nothing more than that. Compared with my lord, it is far behind."

Zaozhi almost twitched when he heard the words.

How can his three to forty years of skill be compared to that of Qin Ye, a young man?
Even if Qin Ye started practicing from the womb, it is still not half of his skill.

How did you two boys talk?
Perhaps the protagonist is not picking seeds, but doing something else.

Although Zaozhi couldn't see what Qin Ye was doing, he was sure now that Qin Ye was definitely not picking seeds.

Crashing, one shovel is several catties, tens of thousands of seeds, if he is picking seeds, he will hit the wall when he arrives.

"My lord is not picking seeds." Zaoyi said to Zhuge Liang with certainty.

Zhuge Liang finally had time to pick up the feather fan, shook it slightly, and said calmly: "This is because Mr. Zaoyi's skill is not enough."

In fact, Zhuge Liang didn't think that Qin Ye was picking seeds, and everyone thought so too.But they have followed Qin Ye for a long time, there must be other things involved.But whoever asks now will definitely appear stupid, and in the end they will only end up pretending to be with the lord.

Although it's right to accompany the lord to pretend to be coercive, but in fact, I don't feel good about it.

However, I couldn't help but want to ask the lord what he was doing.After all, this behavior is too strange. If you don't get to the bottom of it, you won't be able to sleep at night.

Therefore, it is best to have Zaoyi, a newcomer who doesn't understand anything, ask.

And, uncle, don't you have the ability to pretend?

Then go to the lord and try it out to see if you can act aggressive in front of the lord.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Zaoyi, look at the speed of my master's selection, it's really a miracle."

Zaoyi immediately became turbulent.

Two teenagers, are you kidding me?
This is definitely not in the selection.

But I couldn't help but want to ask.After all, Qin Ye's behavior was so strange that even Xun You and Zhuge Liang couldn't help it, let alone Zao Zhi.

Xun You breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zaoyi passing by, but he couldn't help but ask.

Zaozhi walked over slowly, preoccupied, looked at the back, hesitated to speak again and again, and then couldn't help asking: "My lord, you... what are you doing?"

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan lightly. This jujube seems to be capable, but he always likes to pretend.He went to ask the lord to see if he would be ashamed.

Others have similar thoughts.

Qin Ye put down the wooden shovel, turned to see Zaozhi, wiped off his sweat, and said, "I'm picking seeds."

Jujube was drawn at that time.

My God, he is really picking seeds!
Everyone fell to the ground. Although Xun You and the others had guessed that something was up, they didn't expect that they were picking seeds.After all, picking seeds like this is really shocking to the world.You must know that when others pick seeds, they pick them one by one. Fortunately, he picks thousands of seeds at the same time.

So everyone didn't realize that Qin Ye was picking seeds.

Everyone couldn't understand, and grabbed their hair.


When others pick seeds, they can't wait to put them in their eyes and take a good look.The lord picks the seeds and throws hundreds or even thousands of them into the air.

This is so dazzled that I can't see anything clearly. Can you tell whether the seeds are good or bad?

Zaoyi's selection by handfuls like that is scary enough.Qin Ye's scariness was ten times more terrifying than him, and he wanted to scare Zhuge Liang and the others to death.

Zaozhi vomited blood again and again, never expecting that Qin Ye was actually picking seeds.

You must know that he has been looking at the seeds every day for decades like a day, and spends more time with the seeds than his wife.In the end, the daughter-in-law divorced him, leaving a sentence to live with the seeds and left.

After going through all kinds of hardships, Zaoyi has developed an incomparable skill in picking seeds.

The speed of picking seeds is one against a hundred.

And Qin Ye is obviously new to this job, and just now he was choosing one by one carefully, but now he is using a wooden shovel.

This must be the performance of young people with bad mentality and irritability.

Zaozhi cried, my lord, what is your identity, you just need to stop working.It's scary for you to swing with a wooden shovel like this.Do you know that if you do it like this, everyone will lose their mind to work.

Moreover, my lord, you have something to say, but you still speak confidently about picking seeds.

Seeing Zaozhi's distressed expression, Qin Ye asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

When Zaozhi heard this, his eyes turned black.

What is a matter.

There are too many things.

My lord, can we not pretend to be so aggressive? In fact, we can be friends.

"Master, where are the seeds you picked out?" Zaozhi was also a little annoyed.Since he said he was selecting seeds, let's take a look at the selected seeds.

Hearing this, Qin Ye touched it from his pocket, "Look, how about these two."

Zaozhi took a closer look, and saw only two seeds in Qin Ye's palm, which were still oddly shaped, commonly known as deformed seeds.

He thought it was a good seed, but it turned out to be such a seed.

Using a wooden shovel, like raising sand, they made more than 1000 catties, and only two of these things were picked out.

What the hell...

My lord is playing with me?

Zao only vomited blood at that time.

Originally, maybe it was the lord who was a genius in the sky, raising thousands of seeds in a rush, and he must have picked out many good seeds.

But the reality is, click, just two seeds.

This is impossible to be a genius of the sky, this is just playing with people.

My lord, you are not here to pick seeds, you are here to play, right?
Is it really okay to play like this?

Everyone has been paying attention to the situation here. Seeing this phenomenon, they all fell to the ground, mainly because the situation is too terrible.Looking at the grain around Qin Ye, he probably weighed over a thousand catties, so he picked out two grains.

Shame on you...

Everyone couldn't help complaining.

Even if Xun You and the others follow the usual practice, maybe the lord has something to do, but such a thing is absolutely unacceptable.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi have already lord!Jujube Laihao has decades of experience, so he can choose one by one.Although it seems to be pretending, we can also accept it.

But we really can't accept the lord's pretentiousness like this.

Please don't pretend, it's really not good to pretend like this.

Because this matter is too frightening to the world, it is not incomprehensible, but it is simply incomprehensible.Therefore, although Xun You and the others have experienced too many things, they still cannot believe it, which is also human nature.

 Question about the update.

  The end of the year is approaching, and there are really many things to do during the Chinese New Year.The building where I live is as lively as a war all day long.

  Please forgive me for the update, and it will definitely not be updated.

  Here, Lao Yi would like to wish all book friends a happy new year, good luck, good health and good luck.

  Thanks to Zhang Zhenhua 12, Battle on the Battlefield, Fat Elephant, Zhuang Zai Lao Qin Han and other brothers for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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