Chapter 266 One Hundred and Eight Seeds
Everyone looked at Qin Ye with red eyes.

Some people's eyes were not red at first, but after learning the details, they became red at that time.

Everyone is going crazy.

Others choose carefully one by one, for fear of making a mistake.On Qinye's side, he picked up like sand, and in a few minutes it was more than 1000 catties of grain.It's scary enough, and I just picked out two seeds, which still look like deformed seeds.

This is a combination combo, who wouldn't be crazy to hear about it?
More importantly, Qin Ye was extremely calm.

My lord, who gave you the confidence to make you so calm and calm?

Qin Ye observed the words and expressions, and knew that his actions were a little shocking to the world.

He will not tell anyone about the Supreme Dharma Eye.

I feel that whether I am considered crazy or sick, things have to be done.When there is a good result, I believe everyone will know right or wrong.Moreover, this is good for one's hegemony and must be done.

Therefore, no matter how different the eyes of the world are, Qin Ye will do some things.

But seeing everyone's horrified eyes, Qin Ye felt that it is better to change to a place where there is no one to do it.

"It seems that if I pick seeds here, it will delay everyone's work." Qin Ye said.

Everyone nodded violently.I said in my heart that it was more than a delay in work, it was a real delay in work.My lord, if you do this, we are still working there, and we are scared to death.

"Then I'll go." Qin Ye said.

Everyone hastily nodded more.

In fact, my lord, you leave casually, there is no need to leave in order to make things happen.

From the people's point of view, Qin Ye was still annoyed by the work of selecting seeds.After all, this kind of work needs to calm down and choose slowly.

It seems that the protagonist is short-tempered, unwilling to do it and feels wrong, but in fact, there is no need for this.

"Then I'll go to another warehouse to pick first. The seeds I pick are different from yours, and we don't delay each other." Qin Ye said calmly.

Thumping, the warehouse full of people fell to the ground.

My lord, if you don't want to work, you can say it outright, don't feel ashamed.And, there are many big things waiting for you to do it.Don't use this reason to leave, it's too shocking for us.

Zao only cried.

Everyone wants to smoke and then hurry up.

Qin Ye was very indifferent. This came from the fact that after experiencing a lot of things, he was already pessimistic about life and death, and he would do it if he refused to accept it.

But he also knew what everyone was thinking at the moment, and everyone couldn't understand him at the moment, but it didn't matter, I believe everyone would understand after a while.

After all, facts speak louder than words.

Qin Ye is not a talkative person, and there is not even one warehouse.Then they went to another warehouse, believing that with their own speed, they might not be able to finish selecting a warehouse after selecting one.

So, Qin Ye said to Zao Zhi: "You choose yours, leave me alone, I will tell you something later." Qin Ye left
Zaoyi heaved a sigh of relief, as for what to tell something, he didn't take it to heart at all.

And Qin Ye went to another warehouse.

Zaozhi shook his head repeatedly, and was about to start working again, when he saw Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi about to leave, he hurriedly called out.Although it doesn't matter if there are two less people, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, two young people, have a particularly strong ability to accept and grasp new knowledge quickly, so the seeds selected are much better than ordinary people.

So Zaoyi still hopes that they can help.

"Where are you two going?" Zaozhi asked.

The young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan anxiously, "Let's go and see if the Lord has really gone to another warehouse."

Zaoyi almost twitched when he heard the words, the lord obviously left with an excuse, do you really take it seriously?
"If my lord didn't go to the nearby warehouse, we'll be back right away, so we won't waste any time." Sima Yi said from the side.

So the two left quickly.

Zaozhi couldn't bear it, and followed him, after all, he was right next to him, so it wouldn't take long.

Go to the next warehouse.

They looked in from the window and saw that Qin Ye was still picking seeds with one wooden shovel after another.

The three of them looked at each other, and then they drew over.

Zaozhi wanted to cry, but suddenly realized that he might have chosen the wrong lord.

By the second day.

In the meeting hall of thatched cottage, Zaozhi and the others already have red eye circles, staying up all night.

After a while, Qin Ye arrived with red circles around his eyes.

Qin Ye asked: "Zaozhi, how was the progress of picking the seeds last night?"

Zaozhi was a little excited, "My lord, the progress is quite good. This morning, I will start the final screening. Kong Ming and Zhongda have very strong understanding skills. Can you temporarily assign them to your subordinates to speed up the screening process?" progress."

Qin Ye was very happy when he heard it. He attached great importance to the cultivation of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, so he agreed, and said with concern: "You still have to pay attention to rest. Even if you can't plant all the new seeds, don't wear yourself out."

After Zaozhi heard it, her heart felt warm.I feel that although the lord sometimes behaves strangely, he really cares about his subordinates and is a good lord.

At this time, Qin Ye carefully took out a bulging kit from his bosom, put it on the table, and said to the civil and military people who came over, "Here are [-] seeds, which I picked out overnight. They should be They are among the best seeds here. All of them are mutants, stronger, and have more ears. They are the source of our future new varieties, which can be said to be the first generation of super seeds."

The first generation of super seeds, you know it's awesome as soon as you hear it.

But when everyone heard it, their faces changed.

They simply couldn't believe such a thing.Picking like sand with a wooden shovel can also pick out the best seeds.What's the use of them?There is no need to ask for jujube.

But Qin Ye didn't think so. As the lord, he wouldn't be able to travel all over the world to run errands in the future. As long as he has the ability, he will ask for it.

Zaoyi took the kit tremblingly, couldn't help it, and poured out some in his palm.

Everyone looked over and turned pale with shock.

Seeing those seeds, it can't be said that there are no strong and beautiful ones, but there are also many crooked melons with cracked dates, strange appearance, and deformed seeds at first glance.

Can such seeds be the source of new varieties, stronger, more numerous, fuller?

Don't talk nonsense, okay?

My lord, is it really okay for you to joke like this?

Although Xun You and the others have experienced more things than Zaozhi, they still can't believe what they can't understand, which is also human nature.This is like setting a world record, saying that the record will be set every time, who would believe it?So when the game started, everyone watched it with disbelief.

Zao only cried.

My lord, you can beat me, but you can't treat me like this.I also agree with your choice of seeds. You think that these seeds are all mutants and can become the source of new varieties. You are simply talking nonsense.Even if these are really mutations, the mutations are in a bad direction, weaker, less, and more deficient.

Zaozhi simply didn't understand why Qin Ye did this, he didn't believe what Qin Ye said at all.It's not his fault, it's mainly because Qin Ye's actions are too horrifying to the world, if a god does this, with divine power, the people will agree.But for a mortal to do so, it is definitely not recognized.

However, Zaozhi suddenly had a clever idea. He thought of a possibility, and his whole body became cold.

(End of this chapter)

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