The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 268 The last moment

Chapter 268 Last minute

The meeting presided over by Qin Ye this time is to expand the army.

The civil and military participants at the meeting were very interested.

I believe that after this military expansion, Qin Jun will officially enter the stage of fighting for world supremacy, and will compete with Yuan Jun, Cao Jun and others in the future.

Moreover, after this military expansion, the safety factor of the base area will rise to a certain height.

Who in the world dares to look sideways?

Civil and military people still have this confidence.

In addition, high-quality crops have been planted, and I am more confident about the future.

After the specific work was arranged, the meeting came to an end.

after the meeting.

People go out.

Xun You stopped Zaozhi and said: "Mr. Zaoyi, as a person, you should do your best, strictly abide by your position, do your job carefully and conscientiously, and be loyal to the Lord. When the Lord fails to observe something, you need to guide him earnestly." .If you face each other recklessly, it is not a courtier's day."

Zao only heard the voice-over at that time.

This military adviser, what you say depends on what kind of master you are.

As for your lord, who is benevolent on the surface, but actually harbors evil intentions.

In less than three months, let the world know his shamelessness.

However, Zaozhi said: "I understand, I would like to follow the instruction of the military teacher."

Xun You nodded, and it was considered to have solved a problem, and said: "You will turn green in the next year, so don't mention certain things. I will persuade the lord."

Zaozhi nodded, "The quality of the seedlings can be seen at the stage of turning green, I know it well."


During the winter break.

Qin Ye began to recruit soldiers, and required men under the age of 40 to undergo a three-month military training.

Among the men under the age of 30, 3 men were selected to become the regular army.

Defend your home, your base, and your lord.

Men of school age actively joined the army, with a base of millions, so the recruitment work went smoothly.

The size of the Qin army expanded to 5000 people, and the armaments of the base areas developed by leaps and bounds.

And the Pu's blacksmith workshop was at full power, building weapons day and night.As for ores, there are still many mineral resources in the Taihang Mountains.

In a blink of an eye, it's springtime.

In 193 AD, it came quietly.However, due to Qinye's cross-air travel, history has completely changed.

The only thing that remains the same is the heart of the princes from all walks of life to fight for the hegemony of the world.

Bobu has become the base camp of Qin Ye's governance base.

On the edge of the best farmland in Bobu, Dian Wei led a group of people to guard the experimental field day and night.In particular, the one hundred and eight seeds planted by Qinye have been given special care.

this day.

The sun was shining and the snow had long since dispersed.

Several soldiers stared at the test field without blinking their eyes.

And Dian Wei, as always, led other soldiers to practice martial arts under the rising sun.

As the sun rises three poles, the sky and the earth are bright.

"Returned to green!"

Suddenly there was a cry.

Dian Wei stopped punching and rushed to the ground.

"Returning green" refers to when the heart leaves of wheat seedlings grow to 1-2 cm.It takes about one month from turning green to getting up, which is the last period of the seedling stage, called "wheat turning green".The growth during this period is mainly rooting, leaf growth and tillering. The turning green period of wheat is also a critical period to promote the upgrading of late weak seedlings, control the excessive growth of vigorous seedlings, adjust the population size and determine the rate of ear formation.

The heart leaf is the top priority in judging the quality.

Dian Wei was very excited. You must know that the seeds selected by Zaozhi had turned green three days ago, while the seeds selected by the lord hadn't moved yet.

Now the lord's seedlings have also turned green.

"Look at it, I'll call Zaozhi!"

a while.

In the fenced yard not far from the experimental field.

At this moment, Zaoyi is thinking about many things.

Just three days ago, his seedlings turned green.Zaoyi breathed a sigh of relief after inspecting the green seedlings yesterday. The seeds he selected germinated well.Good seedlings account for [-]% of all seedlings, which is considered a very successful selection, after all, it has not lost face for decades.

And Qinye's seedlings haven't turned green yet, which makes Zaozhi even more sure that they are trash seedlings.Although there are some good seedlings that will be late for a few days, the probability is extremely low, and most of the late ones are garbage seedlings.Moreover, none of the [-] seeds turned green. With this probability, something is even more certain.

"Qin Mengjie is so calm and confident, don't you know that I have already seen through his plot."

Zaozhi was very angry. He didn't expect that the lord of Corporal Lixian was actually a jackal who robbed his subordinates of their merits.Moreover, even now, he has not been secretly summoned to mention this matter.It can be seen that his mansion is extremely deep, vicious and terrifying.

He felt that Qin Ye must be waiting for him to report on returning to youth.But that's good too, Zaozhi plans to turn green, and doesn't report to Qin Ye.He will call many experienced old farmers to the experimental field to give advice on the final division of seedlings and determination of seedlings, but then walk away.

Qinye's seedlings were in the field, and the old farmers knew the result immediately.

"Now all the bases are bragging about Qin Ye's super seed. When the result comes out, everyone will know Qin Ye's heart. This matter will be spread all over the world, and he will be infamous for thousands of years."

Zao only thought so.

"Zaozhi Zaozhi, my lord's seedlings have turned green!" Dian Wei yelled and broke into the yard.

Zaozhi got up suddenly, his face changed again and again, and finally he regained his composure, and said: "Go, go and have a look."

After a while.

Zaozhi came to the experimental field.

Looking at the emerald green between the sky and the earth, Zaozhi felt as if he saw his own child.

When he came to the seedling planted by Qin Ye, he was full of seriousness.

Dian Wei and the others looked expectantly, looking at Zaozhi for a while, and Miaozi for a while.

"Mr. Zaoyi, how is the lord's seedling? It must be a first-class seedling, right?" Dian Wei said.Although there are some rumors circulating among high-level officials like Xun You, Dian Wei firmly believes in the lord's Miao Zi.

Zaozhi also observed very carefully. Although he didn't believe in Qin Ye's seedlings at all, he would not be sloppy in academic research.

"I can't see the good or the bad at the moment, but after two days, I will be able to see it."

Zaoyi came here to see the probability of turning green.It's weird that they all turned green at the same time.But counting the time, after all, my seedlings were three days late, so I didn't care.

Although Dian Wei and the others couldn't wait, they still had to wait.

Two days later.

Zaozhi came to the field again with more than 100 farmers.He didn't expect that Qin Ye hadn't secretly contacted him until now. This person is really scheming.

But today he came prepared, these experienced farmers will become his tongue.

First of all, in front of his own seedlings, he explained the future experience to the farmers, so as not to waste the previous efforts of the new generation of breeding after he left.

An hour later.

When the farmers came, they couldn't wait to see Qin Ye's seedlings. It was said that they were extremely good seedlings and the source of high-yielding crops in the future.

Seeing Zaozhi, he didn't talk about explaining Qinye's Miaozi.

Someone couldn't help but said: "Lord Zaozhi, when shall we go to see the lord's super seedling?"

Super seedling?

Super wool!
Zaozhi's heart sank, he had already finished explaining, and it was the last moment, he said coldly, "Go now."

The farmers wondered why Zaozhi's attitude was so indifferent.

Zaoyi brought the farmer to Qinye's seedlings, and from a distance, he could see that Xinye had grown up, and he could make a judgment. "You can tell if it's good or bad today. After I verify the seedlings are good or bad, I'll leave immediately. Dian Wei and the others don't know what's inside, and they won't stop me."

Zaozhi squatted down and began to study Qin Ye's seedling carefully. This was also the last moment he stayed here.

And the farmers were all looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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