The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 275 Set of 'Qin'

Chapter 275 Set of 'Qin'

Ma Jun was still walking up and down in front of Yuan Shao's mansion.

The guards still followed him around with their eyes.

After a while, he still received his personal guards countless times.

The personal guard was very irritable, "Ma Jun, how could you do this? Didn't I tell you, unless you are called, you don't come here."

"I beg this lord to inform me."

The guard was even more irritable, "Ma Jun, you are cheating on me, do you know that?"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, making it clear that the notification would not go.

"My lord, this time it's not about repairing the canal, it's about Qin Ye." Ma Jun walked two steps quickly, but was blocked by soldiers and shouted.

"About Qin Ye? Then wait a moment." How can the guard not know who Qin Ye is, the lord's deadly enemy.And in a place called a base, it is only a few hills away from Bingzhou.

This is the military situation and cannot be neglected.

a while.

Ma Jun finally met Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao sat in the tall hall and said calmly: "Deheng, what do you know about Qin Ye?"

Although Yuan Shao met Ma Jun, he didn't think that Ma Jun could know anything.

Ma Jun became excited, "Qin Mengjie came to my home and asked me to work for him."

"What! Qin Mengjie appeared in your home!" Yuan Shao stood up at that time, and said to Qin Wei: "Quickly pass on Yan Liang, Wen Chou, um, Guo Tufengji, Tian Fengjushou, and they all called me."

After Yuan Shao got out of the hall, he walked around in circles and said, "Qin Ye is here, this is an opportunity."

Ma Jun followed Yuan Shao around, talking behind his back without listening, "Qin Ye said that he needs to build water conservancy facilities, no matter what I ask, he will agree to me. He will give me as much food as I want. He also said Build a large laboratory for me, and the policy will also favor my research."

Ma Jun talked endlessly about how Qin Ye valued his research.

But Yuan Shao didn't hear this at all.

Yuan Shao suddenly grabbed Ma Jun, stared at him and said, "Why did Qin Ye appear here?"


Ma Jun froze for a moment, then felt a special stabbing pain in his heart.

"Didn't you see Qin Ye?" Yuan Shao questioned.

Nima, the protagonist who co-authored him didn't hear what he said afterwards.

My lord, how can you treat me like this? My sincere heart is still entrusted to you, yet you trample me like this!

Ma Jun cried.

Ma Jun once again said that Qin Ye personally came to recruit him, and then said: "My lord, Qin Ye still attaches so much importance to the repair of the canal. He can use all the resources..."

Yuan Shao was already impatient, and waved his hands to plan, "Don't worry about building the canal, we will talk about it after you catch Qin Ye."

"Come here, send him away. Huh? Wait, Deheng, you still can't leave, go down and wait for a while."

Ma Jun drew over.

After he came out, he met Jushou.

It turned out that Jushou also came here to ask Yuan Shao to build the canal as soon as possible, but he became the first person to come here. After learning the specific news, he was immediately horrified.

Ju Shou took Ma Jun back to the hall, but he didn't mention the arrest of Qin Ye, but first said: "My lord, it seems that Qin Ye also knows the importance of repairing the canal."

Ma Jun nodded sharply.

Yuan Shao became even more impatient, "What are you talking about? Now the most important thing is to catch Qin Ye. As long as Qin Ye is caught, it doesn't matter whether he repairs it or not."

never mind?

Ma Jun vomited blood.

In fact, regarding the construction of the canal, Yuan Shao was forced to do this project.This project consumes too much manpower and material resources. Now that the surrounding situation is tense, who is willing to waste energy on this?If the world is unified that day, Yuan Shao will naturally be willing to do this.

It was different to capture Qinye. To capture his followers, Yuan Shao was confident and swept across the entire Northland.

Ma Jun saw that Yuan Shao didn't really take the matter of building the canal seriously, and he became even more disheartened.

Jushou knew that Qin Ye was Yuan Shao's biggest enemy in the North, and the canal was built to accumulate strength.If Qin Ye can be caught, it doesn't matter if he cultivates or not.So he didn't mention the matter of repairing the canal anymore, and said: "My lord will kill Qin Ye like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill him."

Yuan Shao thought of Qin Ye's force. Since he dared to appear in his territory, he must have come prepared. He said immediately, "What about your suggestion?"

Ju Shou really has a suggestion, and he is very satisfied with this strategy, "Why don't you let Mr. Ma pretend to surrender to Qin Ye, and meet at an agreed place, and we will lay an ambush there."

Yuan Shao was instantly elated, obviously in love with your expression, and nodded repeatedly.

He looked over at Ma Jun, "Just please sir."

Ma Jun smoked.

Although he only met Qin Ye once, he could see that Qin Ye really valued himself, admired him, and wanted to cultivate the canal sincerely.It can be said to be a rare confidant, and there is also a relationship between Zaoyi.

Now that he came here to expose Qin Ye, Ma Jun had already been condemned by his conscience, and now he wanted to harm others himself.

"My lord, I'm afraid this subordinate's abilities won't be able to do these things." Ma Jun was distressed.

Yuan Shao frowned, "Catch Qin Ye and build the canal."

Although Ma Jun saw that it was obvious that he was perfunctory, but he was already Yuan Shao's subordinate, and he still had to be loyal to the master.

Seeing his promise, Yuan Shao was overjoyed and clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others all came.

After hearing the news, they all looked shocked.

After hearing Jushou's strategy, they immediately surrounded Ma Jun and praised him greatly.

It was the first time that Ma Jun got the attention of the big figures in Yuan Shao's party, but it was not because of his own expertise, but because of his betrayal.

Therefore, Ma Jun didn't even know how he got out of Yuan Shao's mansion.

He was already exhausted, but fortunately, this time, Yuan Shao specially arranged a carriage to take him home.

Mrs. Zhao was very pleasantly surprised when she saw that her husband had come back in Yuan Shao's carriage, "Duke Yuan values ​​you!"

Ma Jun shook his head feebly.

"It seems that the concubine is wrong. This must be the carriage sent by General Qin. Husband, don't be shaken. As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in..."

With a bang, Ma Jun entered the room and slammed the door behind him.

On the second day, Zaozhi came to see Ma Jun, firstly to inquire about Ma Jun's mind, and secondly to try to persuade him again.

Zaozhi looked at Ma Jun, "My dear brother, I don't know what's going on with your thoughts?"

Mrs. Zhao hugged her son and stared at Ma Jun with wide eyes.Ma Jun's decision will also determine the future of this family.

Ma Jun looked uncomfortable, he was an honest person, and when he thought of harming others, he felt uncomfortable.However, at this moment, it just reflected the expression of being difficult to make a choice.Therefore, inadvertently, an actor-level performance was completed.

"I... I agreed, lest Yuan Shao notice that I am leaving. At noon tomorrow, we will meet at Yuci Linkou, ten miles outside the city. What do you think?"

Zaozhi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his heart was full of elation. He got up and said, "Your brother, you will never regret it. I will tell the lord right away. We will see you tomorrow. Don't delay the time." He went happily.

"Husband, you have finally enlightened. According to my opinion, in this world, only General Qin will appreciate you."

Looking at his wife and children happily packing their bags, Ma Jun's heart ached even more.He knew that this time he would disappoint his wife and children's expectations again.

(End of this chapter)

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