The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 269 Misunderstood, not explained

Chapter 269 Misunderstood, not explained

Qin Ye is in a meeting.

Xun You was very happy to report on the work in the base area.As for Qinye not occupying the city, but coming here to 'baoshantou', although he knew it was strategically appropriate, Xun You also had a lot of opinions.After all, no prince has ever done this for thousands of years.

But now, Xun You has no objections at all.

Although the city is a status symbol, it seems that the base area is the most mysterious place.

This is mainly due to the lack of arable land in the city, which cannot feed millions of people.But the base area can raise more people, and it is safer than the city.

Xun You reported the military affairs of the base area, "The main force of our army has reached [-] people, and the Pujia Workshop is working day and night to manufacture equipment. I believe that after all the equipment is completed, our army's soldiers will reach the level of the main force."

Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and the others were excited, and the winter training work went smoothly.The old brings the new, coupled with the protagonist's brand-new training method, the quality of the soldiers is extremely high.

Xun You said excitedly at this time: "The winter wheat has all turned green. According to the current rate of turning green seedlings, when harvesting in early summer, the yield per mu will definitely increase to [-] catties."

This is a remarkable thing. You must know that in previous years, the yield per mu in these mountainous areas was only two hundred catties, and the average yield outside the mountains was no more than fifty catties per mu.Such a per-mu yield can already meet the food needs of the base area, and there is still a surplus.

Everyone is amazed that such a high yield per mu can be increased all at once.

But Xun You observed his words and expressions, and when he saw the lord was happy, he took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Zaozhi's achievements are obvious to all." He also hinted that Qin Ye should use the king's generosity to respect the virtuous and corporal.This is also to pave the way for resolving the conflict between Qinye and Zaoyi.

Everyone thought that Zaoyi was too arrogant in front of the lord by virtue of his own ability.But the protagonist couldn't stand it, so the two got serious.

Qin Ye gave Zaoyi one hundred and eight seeds, Qin Ye is the lord, these seeds are bad seeds, click, it means you didn't plant Zaoyi well, you will be punished.

Everyone agrees that it is definitely not a good seed.It was Qin Ye's excuse to clean up Zaozhi.

Wen Wu was dissatisfied with Zaoyi's pretentiousness, but the master used some strange ways to embarrass Zaoyi, and he also had some opinions.

However, they all got it wrong.

And Qin Ye heard some rumors, but didn't explain anything.After all, the rejuvenation period is just a day or two, and facts speak louder than words.

Qin Ye knew that there were some things that Xun You and the others couldn't understand.This comes from the tyranny of the Supreme Dharma Eye, which is incomprehensible to those who don't know it.So at this time, Qin Ye never defended.Facts speak for themselves. At that time, the truth came to light. Whoever was embarrassed had his face swollen. Qin Ye really didn't mean it.

Moreover, Qin Ye did not object to Zaozhi's pretentiousness deep down in his heart, and was willing to cooperate with Daxian's pretentiousness.

Facts of Mingjun past dynasties have proved that with the great sage pretending to be aggressive, the work efficiency of the great sage will increase, and the prosperous age will come.

Li Shimin and the others will cooperate very well, even if they are a little embarrassed, it doesn't matter.

The most recent emperor was Liu Bei. Uncle Kacha knelt down to the villagers, and the small county town developed into the Great Shu Kingdom.


Zao Zhi faced Qin Ye's batch of [-] rejuvenated seedlings, and he didn't believe that Qin Ye's batch of seedlings would be good seedlings at all.

Kaka picked the seeds in the same way as sand, and only picked out [-] seeds.

If it is a good seed, then why should he spend decades of painstaking research on it?
Without good seeds, good seedlings cannot be planted.

Zaozhi believed that this was Qin Ye's means to rob him of his achievements in the field of agriculture.You must know that Zaozhi has now grown into a master-level agricultural scientist. In this ancient agricultural empire, he will definitely be famous in history and will be praised for thousands of years.

This kind of great merit is incomparable to the emperor who created a generation of prosperity.

Therefore, although Zaozhi still looked at these seedlings, he had colored eyes.

Moreover, Zao only wanted to let the world know what Qin Ye was like, so at this time.Instead, he first showed the hundred farmers who followed him, and the farmers all saw it better than him, and asked, "What do you think of the seedlings, my lord?"

These farmers are all experts in farming who have been tested by Zaoyi. With a little training, they can reach the level of agricultural graduate students in later generations.

The farmers didn't dare to get close to look at it at first, after all, it is said that these seedlings are very precious, and they are all at the level of national treasures.Therefore, without an order, I really dare not approach.

At this moment, after hearing Zaozhi's words, they couldn't help running over, squatting down, or simply lying on the ground for a closer look.

Zaozhi stroked his beard and sneered, he believed that within a few snaps of his fingers, Qin Ye and his group of seedlings could be concluded.At that time, he could just find an excuse and slip away.And Qin Ye's matter will naturally spread through these people's tongues.

It's impossible to say anything about him.

At this time, the farmers all stared wide-eyed.

Someone was trembling.

Someone flushed.

And several old farmers couldn't hold back their tears.

Zaozhi sneered, looking at the excited faces of these people, it seemed that they never expected that these seedlings were not as good as the legend said, on the contrary they were extremely poor.That's why they reacted so aggressively.

An old farmer couldn't get up anymore, so he lay down on the ground, tears dripped on the seedlings, and cried: "I have never seen such good seedlings in this life. Mr. Zaoyi's batch of seedlings are already very old." It can increase the yield per mu. The master’s batch of seedlings will be successfully bred in the future, and will definitely surpass Mr. Zaoyi’s yield per mu.”

Another old farmer said: "I'm afraid there will be a yield of [-] catties per mu."

Zaozhi's batch of seeds should have a yield of [-] jin per mu, and Qin Ye's batch is even better. This number is a conservative estimate.

For an average yield of two hundred catties per mu, this is a miracle.

So the farmers are already in tears.

The old farmers couldn't help kneeling on the ground and looking up at the sky, "Thank God for sending us a great savior. From now on, we don't have to go hungry anymore."

Having enough to eat is the basic demand of the people, but at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the vast majority of the people had not had enough to eat for three or four generations.

It can be seen how excited the farmers are today.

Zaozhi was dumbfounded, his whole heart was churning.

Good seed?
"Did you see clearly?" Zaoyi was very angry.His face suddenly changed drastically. Could it be that Qinye and Li Daitao froze and bypassed him to bribe these farmers.If he does so, what he says will be one-sided.The success rate of snatching his achievements is higher, so Zaozhi has to think about it.

Seeing Zaozhi so angry, his eyes would eat people.The farmers were very puzzled and scratched their heads.After all, these are excellent seedlings, the source of high-yielding crops in the future, Zaozhi should be happy, right?

"My lord, we all identified according to the method you pointed out. Even if I got it wrong, it's impossible for everyone here to get it wrong, right?" said the oldest farmer, wiping away his tears.

Zaozhi's teeth chattered for a while. The old farmer who spoke was his most proud disciple. Although he was old, he had experience and his attainments would rise quickly.

He felt that he still underestimated Qin Ye's cunning.

Could this be the legendary trick of turning a deer into a horse?

Zao only cried.

But he quickly launched vicious.

Special, even if I fight to the death, I will let the whole world know that his batch of seedlings are rubbish seedlings.Further let the world know his hypocrisy, what kind of benevolence, what kind of open-mindedness, are all fake, fake, and fictional!
The farmers still have a lot of opinions on Zaozhi's expression, and they looked at each other, so let him see for himself.How could this person be like this? Could it be that there is no one who has higher attainments in agriculture than him?So hypocritical.

The farmers followed closely with adoring eyes. The lord is really a god-like existence, and he was able to pick the best [-] seeds out of the billions of seeds.In this way, mutual pollination and the cultivation of the next generation are enough to sow tens of thousands of land.

Zaoyi pounced on Miaozi.

 Thank you Little Pudding Brothers for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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